2011年8月13日 星期六

Parrot Care Tips - The Five Things You Must Do

If you are seriously considering buying a parrot, taking the time to read this article will be very beneficial. The key thing to think about before you go ahead and buy a parrot is - are you willing to devote the required amount of time to properly care for a pet parrot? Parrot care should be taken very seriously, because it is very important for the health and well-being of your pet, and it requires a lot of time to do properly.

Parrots have been popular pets for centuries now, and it is easy to see why - they come in a variety of colours; they have great personalities; they are very bright and intelligent; and they are reasonably easy to train. However, these pros often cause people to overlook the negative points associated with having a pet parrot, and they rush out and buy a parrot without properly considering how much time and effort is required to properly look after one. Very sadly, this results in lots of parrots acquiring behavioural problems.

Altho ugh there are over 350 species of parrot, and each species has slightly different parrot care needs, there are certain common 'parrot care' factors that are important to all of them:

Cages - Nothing has more of an impact on a parrot's mental health than the size of its cage. The cage needs to be easily big enough to enable your parrot to fully spread out and flap its wings. There also needs to be enough room in the cage for five large parrot toys, without the parrot being cramped. Frequently check the cage for damage that could harm your bird (e.g. sharp metal edges caused by your parrot chewing the cage).

Socialization - When parrots are left on their own, they often experience mental health problems. Therefore, it is very important that they get lots of social interaction with you and your family - treat him like a member of your family, and he will act like one! The best way to ensure this happens is to place the cage in a location in your home where you and your family spend the majority of your time. Note: Don't put the cage in your kitchen, because cooking often gives off chemicals that are toxic to parrots.

Food - Even though diets vary slightly from species to species, there are many common foods that are good for all types of parrots. Every parrot's diet should include the following foods: fresh water, parrot seed (vitamin enriched), fresh fruits and vegetables, and parrot pellets.

Cage Cleanliness - Clean the cage every dayeach day, but only use water and mild soap. You should always wash your hands before you handle a parrot, or prepare his food, because it is very easy to give a parrot a bacterial infection. For example, human saliva contains bacteria which is very harmful to parrots.

Parrot Grooming - Parrots require a lot of grooming. Their beaks and nails don't stop growing, and require clipping approximately every 4 or 5 weeks. This is essential, because long beaks and nails can easily result in your parrot getting snagged on various bits of his cage, which can cause an injury. You also need to provide water baths or water sprays every day to keep your parrots' feathers in really good condition.

In conclusion, if you are prepared to provide the proper parrot care, owning a parrot is really enjoyable and rewarding. Parrots thrive in normal household environments, and they make fantastic pets and companions. However, please remember that adopting a parrot is a long-term commitment, because parrots can live anywhere between 15 and 80 years.


2011年8月12日 星期五

African Pet Parrots need special Parrot Cages

When you get an African Pet Parrot for yourself, you will have a pet for life. African Pet Parrots live for 50 to 70 years, which is almost equal to that of human beings. Just make sure you buy the right parrot cages for your pet.

The African Grey Parrot may even go on to outlive you; therefore, there is no need to shed tears anymore because your pet died. The African Parrot has been a favorite pet throughout the world since time immemorial. Rearing African Parrots is a full-fledged business in Africa, and businessmen there breed them specifically to sell these to buyers from across the world. But these parrots do require large and special parrot cages to keep them in.

Adaptable African Pet Parrots
The African Pet Parrot adapts to local conditions very quickly as it manages to fit perfectly almost anywhere in the world. Though common sense tells us that the African Parrot will not be the ri ght choice in homes where there is too much open space or you have dogs and cats, or even children. The African Parrot is known for its friendly nature, which can be detrimental to the safety of young children.

The male Parrots tend to be larger in size with round eyes whereas females are smaller and have elliptical eyes. These parrots, however, come at a cost. You may have to pay anything in the range of $500 to $1000 for the parrots. The parrot cages also need to be better, sturdier, and long lasting due to the longer life of African parrots.

2011年8月11日 星期四

Parrot Cages: All I Want Is A Cage Somewhere

The 1964 musical "My Fair Lady" features a song entitled "Wouldn't It Be Loverly?" with music by Frederick Loewe, lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner. In that song, Eliza sings: "All I want is a room somewhere, Far away from the cold night air, With one enormous chair. Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?"

Parrots, were they able to verbalize, might sing a similar tune: "All I want is a cage somewhere, Strong and spacious, but not too bare, With tender, loving care. Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?"

Parrot Cages

Just as parrots come in many sizes, parrot cages vary from small to large. They come in rectangles and cylinders, plain and fancy. Parrot cages can be difficult to purchase, and the savvy buyer will do research before attempting to do so. Four of the factors to be considered are given here, but you will want to discuss your final purchase with a knowledgeable dealer.

1. Parrot Breed and Size

The breed and size of your parrot figure strongly in the consideration of available parrot cages.

Large birds need sufficient space to stretch big wings, climb around, and enjoy healthy exercise. Large parrot cages are needed for parrots in the size range of African Grey Parrots, Amazons, Cockatoos, and Macaws. Large parrot cages should be made of steel or metal, and have a bar spacing of one or more inches. Any smaller spacing in large parrot cages will permit your parrot to get caught and injure itself.

Medium parrot cages are good for medium size parrots such as Caiques, Cockatiels, Conures, and Senegals. Medium parrot cages should have steel or metal bars spaced 1/2 to 5/8 inch apart. Parrot cages with larger or smaller bar spacing may allow your bird to be injured.

If you have a small parrot such as a Budgerigar (Budgie), Lovebird, or Parrotlet, you will need to look at small parrot cages. Small parrot cages also should be of steel or metal, since all parrots love to chew. Bar spacing should be 1/2 inch or less in small parrot cages.

2. Configuration

The configuration of parrot cages is the size and shape. Since parrots like to climb and fly, parrot cages need to be tall. Even the most basic, small parrot cages should be at least 7-8 inches taller than their width and depth. Dome tops are functional as well as attractive in parrot cages. The parrot will amuse itself climbing across the dome. Wide cages are important for larger parrots, as they will need to fly back and forth. While some parrot cages are built to resemble castles or Victorian homes, complete with turrets, one must be sure the décor does not involve sharp edges or small corners where a parrot can injure feet or beak.

3. Accessories

Accessories can go a long way toward making parrot cages "loverly" in the parrot's thinking. Stands raise parrot cages to a higher level, allowing the b ird to see more, and feel more a part of the "flock" in your home. Stands also give owners better access to their parrots. For parrots that crave more attention, parrot cages on wheeled stands can be moved from room to room.

Parrot cages can also be topped with exercise areas, providing entertainment and exercise when the parrot is out for play. Swings, ladders, toys, steps, and more can be included in playgrounds.

The feeder cups in parrot cages should be easily accessible, and should be made of steel, ceramic, or reinforced plastic. Parrots will chew on the cups as part of their exercise, and can readily destroy other materials.

Parrot cages require at least three different perches, each made of a different material. Rope, hardwood, and cement are three possibilities. Proper perches are important to the health of your parrot's feet.

Cage covers are important additions to parrot cages, allowing your bird to get the right d ark and light cycle to get sufficient rest.

4. Toys

Finally, all parrot cages will need convenient places to attach toys - and entertaining toys to be attached. Like parrot cages, parrot toys come in different sizes and materials to suit the breed of parrot. Parrot toys do not have to be elaborate. Toys may entertain, and may stimulate your bird intellectually, but their main purpose is to help parrots use the actions they would use in the wild. Toys help them "hunt" food, hide in the "leaves" of a tree, and exercise their beaks to keep them strong.

Toys in parrot cages can be for their feet, giving them foot exercise that helps them maintain dexterity. Toys may be filled with food that parrots must retrieve, chewing away obstacles as they would in the wild. Small mirrors in parrot cages allow the birds to converse with "friends" in the same tree.

Learn as much as you can about your parrot breed, and ask for appropr iate toys that will meet the bird's varied needs.

Conclusion: Parrot cages are a big investment. Be sure you shop carefully.


2011年8月10日 星期三

Parrot Rescue - Michigan Has An Answer

Pet parrot rescue in Michigan is an example of what it should be in every state and in every country. KARE, a pet parrot rescue group in Michigan, is in business not only to rescue unwanted pet parrots. They also adopt out pet parrots that have been rescued, and educate people about parrots. Reading their mission statement is encouraging. In it they state that they believe
all pet birds deserve quality care, love, and respect. They also believe there should be a place where bird owners can find the most current bird care information possible.

The pet parrot rescue in Michigan puts its mission statement to work in many ways. Usually this means parrot rescue on a small scale. Perhaps the biggest parrot rescue project in recent years was the one that followed Hurricane Katrina. KARE deployed rescuers to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in support of Hurricane Katrina's bird victims, parrots or not. The parrot rescuers joined the huge animal rescue effort that was ju st getting underway. Pet parrot rescue in Michigan became pet parrot rescue in Louisiana.

How It Works

Pet parrot rescue in Michigan, KARE takes its name from the words Knapptime, Adoption, Rescue, and Education. Those three branches form the basis for any successful parrot rescue program.

1. Rescue: Parrot rescue always begins with rescuing pet parrots. This does not always mean rescue such as was needed after Hurricane Katrina. It may be as simple as accepting, from owners, pet parrots that are no longer wanted. Parrots can live for 50 years or more. Many owners do not think about that when purchasing a parrot. Some time later, as the owner's life changes, he or she can no longer care for the parrot. In some cases, the owner dies, and the parrot is left behind. In other cases, the parrot becomes aggressive, and the owner no longer wants the pet. Parrot rescue accepts these parrots and cares for them.

2. A doption: Parrot rescue involves finding new homes for parrots that have been rescued. This is easy with some parrots. They are well behaved, beautiful, and talkative. The adopting family can get a good pet for less than they would pay elsewhere. Finding homes for some rescued parrots is more difficult. The bird may need training to correct behavioral problems. It may have been neglected or abused. The parrot rescue group must evaluate the rescued parrots, and find appropriate homes. In some case, the best home must be a shelter or sanctuary, since it will never again do well in a pet situation.

3. Education: The third prong involved in parrot rescue is education. The pet parrot rescue in Michigan works to educate people who are interested in bird ownership. They want to help them learn the proper care of pet birds. This includes instruction before purchase about the bird's expected life span. It includes information about proper feeding of parrots and how large a cage a parrot needs. Parrot rescue also should educate people about the options they have if they find they cannot keep a parrot.

If You Need Parrot Rescue

People who reach a point where they cannot keep a pet parrot should contact a place such as this pet parrot rescue in Michigan. Similar parrot rescue groups exist in a number of states.

The reasons for being unable to keep your parrot may be as simple as being unable to afford proper care for the bird. You may have insufficient finances to take the parrot to a veterinarian.

Some people cannot keep a parrot when they relocate overseas. Even relocation that involves a smaller home, or an apartment, may make it logistically impossible to keep the bird.

You could try to sell your parrot, and some people do. Prospective owners may be leery, though, of buying a parrot from a newspaper classified as. They may have heard of parrots that are sold because of aggression. Donating your pet parrot to a parrot rescue group will not give you money in return, but you will know that the parrot will be placed in the right permanent home.

Parrot rescue groups often have waiting lists of adoptive homes. They do everything they can to be sure the bird gets the best possible home.

Kudos for You

Parrot rescue groups often operate in the red. It is costly to care for a number of parrots and other birds. They require numerous cages, hundreds of pounds of food on a regular basis, and modest salaries for their workers.

You will be greatly appreciated when you donate, with your parrot, its cage, perches, playground, toys, and food.


2011年8月9日 星期二

Parrot Adoption: What You Need to Know

2. Quaker parrots for sale

There are many ways to advertise, even with as few words as that, but do you really need to €sell€ your parrots? Might you find a better home through parrot adoption?

What Is Parrot Adoption?

Parrot adoption is very much like baby adoption. Those who have parrots they cannot care for offer them to people who want a parrot. The adoptive parrot owners may not be able to afford the initial outlay, or they may simply want to give a good home to a parrot that must be relocated.

Parrot adoption does not always mean €free€ parrots. The term is also used for inexpensive parrots purchased from former owners.

Finding Interested Homes

Parrot adoption requires good homes, of course, but how do you find them? One way to begin is to place a newspaper ad, as you would if you were selling. You might write: €Parrots for adoption€ or €Quaker parrots for adoption to good homes€ or €Adopt a parrot€.

If you are unsuccessful with ads, try contacting a parrot rescue foundation or parrot adoption organization. They may be able to put you in contact with someone wanting parrots like yours. They may have someone on their waiting lists.

Evaluating Prospective Homes

€But it€s just a parrot!€ you squawk. Not really. It is a creature that will live many years. During those years, it will need health, safety, love, and happiness. You will want to try your best to provide those by asking a few questions of prospective owners € getting to know them a little. You will want to try, also, to ensure your parrot will not have to move soon again. For proper parrot adoption, begin with these questions.

2011年8月8日 星期一

Parrot Tricks - Notes on Simple Parrot Tricks

Parrot methods are enjoyable and 1 major purpose why numerous like to pet parrots. Their reputation is due to the birdS ability to entertain their owners. It presents delight to parrot owners to be graced with a bird in their households that can amuse and make them feel joyful and entertained. Parrots have the innate capability to discover some tricks by on their own but numerous are capable to execute distinctive parrot methods that they find out from their masters or trainers.

By the way, this article is sponsored by oven fresh bites parrot food. A natural parrot food that is oven baked to perfection. While these methods may not be as challenging as other more complicated methods, you can see it is enjoyable to educate to your parrots. You will be surprised how enjoyable it is to train parrots and how satisfying it is to see them carry out even just the most simple and easiest of parrot methods.

It is discouraged to educate parrots when you are unab le to even caress or touch them with out becoming bitten. Parrot teaching can be rewarding apart from having a thing to boast about. Teaching parrots even the fundamental methods can assist modify their conduct. Birds that are tame, obedient and know a handful of methods to carry out can make them a lot more sociable and happier pets. It also improves their characteristic behaviors.

Nonetheless, it ought to be kept in head that although parrot methods can supply these rewards to the bird, not all parrots exhibit the identical constructive response.

The 1st step in direction of teaching is to ensure that there is constructive response from the bird. In no way begin the teaching when there is vehement resistance from the bird to cooperate. You should commence the coaching appropriate by starting when your bird is prepared. The training should be carried out in a place in which there is no distraction and wherever your bird feels far more cozy.

You can begin instructing them this trick by letting them keep on their stand as you gently put your pointer finger into their reduce belly.

The bird will instinctively step their feet into your finger and when they do say the word action up? If the parrot does not action up on your finger repeat the exact same process until finally they do. This cycle should be carried out about once more until finally they acknowledge the cue of the phrase step up.

Yet another standard trick that you can just teach parrots is the turn close to trick. You require the bird to stand yet again and warm them up initially by performing the step up trick. Then display them their favored treat at eye level and when they attempt to attain for it somewhat deliver the meals about them.

The bird's instinct will to turn its head to stick to the treat. Other parrots will not only turn their head but their whole entire body as nicely. As they do these motions associate it with the phrase turn all around?

You will be delighted to see that your pretty pet can do these simple parrot methods that can make you fell content and proud.