2012年7月31日 星期二

Five Ways to Spice Up Your Divorce - Health

There have been plenty of self-help and relationship books written about how to spice up your marriage and avoid divorce. However, there's not a lot of information out there for men and women who are determined to break the knot and want to have fun doing it. Does divorce always have to be such a dreary, stressful process? Perhaps you can spice up what would otherwise be a time of tribulation with a little creativity.

1. Find a Cute Divorce Lawyer. Actually dating your attorney would be a serious breach of ethics. But there's no rule saying that you can't flirt. If you retain a very good looking lawyer, you will have a pleasant visual to distract you from all the animosity that typically takes place around the negotiation table. Don't worry that you might accidentally fall in love with your stunningly attractive attorney. Once you get the invoice for legal services, any romantic feelings will evaporate instantly.

2. Throw a "Soon-to-Be-Single" Party. This is a great way to figure out who your real buddies are. Send out RSVP party invitations to all the friends you and your soon-to-be ex share. Include an amiable note letting them know that now is the time to choose sides. They can demonstrate their loyalty to you by sending you one of the gifts on your Amazon.com wish list. You can have a great party and score a new toaster to replace the one your ex is getting in the divorce settlement.

3. Don't Forget to Ask for "Petimony." Topics like child support and child custody trigger some of the most heated and bitter quarrels people go through during a divorce. However, this doesn't mean childless couples can't get in on some of the drama. If you have one or more pet, you can engage in heated arguments about who pays for vet bills, food, housing, therapy, and other necessities for your little darlings. The more exotic and expensive the pet, the more fun this process can be. For example, if you have a talking African grey parrot, you can bring the bird in to have its own "say" on the topic of custody.

4. Play a Little Dirty. If your spouse has an adult DVD collection, make it clear that you want your fair share of these valuable "resources." Put together an itemized list of the titles to discuss during the property division phase. Insist that you want this to be a fair split. He can keep "Debbie Does Dallas," but you want "A Night in Paris." Request that any unlabeled DVDs be reviewed in the presence of your family law attorney so that the value of the contents can be accurately determined. Be firm but reasonable, and above all, keep a straight face.

5. Always Dress the Part. You should, of course, treat all divorce proceedings with an appropriate level of gravitas. Prepare to attend each hearing or meeting in full evening dress. Wearing a tuxedo or a floor-length gown may seem a little over the top, but it will make you feel glamorous and give a boost to your self-esteem. You can always claim you were on your way to the opera and find it very gauche to have your rich social life interrupted by such vulgar tasks as signing papers and divvying up the lawn furniture.

Find out more about child support, child custody or other family law issues by consulting one of your skilled local family law attorneys.

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2012年7月30日 星期一

Bulk For Sale - It Is Really Worth - Business

Corvette For Sale and bulk.net Bulk For Sale - What Is It. Visit the BULK.net Marketplace. It's all here for sale. Post your ad for free or set up your own store and make sales. Once you find a group and determine what their desire is, you simply have to find the product that best fulfills that desire. With this knowledge in hand, you can market the product you found to the members of the group and you should definitely have a hot seller. When it comes to feeding the worms that would later bring in the profit, there is no need to have some special diet for them. All that is required are waste materials that are organic for them to have a sure supply of much-needed nutrition. And when the worms grow and multiply in the proper way that means a sure source of steady income for the owner. And by that alone, the image of worms as creatures that repulse and disgust could be easily forgotten. African Grey Parrots For Sale and Training Presentation - Tips On Making A Profit. There are several auctions happening all over the country. To get the best deal, you have to be at the right place at the right time. There are many people who do not really know where these auctions for impounded cars for sale are happening. Those who do their research are the ones who go home very satisfied because they get what they really want. Bulk Jars For Sale and Internet Tools - Why Should I Use One. The reason for this is that if you break one adjustable dumbbell it can be very expensive to replace, but if you break a twenty pound dumbbell, it will only cost you twenty to thirty dollars to replace. Welding equipment for sale are available all over the Internet. What you need to be thinking about is how much you are willing to pay for your welding machine. If you want to pay the most money than you can get a new welding machine, but you will be paying a lot more than if you get a usable machine. Use welding equipment can be just as good as new ones, but they dont come wi th a shiny new packaging and sometimes they will carry less of a guarantee than new welding equipment. This is completely up to you. ulk Sale Items and Bulk Sale - Steps You Must Follow. Focus on long term success. It s easy to find products to sell online but it s not easy to find a winner. Once you do build a successful promotion, focus on it until you feel you ve reached its potential before moving on to a new offer. Skid Steer For Sale and Bulk For Sale - The Secrets of Ecommerce Revealed. When people are shopping for a new tractor it can be difficult to find the best one for their needs. That is when they may want to consider comparing the used tractors versus the new ones that are available. The issue is that some could not be aware of these considerations and that could lead to them thinking that the new models are the only ones that they should be purchasing. Another advantage is that because the merchandise is downloadable the customer will get it immediately after they make their purchase. This makes a very attractive incentive for individuals to by your products, goods or services. No waiting days, or weeks for delivery, Instant access. With intangible merchandise you also remove the overhead cost of having to pay for somewhere to stock or store your product. You eliminate the fear of losing money if you merchandise is not selling or being left with a stockpile of merchandise that you can t use.

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2012年7月29日 星期日

Writing a good Article - Publishing - Writing

Writing a good article in this day and age is largely an internet invention, most people do not write articles, why because it seems to much like homework, and who would volunteer to do that?

So for many, this scenario is what happens.

Many writers, when they decide it's time to pump out their daily production of articles, sit down and write paragraph after paragraph until the word count reaches 850 words or so without any discernible organization to their work. By the way, that is why they write articles - to pull subscribers. But depending on the topic you write on and the type of business you are in, it may take somewhere between 20 to 100 or more articles to really see spectacular results and traffic to your website.

They write a few lines about each tip. Then take each tip and write some more about that tip, so you now have an article on that tip. They consistently write great articles? submit them online, people read them, click through to their links, and the authors end up with traffic, subscribers, and sales.

This self fulfilling prophesy, creates the internet, which the articles are produced for, there by expanding the internet and creating articles, and where is the Quality?

The quality should ensure that you obtain a quality listing as well as obtaining a listing for your own web site. But some of the articles are of poor quality and put up to attract AdSense income and nothing more. Remember: it is not Content that is King it should be quality content that is king.

Interestingly, most of them see the quality of their articles going up as they ramp up our production. But I would rather you have your excellent quality content article out there working for you than have a work forever in progress article sitting on your computer awaiting perfection. However it is important to make the article a quality article.

How can we achieve this well the first point should be you are interested in the subject, the article then becomes an amalgam of enthusiasm, life experience and passion that may be absent in these politically correct times.

The second point should be focus, often articles will be long rambling dissertations on say parrots in order to capture the greatest article distribution, and there fore Sales! To use the terminology of the internet, it should have a niche. Someone who knows about these things should be able to write an astounding article about The African Grey Parrot, the life, loves, interests and personality of the genre.

Finally for this article, Technique this is frequently used in short stories, but in my opinion stories are stronger when presented from a single point of view. The key to understanding dramatization, and to putting the technique into practice, is to see that the narrator's point of view is merged with that of the central character, after all not many stories are about football crowds but many would associate with one about a centre forward.

So the technique would be a quality focussed niche with lots of detail.

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2012年7月28日 星期六

A Rubondo Island National Park Tanzania - Travel

Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the second largest in the world. The tiny island of Rubondo is only a speck in this vast lake; being twenty-six kilometers long and ten kilometers wide. Rubondo National Park consists of a main island with twelve much smaller islands and the expanse of water around them. The islands are forested, with large grass clearings on the main island. The shoreline has narrow sandy beaches reaching out from the forest-edge with some isolated stretches of papyrus.

The eastern shore of Lake Victoria is only a few kilometers from the Serengeti. The best way to get to this island is by charter plane and is a thirty minute flight from Mwanza. This island is a real paradise with the African adventure starting as the light aircraft lands on the grass airstrip, sometimes animals will have to be cleared off the runway. The island is striking in its greenness and the whistles of the African Grey parrot echoing in the forest, truly you have landed in an African paradise. There are only two vehicles on the island and one tented camp.

A trip to Bird Island is a must. There are thousands upon thousands of birds here; among the numbers are cormorants and egrets that return to island daily from their feeding grounds. The sky at times almost turning back with the vast numbers seek their roots high above the Nile crocodiles that bask bellow.

The camp on this island is mordantly priced and quite simple; it is sited under trees close to the lake shore. Guided walks and hikes in search of elephant, giraffe, hippo, chimpanzees; although if chimpanzee are on your agenda you would be better traveling to Mahale National Park. Boat trips on the lake are also fun and there is also some excellent fishing with the Nile perch with some weighing in at more Than 100 kilograms.

This small paradise is ideal for these seeking to get out of the safari vehicle and stretch the legs and explore on foot. The island offers an alternative destination to relax to the beach and discos of Zanzibar.

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2012年7月27日 星期五

Tanzania Safaris; Away from the Madding Crowd - Travel

Safaris in Tanzania are usually centered around the northern safari circuit and the southern safari circuit. However, the Tanzania Safari is not limited to these areas. Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti and Ngorongoro in the north of Tanzania and the Selous in the south are breathtaking safari destinations and a magnet for the tourist in ever increasing numbers. In response to this increasing pressure on the environment Tanzania has doubled the park fees for the Serengeti and Kilimanjaro; in order to reduce the ever increasing number of safari tours and thereby save these special places for future generations.

The Selous in the south of Tanzania is huge and has high concentrations of animals, in fact higher concentrations than the Serengeti. The park is huge, lodges are few and the tourist density is as low as the animal density is high; making for an ideal Tanzania safari.

The Udzungwa Mountain National park is a park without roads. A safari destination where the walking is the only way to travel; yes you must leave the comfort of your vehicle and walk; mainly in mountain rain forest. This park was created for the protection of plants rather than animals and is unique in the Tanzania safari circuit. It is better to visit this park in the dry season as paths are slippery and rivers impassable in the wet season.

I would say why go only to the National Parks when on safari in Tanzania? This is not necessary; if you enjoy birds, culture and stunning scenery visit the East and West Usambara Mountains. No park fees, lodges are very reasonably priced and such stunning African mountains to explore. Or the lesser known Southern Pare Mountains, I have visited these lovely mountains twice and not seen another tourist during my entire visit.

Why go to Zanzibar; the flights are expensive and the main island can be stuffed to overflowing with tourists in high season. Pangani town and old Arab town set on the Pangani River is a wonderful alternative. Here the lodges sit on deserted beaches and one visitor said I have arrived in paradise. Snorkeling and now diving are available at Pangani. The lazy Pangani River is great for a sunset cruse, it is a wide river that flows through a old coconut plantation into the Pangani Bay. There is also plans to provide day trips along the coast to Saadani National Park this is a game reserve where the bush meets the sea; where lions have been seen walking along the beach and Elephants frolicking in the serf.

If animals is a high priority then there are seldom visited game parks in the West of Tanzania. They are remote and it may take a little planning with an operator who is willing to try an itinerary that is a little different. To travel to places such at Katavi National Park with herds of buffalo 4,000 strong; and where there are buffalo the lion is not far behind. Also hippopotami in the pools that are to numerous to count. There is only one lodge in this park, just one. This park allows you to experience a little of what the first explorers must have felt; the vastness of Africa.

Rubondo Island National Park is a small island set in the huge Lake Victoria. The eastern shore of Lake Victoria is only a few kilometers from the Serengeti. The best way to get to this island is by charter plane. This island is a real paradise with the Tanzania safari adventure starting as the light aircraft lands on the grass airstrip, sometimes animals will have to be cleared off the runway. The island is striking in its greenness and the whistles of the African Grey parrot echoing in the forest, truly you have landed in an African paradise. There are only two vehicles on the island and one tented camp. Again for something just a little different on a remote plateau in Southern Tanzania is a huge carpet of ground orchid's; that bloom quite unnoticed, every year, in a forgotten corner of Tanzania. This area is the beautiful Southern Highlands of Tanzania, where the country borders with Zambia and Malawi. It is forgotten as possibly it is as far away from the Serengeti an d Kilimanjaro as you can get and still be in Tanzania. Although it is a pity it goes so unnoticed but maybe the lack of people helps protect this delicate ecosystem. This high place in the clouds is called the Kitulo Plateau National Park.

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2012年7月26日 星期四

Bukoba an Undiscovered Jewel on Lake Victoria - Travel

Bukoba and the surrounding region is undoubtedly one of the loveliest parts of Tanzania boasting staggering beauty, the friendliest of inhabitants and a fascinating cultural history. Bukoba is located in the remote west of Tanzania - in the very heart of Africa - and on the western shore of the massive Lake Victoria; its vast waters and miles of white sand shores are awe-inspiring. It has a number of islands, each with its own beauty and enchantment.

Lake Victoria is shared by Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda; named after Queen Victoria it is the world's largest tropical lake and the second largest freshwater lake. The lake covers a total of 69,000 square kilometers, and is the same size as Ireland. Despite the huge size Lake Victoria is not that deep only 100 meters at its deepest - unlike its close neighbor Lake Tanganyika which is one of the deepest lakes in the world. The lake is part of the Rift Valley a 3,500- mile system of deep cracks in the earth's crust running from Turkey to Mozambique.

Tanzania is known for the huge migrations and prolific lion populations across the endless plains of the Serengeti, however, its most diverse and endangered ecosystems are to be found under water. One way to preserve the lake for future generations is to promote responsible tourism to the area - then the local population and the politicians have a good reason to look after the lake.

Unfortunately the lake is riddled with bilharzias in some areas, so the swimming is only recommended far from any reeds. Avoid walking barefoot through the grass along its shores, as this is where the nasty parasite lurks.

Tanzania has many unusual National Parks and Bukoba and Lake Victoria is no exception; Rubondo Island and a wildlife sanctuary based on Saa Nane Island [Eight O'clock Island] is a fascinating and very special National Park.

The best way to get to this island is by charter plane and is a thirty minute flight from Mwanza. This island is a real paradise with the African adventure starting as the light aircraft lands on the grass airstrip, sometimes animals will have to be cleared off the runway. The island is striking in its greenness and the whistles of the African Grey parrot echoing in the forest, truly you have landed in an African paradise. Visitors to this island have the freedom to explore the forest and lake shores by foot or boat allowing each person to create his or her own magic of Rubondo and to leave with a uniquely personal experience of the island.

Dotted along the shores of Lake Victoria are many fishing villages. Most of the fishermen are local and apply traditional methods to their trade. The most famous villages near Bukoba Town are Igabiro fishing village and Musila Island.

Only five kilometers from the centre of Bukoba town is a project named Lavibogam. It is well known nationally for its skilled herbalists and traditional medicine. The Region has large variety of plants used for the healing of humans, livestock and treating crops. The famous Muarobaini Tree is claimed to cure over forty diseases. When visiting the area this project is well worth a visit.

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2012年7月25日 星期三

Short Travel Guide to Bangui, the Capital City of the Centra - Travel - Destinations

The capital city of the Central African Republic, Bangui, is located on the shoreline of the Ubangi River. The portion that is navigable stretches on the south and then joins up with the Congo River. The river also serves as a natural border between the country and Congo. Just across the river from Bangui, you can spot Zongo, which is a Congolese town.

Because the country is located north from the Equatorial line, the weather is always hot. Rains fall over the Central African Republic for many months, starting in May and becoming scarcer starting in October. Bangui is particularly hot and wet since it is located quite close to the Equator.

In order to reach the city, you can use the international airport located there. The airport is quite close to the city, so it is easy to get into Bangui. You will need a Visa to be accepted into the territory.

The disembarkment procedure may take some time to complete. You will have to stand in line two times to obtain the needed stamps. The baggage area is very crowded and it will take some time to retrieve your luggage. Baggage checks are random. Once outside, you need to be aware of your surroundings and the pick-pocketers that work in these areas.

In Bangui, you will be able to visit the city center, dominated by a triumphal arch erected to honor Bokassa. Here, you can also visit the Presidential Palace. The central market is also a place of interest. Just a few kilometers north, you will find a very vivid neighborhood, rich in shops and night clubs.

If you are looking for souvenirs to buy, you will find plenty of great looking wood carvings. One item that you should not buy is the African Grey parrot, which is considered very rare and is illegal to trade. You can be arrested if you are caught with such an animal.

The cuisine here is cosmopolitan. French food is the norm but there are other restaurants that also service great food.

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2012年7月24日 星期二

Talking birds - Publishing - Newsletters

Sometime ago, an African grey parrot was in the news because of his amazing ability to hold intelligent conversation in English. He is reported to have an impressive vocabulary of a little less than 1000 words. Intrigued by this amazing incident, the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) conducted Spiritual research into various details of the parrot and his talking ability. This research was conducted through the highly advanced extrasensory perception (ESP) ability or sixth sense of SSRF seekers. The following are some of the finds of the spiritual research conducted into this phenomenon.

How are birds able to speak?

As a rule, since the basic intelligence of birds is extremely limited (restricted to fulfilling its basic needs of hunger, sleep, sex, etc.), it is impossible for birds to achieve the feat of talking and acquiring an extensive vocabulary. The ability to speak in birds is because they are either affected or possessed by a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.) or because the bird is a devolved human being, that is, it was a human being in its past life.

A human being can be devolved to be born into a lower species either because of his own wish or if he has excess of demerits or is cursed by a spiritually evolved person. In fact, Spiritual research has revealed that nowadays 30% of animals are devolved humans.

Why would a spiritually evolved human being wish to take birth in animals or birds?

A spiritually evolved being can opt to take birth in the animal or bird species out of his own free will to pursue his spiritual practice undisturbed by the distractions faced in a human birth. It is possible for spiritually evolved beings to carry on spiritual practice even when in the animal or bird species because 98% of spiritual practice is subtle and internal to the person, i.e. not in terms of any tangible actions. When a spiritually evolved being takes birth in a lower species, ie. as an animal or a bird, it is up to him to also decide when to end that existence.

Why is this parrot able to speak?

In this particular case, the parrot's ability to speak and to acquire an extensive vocabulary is because he is a devolved human being. He has not come down of his own free will. Hence, he does not remember his past human birth. He has come down as punishment for his demerits. He was a person at a spiritual level of 30% with intense desire to be the centre of attention. A strong attention seeking habit also results in a demerit as it enhances the ego, which is detrimental for spiritual growth.

If you would like to read more about this topic or any other topic on Spirituality, please visit /spiritualresearch/spiritualscience/talkingparrot/

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2012年7月23日 星期一

The African Gray Parrot: The Diet - Hobbies

When thinking about what to provide your parrot to eat, give thought to everything that he ate in the wild. He ate fruit and nuts. Chances are you will think all fruits are fine to give him to eat and most fruits are healthy. However, avocado is not beneficial for parrots neither are the seeds of fruit. Many seeds contain cyanide even though it does not contain sufficiently enough to kill a human, your parrot is a lot smaller in comparison with what you are and thus it will create a large amount of damage. You need to provide your parrot natural and organic pellets as a key food source. Fruits, nuts and vegetables, cooked or raw are given more as a supplementary food source. Birds normally have to have a large amount of calcium and vitamin A, better known as beta-carotene, and leafy green vegetables and mustard greens are a good source of the two. Broccoli is the best source of both of them. By giving your parrot fresh fruit and vegetables, you will strengthen his level of immunity as fresh vegetables and fruit contain phyto-nutrients. This is known to assist in promoting healing and is thought to help prevent ailments. You may also give your parrot cooked rice and a minute amount of cooked (never raw) meat and fish for amino acids. This is not meant to be given on a daily basis as in the wild parrots do not eat meat .Many parrots are actually believed to take pleasure in a bone with tit bits of meat on it. Apples, berries (all berries that you can eat) banana, oranges, seedless grapes, melons, kiwi, mango, papaya (remove the skin off the mango and papaya), almonds and unsalted peanut or other nuts, are good for your parrot. Spinach, beans, sweet potato, peppers (red, green and chili), peas, lettuce (not ice-berg or head) celery, collard, kale (fantastic source of calcium), butternut, zucchini and cucumber are the right vegetables for your parrot.Boiled eggs with the shell still on is a good source of protein and calcium. DO NOT give your par rot coffee or chocolate: as it contains theobromine, this is an alkaloid that is fatal for your parrot. Alcohol and salty foods must not be given to your parrot. Birds do not have sweat glands and as a result are unable to get rid of the salt in their bodies.Further more if you provide pellets, fruit and vegetables there is no reason to supplement your birds food intake with other supplements. Too much vitamins can cause a lot of health concerns.Before supplementing his food, go see a avian specialist, they will be able to inform you when it happens to be desired.

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2012年7月22日 星期日

A Small Manual to For a Nutritious Parrot Diet regime - Other

I lower these in small "bars" and freeze 50 % for quick thawing.Seeds and nuts are an significant element of a parrots eating habits, but really should be presented in moderation as treats seeing that they are higher in unwanted fat. They like sunflower seeds! I also give some spray millet as a treat. I have also ordered some handle dispensers for birds the place they have to function a handle by means of a maze prior to they can try to eat it. It is incredibly important for parrots to keep occupied and not get bored as they tend to create terrible behavior these as feather selecting.All living points need to have a good stability of varied meals in buy to maintain nourishment and well-being. A mix of vegetables, fruits and grains as well as the odd tiny treat, will make certain the wellness and assortment of meals a parrot prefers. Formulated feed pellets, which comprise the suitable nutritional combine for a very good pet parrot diet, may well not be sufficient to tempt a fussy eater.Parrots can be picky eaters, deciding on 1 food product at the exclusion of all else in their feed tray. Formulated pellets present a mixture of everything a parrot needs for good well being, but they are just a establishing position. Just as for persons, parrots need to have a good combination of different daily foods to stay fascinated in eating as perfectly as nutritious.The base of a day-to-day parrot diet plan must be veggies. Leafy greens like kale, chard, and beet tops as properly as diet packed yellow greens like carrots and sweet potato are integral to parrot wellness. Veggies might be ready in a assortment of tactics, like raw and hung from the cage, or warm and positioned in a feed tray.Seeds and beans are important to parrot diet. Seeds, beans and legumes can be fed to parrots daily either cooked or sprouted. Sprouted seeds, beans and legumes are packed total of further vitamins and also offer parrots with a probability to tear apart and perform wit h their food. The only warning relating to sprouts is that some, like lima, fava and navy, will need to be cooked first previous to becoming offered to a parrot.Complete grains which have been cooked or sprouted will need to be the 2nd most typical portion of a parrot's weekly diet plan. Parrots will need to eat complete grains like oats, millet, and brown rice at minimum 5 times in a week. Other grain food items like complete wheat bread or pasta can also be provided for wide varietyIf you come to a decision to feed your parrot sprouted seeds, grains or legumes, make guaranteed that they are fresh new and are not left in a feed tray extended adequate to develop bacteria or other possibly toxic organisms. There are a significant wide variety of sprouting seeds which your parrot may well get pleasure from, like radish, mustard, mung or lentil seeds. Sprouts are small powerhouses of diet and extremely proposed for holding parrots in very good health.Birds enjoy fruit but it re ally should only be fed to them a few of times a week and can be a exciting point to include to your parrot diet plan. You may well want to think about tropical fruits for your parrot, especially if it originates from an equatorial area. Virtually all fruit is high-quality, bananas, mango, pineapple, grapes and cherries, apricots, pears and apples. Make positive that pits and seeds, specially from apples, have been removed as they could incorporate harmful toxins which can damage your parrot.It is okay to give your parrot particular small treats like peanut butter just about every now and yet again. Nuts, in standard, must be fed to parrots only on occasion in the course of the week.

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2012年7月21日 星期六

Healthier Diet plan for Your Parrot - Other

Varieties of these can be pasta, veggies, fruits additionally some vitamin products and solutions and mineral include ons. But bird breeders will need to always bear in brain that just previous to offering their bird any of these or picking out this sort of eating program, an overall consultation with a veterinarian ought to be completed first. A veterinarian can help decide which combine of an assortment of meals would have the suitable quantity and appropriate type of dietary value the pet bird ought to have.Let us chat about table meals. This specific "human food" is pretty very well-regarded with regards to a parrot's optional diet program strategy. However there could be some form of table food that may not be effective for them. This may consist of people that are too salty or if the size is not appropriate for the bird. Bird owners ought to maintain in mind that meals sizes really should be modest especially if offering nuts. A rationale that this type of feeding is taken into account is for variation. Birds do get weary if they eat the same factor repeatedly. This is not to get into account that they might not be obtaining the assorted vitamins and minerals that they may well have from individuals exact meals. This is what requires to be mentioned when supplying this kind of parrot meals and ought to usually have the go signal from a veterinarian.While there are advised meals there are also forms of meals that flash the red mild in relation to taking superior treatment of your parrots. Some kinds of food to steer clear of would be individuals that incorporate a ton of sodium or as well much sugar. People with alcohol and caffeine will need to also be prevented. Garlic and onions are not that highly recommended also. Curry powder is a no-no. Mushrooms are not that great of an plan also as there may possibly be fungus that could be harmful to your pet's wellbeing. As effectively as leaves that are acquired in tomatoes. Avocados in their entirety are also unhealthy for your bird as they can result in cardiac arrest. Steer distinct also from vegetation like as amaryllis, shamrock, azaleas, lantana, and daffodil amongst a good numerous other folks. These sorts of plants may well carry distinctive types of wellbeing problems that can collection from gastrointestinal troubles to depression.It would by some means necessitate some exertion in choosing out which parrot meals to feed your pet bird. Nonetheless just do bear in intellect that what is valuable to you may perhaps also be healthy for him but contemplate so when you have got the permission of the veterinarian. You would know that you are carrying out an admirable job at taking care of your pet if his feathers are glistening, his beak is smooth and sturdy, his stool is properly formed and his eyes are crystal clear and vibrant.Is your bird a seed only eater? Did you know in that wild seeds kind only a small portion of the purely natural diet? When seeds a re an essential component of a pet parrot's day-to-day eating habits they should not comprise all of it.Parrots are opportunistic omnivores, which in plain English implies they eat whichever they encounter in their day ("opportunistic") and, like us, eat from all the meals teams - veggies & fruits, grain, and animal protein ("omnivores").The seed primarily based diets that have customarily been fed to pet birds are not representative of that parrots consume in the wild. Minor is essentially regarded about just what comprises their day-to-day diet regime, but their normal diet does contain a assortment of items like seeds, nuts, fruits, shoots, buds, corms, and invertebrates (insects, worms, and larvae). Wild parrots have even been noticed ingesting lifeless fish that wash up from lakes and streams.

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2012年7月20日 星期五

African Grey Parrots' Foods - Other

This indicates that even while fruits are nutritious and you must contain them, you ought to not overfeed them. They are high in sugar and really should not make up a huge part of your parrots foods.The quite top rated of the pyramid is reserved for treats. You ought to by no means give your parrot any treats that contains synthetic colorings or refined sugar. It is just plain unhealthy. Alternatively, use seed & nuts along with fruit bits as treats. That way your parrot treats will be nutritious as very well as pleasant.Not delivering a large range of meals can result in boredom and lead to lacking vitamins and minerals. Do not make the mistake of skimping on greens and grains. These items should make up a large portion of your bird's diet program.Feed vast varieties of both. Make certain to use nutritious total grains fairly than the refined kinds that have been stripped of most of their nutrients! Greens can be fed both equally raw and cooked.A phrase of caution don' t make the blunder of leaving new or freshly cooked food items in your parrot's cage for also extensive. Take away what ever he does not eat in a handful of several hours, in advance of it has a prospect to get rancid or spoil and make your bird unwell. Also remember to thoroughly clean and rinse your parrot's food and water dishes concerning feedings.If you observe these simple and popular sensation pointers and precautions it will minimize your prospects of earning some of the far more widespread flaws with parrot food.I know a good deal of parrot entrepreneurs who feel that seed or pellet foods is just very good for their bird. I concur that if used as a health supplement seed and pellet foods have their area. But if you want to insure that your bird is getting a well balanced and nutritional eating habits you want to do a lot more. The cooked base diet regime is just that. Even though it is not excellent, it does deliver a excellent basis to which you can include some se eds and pellets as very well as fruits and green veggies for a actually healthier and nutritional eating plan.This basic cooked eating habits is built up of a mixture of beans, brown or complete-grain rice, quinoa, amaranth, couscous and other grains. It also incorporates complete-grain pasta, some seeds and nuts with some dried veggies, fruit, dietary supplements and herbs. It tends to make an superb base eating habits.You may want to also supplement it with some refreshing fruits and veggies or any other health supplements your veterinarian may well advise. Numerous owners complain that planning this meals just will take also extended and is as well major a position. Properly their appropriate. It is a huge job, but a single that will pay off in the long operate with much better wellbeing for your bird. You can make up a batch of this food as soon as a week and freeze it in baggies with man or women portions that can be employed each and every day. For people who never hav e the time to expend cooking the food every single week, there are commercially made variations that you can get. Whichever route you pick out, try the cooked diet regime and see if you never see a difference in your parrot.Furthermore being a good deal of perform, there is an individual other disadvantage to employing cooked food. It does spoil especially in warm temperatures. So you can't leave it setting all-around all day. It is really most effective if you go away it in the cage for only a very few hrs. You will have to use your finest judgment as to how prolonged to leave it out. At least give it a consider. I know your parrot will recognize it.

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2012年7月18日 星期三

Raw Feeding? B.A.R.F. Compared To Prey - Business

So, you have chosen to get started on serving your dog a new raw diet plan. Yet, there exists a great deal data on the market about raw pet food that it must be challenging to create any type of decision. Exactly what when you give food to? Just how much in the event you nourish? In case you supply bone fragments? Or perhaps is bone tissue a new choking threat? A lot of queries! Along with the primary question for you is in case you stick to the Food Model, or B.A.R.F.? The following report efforts to bust that along somewhat in order to help you decide what kind of meals are best for your needs along with your dog.The Prey Design is meant to resemble because strongly as is possible the eating procedures of your dog or perhaps pet's wilderness alternative. From a biological viewpoint, dogs tend to be virtually identical to wolves as well as felines are generally almost comparable to tiny crazy pet cats. Therefore, the belief is because they ought to mirror the same diet. A nd also since these kinds of wild animals meal practically entirely about victim creatures, therefore when your family pet. You will find there's wide range of victim wildlife that are devoured within the crazy simply by each pups and untamed pet cats therefore, following a Food Design, your dog's eating habits needs to be each different and elaborate. Typically delivers involving puppies can banquet in bigger food creatures including bison, deer and also caribou, while pups touring solitary can invasion smaller animals including bunnies, squirrels and also other modest rats. Wildcats tend to be significantly less discriminating in terms of their particular dinner and will feed on animals, bass, parrots, mice and also bugs.Nevertheless, any time feasts upon victim pets, puppies and also wildcats don't have entry to the butcher to pick out separate the excellent reduces regarding beef. Thus, following identical eating habits as with the actual untamed, the Victim Style requir es a number associated with excess fat, ligament, head of hair, coat, internal organs, skin color, our bones, and duck down. The general model is about Five to ten pct bodily organs (of which half of this really is hard working liver), Ten to fifteen per cent bone fragments along with 80 in order to 85 % beef.Not simply could be the amount of raw meat and also other pieces essential in the actual Feed Model, nevertheless the method your various meats can be provided is also crucial. Within the wild, pups and also wildcats simply use total prey animals. Along with eventhough it just isn't really on the way of give food to our own dogs and cats complete bugs, the action of gnawing and also crunching all over the country canine is especially beneficial to our dog's teeth's health. To that particular impact, following a Feed Product calls for just as much bone-in raw meat as you possibly can for your puppy to totally advantage and luxuriate in balanced teeth and gums.The particu lar B.A.R.F. diet plan may differ slightly from the Prey Model. Your B.A.R.F. diet regime, which usually is short for Your bones And Raw Food, or can also indicate Naturally Proper Raw Meals, was created by Doctor. Ian Billinghurst. The largest and most common distinction between both the diets could be the inclusion of plant make a difference in the B.A.R.F. diet. The assumption is baby wolves along with wildcats, although mainly carnivores, tend to be scavengers and can try to eat whatever they will get their particular paws about. In addition to a bit of scavenged crops, the canine's wild counterparts furthermore take in some feed dog abdomens (including rodents along with other little rats), plus the tummy lining associated with more substantial prey animals containing partly waste veggie make any difference.Even though the big difference inside the 2 versions can be minimum, the concept continues to be the identical. The primary and a lot important idea is always that d ogs and also kittens and cats are usually from a physical standpoint made to try to eat raw meat. And also the positive aspects towards the Raw Eating habits are plenty of. Look for much more about the main advantages of the particular Raw Diet regime below.

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2012年7月17日 星期二

Very good Meals For Your Parrot - Other

They are significant in sugar and really should not make up a large portion of your parrots food.The very top of the pyramid is reserved for treats. You must under no circumstances give your parrot any treats containing artificial colorings or refined sugar. It is just basic unhealthy. In its place, use seed & nuts along with fruit bits as treats. That way your parrot treats will be nutritious as well as enjoyable.Not furnishing a extensive wide range of meals can lead to boredom and lead to missing vitamins and minerals. Do not make the error of skimping on vegetables and grains. These goods ought to make up a huge portion of your bird's diet.Feed huge kinds of each. Make confident to use nutritious total grains fairly than the refined kinds that have been stripped of most of their nutrients! Greens can be fed both raw and cooked.A word of caution don't make the blunder of leaving clean or freshly cooked foods in your parrot's cage for also extended. Take away no matte r what he does not try to eat within a couple of hrs, ahead of it has a probability to get rancid or spoil and make your bird sick. Also try to remember to clear and rinse your parrot's foods and h2o dishes amongst feedings.If you abide by these simple and popular feeling recommendations and precautions it will reduce your odds of generating some of the more common mistakes with parrot foods.I know a great deal of parrot entrepreneurs who believe that seed or pellet meals is just great for their bird. I agree that if applied as a dietary supplement seed and pellet foods have their position. But if you want to insure that your bird is acquiring a nicely balanced and dietary diet regime you require to do far more. The cooked base eating plan is just that. Although it is not best, it does offer a beneficial basis to which you can create some seeds and pellets as well as fruits and green veggies for a truly healthful and nutritional diet plan.This essential cooked diet regime is produced up of a mixture of beans, brown or total-grain rice, quinoa, amaranth, couscous and other grains. It also incorporates whole-grain pasta, some seeds and nuts with some dried veggies, fruit, nutritional supplements and herbs. It makes an fantastic base diet.You may want to also complement it with some contemporary fruits and greens or any other supplements your veterinarian may suggest. Quite a few owners complain that getting ready this foods just requires too extensive and is as well major a occupation. Effectively their perfect. It is a huge task, but one particular that will pay off in the lengthy run with greater overall health for your bird. You can make up a batch of this foods when a week and freeze it in baggies with individual portions that can be employed each day. For all those who really don't have the time to shell out cooking the foods each and every week, there are commercially manufactured variations that you can get. Whichever route you choose, con sider the cooked eating plan and see if you do not see a difference in your parrot.Moreover becoming a lot of do the job, there is one particular other downside to making use of cooked meals. It does spoil primarily in warm temperatures. So you cannot go away it setting all around all day. It is really most effective if you leave it in the cage for only a several hours. You will have to use your best judgment as to how extensive to leave it out. At minimum give it a try out. I know your parrot will appreciate it.What is the greatest parrot meals and why? There is no single respond to to this problem as a lot of different varieties of parrot meals are superior for diverse factors. Nonetheless it is crucial to locate out which meals are beneficial and why because you by no means know what definitely goes into certain products and solutions. So what are the advantages and negatives of certain food teams?Seeds are a great resource of diet for parrots. They are created particular ly for parrots so the substances are not dangerous in any way. Normal seed mixes of parrot meals normally include just plain older sunflower seeds which are superior in excess fat and it is encouraged that you test to remain absent from these.

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2012年7月16日 星期一

Parrot Meals - Just The Essentials! - Other

Other vegetables will incorporate corn on your cob, broccoli, efficient beans and peas, and okra. Prone to possess a Vitamin A lack, foods high in Beta Carotene need to be fed regularly simply because they are excellent natural options for Vitamin A. Worked carrots, yams, and sweet potatoes could be staples in most of the diet. Seeds and Nuts-Sprouted signs are best since they're living plants, less fat, and provide several nutrients daily since they continue to increase. Sprouts are among the many healthiest foods you can feed your creatures. There are products and solutions available that mean you can do it one self, or you can afford seeds that were sprouted. Be sure to present them daily. Concerning nuts, young birds yet need some fat to produce properly, but nuts have to be fed sparingly to mature birds as they simply contain large variety of fat that result in health problems coming from obesity. Having said that, an occasional nut (one) for your mature bird ca n serve as being a tasty treat. Pellets-Theoretically pellets really are a great concept. Having all the actual nutrients packed within each tiny piece would look very best way to insure a good diet. However, some pellet combines contain excessive sugar which can lead to kidney problems; and additionally artificial coloring, chemical preservatives, and flavoring more and more pellet mixes contain might cause toxicity. Even the organic pellets which will not contain preservatives can make it easier for acne bacteria and fungus to grow-- which commonly pose serious health concerns to your chicken if ingested. Consequently fresh foods usually trump pellets. And if you decide to use them, they must be of a high quality and comprise a few minutes portion of the full diet. Avoid colored pellets at all costs as they prevent the Eclectus from generating properly colored feathers and beaks. Table Food-Scrambled eggs which were thoroughly cooked, baked rice and chili, and a cracke r are all fine on affair. Birds are lactose intolerant so dairy products should be avoided unless they are really lactose-free. Foods with superior salt content should be avoided. Chocolate brown, avocado, alcohol, rhubarb and meals with caffeine are toxic and can bring about the swift demise of your Eclectus or any sort of bird. The Eclectus Parrot is definitely an enthusiastic eater but will thank you for providing a healthy diet plan with many many years of love not to mention devotion. .In the olden days, parrot meals consisted exclusively of seeds. This actually is so thinking of seed merchandise are thought to consist of the vast majority of vitamins and minerals that are important for bird growth. Seeds are commonly the most prevalent element in a bird's eating plan prepare. The commercially produced ones typically could have the harmony and a variety of sorts that a typical bird will want. But these instances, seeds are not the sole ones that are being provided to these parrots. Pet owners have develop into more capable and inform to the several final results of diverse foods to their feathered friends. In addition to seeds, there is also the pellet. Some might declare that pellets are in fact more healthy for a bird's meals prepare than seeds.

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2012年7月15日 星期日

Parrot Meals - Just The Principles! - Other

Garlic and onions are not that advisable also. Curry powder is a no-no. Mushrooms are not that fantastic of an strategy also as there might be fungus that could be harmful to your pet's overall health. As nicely as leaves that are obtained in tomatoes. Avocados in their entirety are also unhealthy for your bird as they can cause cardiac arrest. Steer clear also from vegetation this kind of as amaryllis, shamrock, azaleas, lantana, and daffodil amongst a great several other folks. These forms of vegetation may well convey unique kinds of health concerns that can selection from gastrointestinal complications to depression.It would somehow necessitate some effort in finding out which parrot food to feed your pet bird. Nonetheless just do bear in head that what is useful to you may also be balanced for him but contemplate so when you have acquired the permission of the veterinarian. You would know that you are undertaking an admirable career at taking treatment of your pet if his feathers are glistening, his beak is sleek and sturdy, his stool is properly formed and his eyes are distinct and vibrant.Your option of parrot meals is a single of the most critical selections you have to make as a parrot father or mother! It impacts your bird's existence span as well as both equally his physical and emotional wellness!A major misconception, and one particular of the largest faults you can make, is to make seeds the staple of your parrot's diet. I feel we've all grown up believing that seeds are a nutritious diet regime for birds. The fact of the issue is that making seeds the mainstay of a birds diet will drastically shorten its lifespan.Indeed, seeds can be nutritious, but only in little amounts. They must make up no a lot more that ten-fifteen % of your parrot's diet program. Think it or not, there is a foods pyramid for parrots!Seeds are a high fat foods and contribute to obesity and a fatty liver. Feeding your bird a diet regime consisting generall y of seeds would be the equivalent of you eating a diet program consisting mainly of potato chips. This would not be a healthful selection.Instead, it would be best to uncover a well-balanced, commercially prepared, preferably organic, pelleted foods with no synthetic hues or preservatives. This will assure that your parrot receives the proper vitamins in the proper proportions.If you feed a nicely balanced diet regime you need to have no will need for more nutritional supplements except they are particularly encouraged by your veterinarian.Feeding vitamin and mineral dietary supplements can do as much damage as superior if you do not adhere to a veterinarians suggestions. Quite a few people think that feeding nutritional vitamins is a good issue, and although it can be, too much of a excellent matter can be detrimental and occasionally even deadly.Fats, along with sugars, would be at the top rated of the parrot's food pyramid, just as they are at the top rated of ours.This suggests that even nevertheless fruits are nutritious and you ought to involve them, you ought to not overfeed them. They are high in sugar and ought to not make up a big portion of your parrots meals.The incredibly top of the pyramid is reserved for treats. You ought to by no means give your parrot any treats containing synthetic colorings or refined sugar. It is just basic unhealthy. Rather, use seed & nuts along with fruit bits as treats. That way your parrot treats will be nutritious as well as enjoyable.Not offering a extensive assortment of foods can cause boredom and lead to missing vitamins and minerals. Do not make the mistake of skimping on greens and grains. These goods should make up a big part of your bird's diet program.Feed wide kinds of both.

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2012年7月14日 星期六

Cooked Meals Parrot Diet regime - Other

Even so, for some peculiar reason, bird proprietors have been acknowledged to feed their birds avocado and chocolate without having any ill influence. We are not certain why these two products can influence various bird so dramatically, but how advise would be not to get the likelihood, I mean do you actually want to perform Russian roulette with your bird?In the olden days, parrot meals consisted exclusively of seeds. This definitely is so thinking about seed merchandise are believed to contain the majority of vitamins and minerals that are needed for bird progress. Seeds are generally the most widespread element in a bird's eating plan program. The commercially manufactured ones commonly could have the balance and numerous sorts that a regular bird will will need. But these times, seeds aren't the sole ones that are staying provided to these parrots. Pet proprietors have turn into additional capable and notify to the a lot of results of diverse food to their feathered f riends. In addition to seeds, there is also the pellet. Some may well declare that pellets are in fact more healthy for a bird's meals approach than seeds. This is because with pellets, the bird can consume the full nugget that delivers an advanced degree of nourishment. In contrast to the seed which commonly leaves the hull powering, the pellet is properly edible and as a result there isn't any waste materials that arrives about along the way.Yet another food variety that bird breeders have is commonly to go natural and healthy. Whatever this comprises is offering meals stuff that is organic or clean or homemade. Sorts of these can be pasta, veggies, fruits as well as some vitamin items and mineral create ons. But bird breeders must usually bear in brain that just just before delivering their bird any of these or choosing this kind of consuming prepare, an general consultation with a veterinarian ought to be carried out 1st. A veterinarian can support establish which mix of an assortment of food would have the proper sum and accurate type of dietary appeal the pet bird ought to have.Let's chat about table meals. This unique "human food" is rather very well-acknowledged with regards to a parrot's optional diet prepare. Nevertheless there could be some form of table foods that could not be beneficial for them. This may well incorporate all those that are too salty or if the measurement is not acceptable for the bird. Bird proprietors ought to preserve in mind that food measurements should be tiny particularly if supplying nuts. A rationale that this kind of feeding is taken into account is for variation. Birds do get weary if they eat the similar matter repeatedly. This is not to just take into account that they may not be receiving the diverse nutrients that they may have from people same food. This is what desires to be mentioned when giving this type of parrot food and really should usually have the go signal from a veterinarian.Though there are suggested food there are also types of meals that flash the red light in relation to taking very good care of your parrots. Some varieties of foods to keep away from would be all those that contain a whole lot of sodium or as well considerably sugar. These with alcohol and caffeine must also be averted. Garlic and onions are not that sensible also. Curry powder is a no-no. Mushrooms are not that great of an strategy also as there may be fungus that could be dangerous to your pet's wellness. As well as leaves that are obtained in tomatoes. Avocados in their entirety are also unhealthy for your bird as they can cause cardiac arrest. Steer crystal clear also from plants such as amaryllis, shamrock, azaleas, lantana, and daffodil between a good numerous others. These types of crops may possibly bring distinct types of overall health troubles that can selection from gastrointestinal troubles to melancholy.

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2012年7月13日 星期五

The Very best Parrot Foods - Other

There are also a lot of foods that are poisonous to some birds.Some of the factors that you should consider to prevent feeding your bird in huge amounts is something that is made up of large amounts of sugar (if even so you have a Lory, it is really okay as it is a bird species that normally consumes a great deal of sugar). Sugar tends to aid the progress of yeast, which can be troublesome to your parrot. A yeast infection is a common ailment which can appear about the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract in your bird. By not supplying your bird with a significant quantity of sugar you will thus reduce the probability of this infection. Irrespective of this, if your parrot occurs to get a yeast infection, you need to go to your veterinarian and adhere to their recommendations.One more products to seem out for our milk solutions, these are also not excellent to feed to your birds in huge quantities. Milk also contains sugar, which is acknowledged as lactose. This is a issu e as birds are not able to digest it and implies that the sugar sits in the gut the place it for ferments, which can lead to a unpleasant case of diarrhoea.Two far more goods that you must under no circumstances give your bird are avocado and chocolate. There have been documented deaths because of to these food items staying fed to one's bird. However, for some peculiar motive, bird proprietors have been recognized to feed their birds avocado and chocolate devoid of any ill result. We are not confident why these two items can influence unique bird so drastically, but how advise would be not to get the opportunity, I imply do you really want to play Russian roulette with your bird?In the olden days, parrot meals consisted exclusively of seeds. This truly is so taking into consideration seed solutions are considered to contain the majority of vitamins and minerals that are required for bird growth. Seeds are commonly the most widespread element in a bird's eating plan approach . The commercially produced ones typically may have the harmony and a variety of sorts that a typical bird will want. But these instances, seeds are not the sole ones that are becoming provided to these parrots. Pet owners have develop into more capable and inform to the several final results of diverse foods to their feathered friends. In addition to seeds, there is also the pellet. Some might declare that pellets are in fact much healthier for a bird's foods strategy than seeds. This is mainly because with pellets, the bird can take in the whole nugget that delivers an superior levels of nourishment. Compared to the seed which normally leaves the hull at the rear of, the pellet is perfectly edible and hence there isn't any waste product that arrives about alongside the way.One more foods choice that bird breeders have is normally to go organic and natural and healthy. Whatever this comprises is offering meals stuff that is organic or clean or homemade. Kinds of these can b e pasta, veggies, fruits as well as some vitamin solutions and mineral add ons. But bird breeders need to usually bear in brain that just in advance of giving their bird any of these or selecting this type of eating program, an all round consultation with a veterinarian ought to be accomplished very first.

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2012年7月12日 星期四

Healthy Diet for Your Parrot - Other

Milk also is made up of sugar, which is regarded as lactose. This is a challenge as birds are unable to digest it and means that the sugar sits in the gut in which it for ferments, which can lead to a nasty circumstance of diarrhoea.Two additional products that you really should by no means give your bird are avocado and chocolate. There have been described deaths because of to these food items becoming fed to one's bird. Nonetheless, for some strange motive, bird entrepreneurs have been acknowledged to feed their birds avocado and chocolate with no any unwell result. We are not certain why these two items can affect diverse bird so significantly, but how advise would be not to just take the possibility, I indicate do you genuinely want to play Russian roulette with your bird?In the olden days, parrot meals consisted solely of seeds. This definitely is so thinking of seed merchandise are believed to consist of the greater part of nutritional vitamins and minerals that are necessary for bird growth. Seeds are normally the most popular component in a bird's diet program strategy. The commercially produced ones typically might have the harmony and different types that a normal bird will will need. But these moments, seeds are not the sole ones that are staying presented to these parrots. Pet proprietors have turn into much more capable and inform to the several final results of varied foods to their feathered associates. In addition to seeds, there is also the pellet. Some might declare that pellets are really healthier for a bird's foods plan than seeds. This is since with pellets, the bird can take in the whole nugget that delivers an advanced levels of nourishment. In comparison to the seed which normally leaves the hull guiding, the pellet is properly edible and as a result there isn't any waste materials that comes about along the way.An additional food assortment that bird breeders have is normally to go natural and organic and organic. W hatever this comprises is providing food things that is organic or refreshing or homemade. Forms of these can be pasta, veggies, fruits as well as some vitamin items and mineral create ons. But bird breeders have to usually bear in head that just just before providing their bird any of these or deciding on this sort of eating prepare, an general consultation with a veterinarian ought to be completed initial. A veterinarian can help ascertain which combine of an assortment of meals would have the appropriate total and proper sort of dietary value the pet bird ought to have.Let us converse about table food. This certain "human food" is rather well-regarded with regards to a parrot's optional diet program. Nonetheless there could be some form of table food that could not be beneficial for them. This may consist of those that are also salty or if the measurement is not acceptable for the bird. Bird entrepreneurs ought to hold in brain that meals dimensions ought to be tiny speci fically if presenting nuts. A rationale that this kind of feeding is taken into account is for variation. Birds do get weary if they take in the very same factor repeatedly. This is not to get into account that they may possibly not be getting the varied vitamins and minerals that they may have from individuals similar food. This is what needs to be noted when offering this type of parrot food and really should normally have the go signal from a veterinarian.While there are advised foods there are also sorts of foods that flash the red light in relation to taking great treatment of your parrots. Some types of meals to stay away from would be individuals that have a ton of sodium or as well a great deal sugar. All those with alcohol and caffeine must also be avoided.

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2012年7月11日 星期三

Teaching parrots new tricks - Family - Pets

The parrots are birds of that kind which are naturally tuned to learn. Their intelligence is tuned for learning and it is easy to train parrots many tricks. Most of the people train parrots because they want to show it to their friends. The parrots can be taught many tricks very easily and here are a few of them for you to start with. 'Step up' is a trick that is easy to teach and parrots will learn it quickly. In this trick you teach your parrot to step up when you say so. The parrot steps up on something when you say this word. It is natural for the parrots to step up so it will take very little time to train your parrot to do so.

When you are teaching your parrot makes sure that the parrot associates these words with the action. To do this you will need to repeat the words over and over again until you feel that the parrot has associated it with the action.

The parrots can turn their head 360 degrees. You can teach them to do this when you utter a certain command. This trick is named as 'turn around'. You can easily train parrots to do this as this is also a natural thing that the parrot is actually able to do by natural instincts. All you need to do is to move the treat 360 degrees around the parrot so that he looks at the treat. When he will do this, he will be turning his head 360 degrees. Once he learns that, associate a word to the action and with time the parrot will do the rotation when the word is uttered.

The third trick is most difficult of the three tricks. This trick is simple but most difficult to teach. You will be teaching your parrot to come on command. The parrot will come to you when you will command him. This may sound way too simple but it is not the case in reality. To train parrots this trick, you will have to utter a word when offering him the treat while keeping the treat at a distance. The parrot will come to it. With practice and time, the parrot will be trained to do this trick as he will develop the association with the word.

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2012年7月10日 星期二

Parrot Types - Family - Pets

You walk by a bird shop, or visit the aviary at the zoo, and there may be several types of parrots. You study them, and begin to wonder, "What types of parrots are there anyway? How many types of parrots are there?"

Actually, there are more than 350 parrot types when you consider every species and sub-species in the group. Many of the most common parrot types are from Australasia and the tropics.

Parrot Families

All parrots, of whatever parrot types or breeds they are, belong to the scientific order Psittaciformes. That scientific order is further broken down into two different parrot families: Cacatuidae and Psittacidae.

The Cacatuidae family includes only the Cockatoo, a bird that is native to Australia and islands near that continent.

The second parrot family, the Psittacidae, includes all of the true parrot types.


To most people, the cockatoo is a large white parrot with a feathered head crest that it can lift high in regal splendor. That is, however, only one of the parrot types in this family. There are 21 different cockatoos, and not every one is white.

1. The palm cockatoo is mostly dark gray, with red cheek patches below the eyes - cheek patches that change to a deeper red when the bird becomes excited or alarmed.

2. The male gang-gang cockatoo is dark gray with a cherry red head and red crest. This parrot type is often called the red-headed cockatoo.

3. The Major Mitchell's cockatoo is often called a pink cockatoo due to its soft pastel pink shade.

4. The cockatiel's plumage is mid-grey on top, lighter grey underneath. It has an orange cheek patch, and a prominent white blaze on its wings. It has a much longer tail than the other cockatoos have.So Cockatoos are not always a white parrot type, and not all cockatoos are the same in build.

True Parrots

This family includes all of the other commonly-known parrot types. The list that follows is not intended to be exhaustive, but in this family, you will find parrot types such as these:

1. African Greys: This is said to be the most intelligent of all the parrot types. A large gray parrot with a red tail, some of these bird have vocabularies approaching 1,000 words or more.

2. Amazons: This popular parrot type includes about 27 sub-types. Most are large, affectionate, and predominantly green.

3. Budgies: Officially known as a parakeet or budgerigar, this parrot type is small and colorful. It is one of the most popular parrot pets.

4. Conures: This parrot type seems to be a group of large parakeets. With long tails and strong beaks, these "clowns" come in a variety of colors.

5. Eclectus: Eclectus Parrots are unusual in their coloring. On the one hand, males are bright green, with beaks like bright candy corn, tails and wings of blue or red. Females, on the other hand, have red heads, blue breasts, and the same red or blue wings and tails. In place of the candy corn look, they have black beaks.

6. Lovebirds: Lovebirds are a small, stocky parrot type - among the smallest in the world. Many are green, sometimes with red faces or eye rings.

7. Macaws: Native to South America, this is the largest parrot type in wingspan and length. The blue and gold macaw is especially beautiful.

8. Parrotlets: These may look like parakeets at first glance, but this small parrot type has a broader body and tail than the parakeet.

9. Pionus: There are many parrot types under the name Pionus parrot, and this larger, quieter parrot comes in many varieties of color.

10. Quakers: This parrot type is often called a Monk Parrot or Grey-breasted Parakeet. It is a name that comes from facial feathering that resembles an old-fashioned Quaker costume.

There are many more parrot types than this article can list or discuss, even in a surface manner. You will find muc more information in your library or bookstore.Best Parrot Types for Children's Pets

A final question is this: "What types of parrots are there that would make good children's pets?"

Many children are drawn to large parrots because of their colors or their reputation for talking well, but the large parrot types are not good pets for children. They require firm handling and training, and do well as pets only when the owner has had experience first with smaller parrots.

The best parrot type for a child's pet is the Budgerigar, aka budgie or parakeet. The small Budgerigar requires the least amount of care, and is easily trained to talk and do tricks. Budgies that are young, or those that have no cage mate, will learn most readily.

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2012年7月9日 星期一

Choosing The Right Parrot - Family - Pets

Before you buy yourself a parrot, you have to consider several factors. This will save you from heartaches later on. Do consider the size of your home (whether a landed property or an apartment), other pets you currently share your life with, the amount of time you are willing to devote to your bird, the size of your wallet, your family members' tolerance for parrots, and whether there are children in the house.

Birds usually don't mix with other household pets like cats and dogs. I am sure you have watched Tweetie and Sylvester. Its in their natural instincts to stay away from four legged animals with claws. And its in the cats' and dogs' natural instincts to pounce on a yummy bird. Unless of course your four legged friends are well domesticated that they know their gourmet meal is going to come out of a tin can. And unless your cat or dog lives in the barn and doesn't come into your house, then it would be safe to own a parrot.

Room size does matter for a parrot. You will need a large floor space if you intend to raise African Greys, Macaws, Cockatoos and Amazons, with their standing cages. A large room will not stress your parrot and this is important if you want to train it to do tricks later on. Smaller parrot species like Conures, Lorakeets, Cockatiels and Quakers would be ideal if you are living in small spaces and apartments.

How much money are you willing to spend to buy a parrot? The popular talking birds like African Greys, Cockatoos and Amazons retail in the $2000 to $5000 range. The smaller birds like Conures, Lorakeets and Quakers retail in the $500 to $700 range. Hand fed birds will cost you more but you will have the advantage of them already being accustomed to being fed by humans.

Do you have 30 minutes of your time to devote to your pet parrot a day? You need to because that is the minimum amount of time you will require to build a relationship with your parrot. Parrots are sociable birds in the wild and they flock together. In the absence of other parrots in a domestic home, you become the bird's companion. The 30 minutes that you spend has to be quality time. Feeding time is the ideal time and talk to your bird while you are doing it.

Can other members of your family tolerate the presence of your pet parrot in the house and the potential noise that the bird will generate, not to mention the words it will pick up and speak over and over again once it learns how to talk? You need to discuss this with your family because a parrot is a lifelong pet and can live as long as humans.

Do you have children in the house? Consider the safety of children because parrots bite and can injure a child. Set up rules in the house and make sure that children don't come near the parrot cage unsupervised.

When you have considered all factors and made an informed decision, you will find that owning a pet parrot is one of the best decisions you have ever made.

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2012年7月8日 星期日

Teaching a Parrot to Talk - The Simple Way - Family - Pets

Different species of parrot have many different talking abilities. Large parrots, especially African Greys and Amazons can talk much more easily than small parrots like budgies or lovebirds. Some larger parrots very well may learn to talk without any talking training at all, but for most birds training session will be very important to get the parrot to talk.

It is best to start with single syllable words such as hi as these are easier for the parrot to say. Make sure you say the word regularly so that the bird can copy you very easily. Be a good companion for the bird and he will want to be around you and copy what you do and say.

Parrots are very vocal animals and therefore will squawk when they feel emotions such as being excited, angry, frustrated or sad. Because of this it will be better to let the parrot associate words with feelings to encourage the parrot to talk. Try walking in to the room with saying hi. This works because parrot will get excited that you are there and will want to talk to you.

Shape the behaviour of your parrot using treats. Encourage your parrot to talk by showing that he is doing well and gets rewarded by grunting or making noises that resemble words.

It is often better to say things from his point of view like I want a tickle or Hi, [your name] because this will sound better when he starts talking.

Good luck on training him. Remember when training to only give his positive reinforcement and never punish him. Encourage him when his does things well and ignore it when he does things wrong or is being bad. Because of this, it is a good idea to get some tasty treats before training him to talk.

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2012年7月7日 星期六

Is Your Parrot Smart Enough To Talk? - Teaching A Parrot To Talk Can Be Fun For Both Of You! - Family - Pets

Is your Parrot Smart? Do you think that he is smart enough to talk? If so, do you know how to teach your parrot to talk?

Most parrot owners mistakenly believe that only Cockatoos, African Greys and Macaws are the only parrots that can learn to talk. What they do not realize, is that any parrot can learn to talk as long as their owners can provide them with the correct instruction.

Parrots love to be entertained and to entertain, so if you show a lot of enthusiasm for every word or phrase that you do say to him, your parrot will then be able to pick up on your excitement and start to pronounce those funny sounds and words too. Try not to repeat any word or phrase over and over again, as this will bore and confuse your parrot. Instead explain to him what it is that you are currently doing as you work around the house.

It is also a great idea to say hello to him as soon as you come home and remember to say good bye too, when you leave for work. Another great tip is to repeat words with the same actions and at the same time of day, such as "Good Night" every night before you cover your parrot's cage at night.

Since not all parrots are ready to be taught how to talk, you should look for clues such as noticing whether or not his pupils change whenever you speak to him, or if you notice him stop and stare intently at you when you do talk to him.

Every parrot owner wants to be able to show off their parrot's talking ability to their friends and family. Don't you? It is also a good idea to bear in mind, that the larger your parrots is, the longer he will live. Therefore you should make quite sure that you teach your parrot to talk using sounds and words that you would like to hear for a very long time!

If you really want to teach your parrot to talk quicker, you should make sure that his cage is placed in a very busy area of your home where he is able to watch and listen to your family members, such as in the living room.

Whenever you do conduct a training session with your parrot, it is best to make sure that he can only hear your voice. Therefore, do not have any background noise such as leaving a television or radio on, as this is usually very distracting for both you and for your parrot.

Also, try to choose a time of day to conduct your training session when both you and your Parrot can have each other's undivided attention.

By following these few suggestions, you and your parrot will soon become the 'talk of the town'.

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2012年7月6日 星期五

Pet Parrots and You-7 Answers to Questions About Parrots - Family - Pets

Parrots are marvelously intelligent, and beautiful birds that run the gamut in terms of color, life span, size, and temperament. If you are considering a Parrot as a pet, you'll have no trouble finding exactly the right bird for you and your lifestyle. Here are 7 answers to frequently asked questions about Parrots that will help you make a good decision for you and your bird.1. What is the typical life span? There is no typical life span, it simply depends on which one you choose. Macaws, African Greys, and Cockatoos can live anywhere from 40 to 60 years, Quakers between 20 to 30 years, Parrotlets between 15 and 20 years, and Budgerigars (commonly referred to as Budgies or Parakeets) from 7 to 10 years.

Be sure you are aware of the average life span of the Parrot you are considering, and that you are prepared to make a commitment, in some cases, for a lifetime.2. What colors are available? All the colors in the rainbow can be found among Parrots. Peach-face Love Birds, brilliant blues in the Hyacinth Macaw, spectacular reds in the Scarlet Macaw, a myriad of flashy colors in the Amazon, snowy white of the Cockatoo, and the brilliant yellows, oranges, reds in the Sun Conure are just a few of the vivid choices they present.

To say they are colorful doesn't come close to describing the amazing variety of colors available.3. What do they eat? They need a well balanced diet of fresh, organic vegetables fruit, sprouted seeds, cuttlebone, and a high quality pellet diet as a base. In fact, having a bird has been known to help the owner eat healthier.

Each species is slightly different in their needs and preferences. Your avian vet can be more specific in helping you determine what, and how much is best for your bird.4. How much attention do they need? The bigger Parrots such as the Cockatoos, African Greys, and Macaws need a minimum of at least several hours of daily human interaction to stay physically and emotionally healthy. Lovebirds if purchased in pairs can provide attention for each other.

Many of the smaller Parrots need less attention but still need the cage placed in an area that makes them feel a part of the household activities, regular time outside the cage, and human interaction.5. Are they all able to talk? Some Parrots speak better than others, and some speak not at all. Buying one for their speaking ability is risky for you, unfair to the bird, and not recommend because each bird is an individual that may or may not conform to the norm.

In general, the African Grey, Budgerigar, Amazon, Parakeet, and Quaker are all known for their ability to learn to talk. However, the only way to guarantee that your bird will talk is to get one that already does.6. How are they with children and other pets? Great care should be taken when mixing Parrots with children and other pets, including other birds. These birds have hooked bills that are capable of crushing nuts, and can inflict horrible injury to children, other pets, and even their caregivers who may be inexperienced at handling them.

Each parrot is different, and birds that are hand fed from an early age, and are given regular training and attention are more likely to remain tame, and coexist with all in the family. But again for the sake of all involved, take great care before adding children or other pets to the mix.7. How much of a mess do they make? Some Parrots like African Greys, Cockatoos, and Macaws produce much more wing dust, and as a result are dustier than a lot of the other species.

But they all need to have their cages cleaned daily, fresh water provided as often as needed, droppings remove daily or as frequent as necessary to prevent ingestion and dried particles of feces from becoming airborne and potentially spreading bacteria and viruses that create disease and infection.

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2012年7月5日 星期四

Gadgets For Parrots - 7 Fun Supplies For Pet Parrots and Their Owners - Family - Pets

Owning a Parrot takes a lot of love, time, time, and energy, and having your Parrot's love and affection makes it all worth it. Of course you supply food, water, and adequate housing, but having the following 7 things can make life easier, healthier and a lot more fun for both of you.

1. Shower Perch-This is a great convenience and makes giving your bird a bath fun and easy. Look for the kind that attach with suction cups for easy positioning, and that have a non-slip surface on the perch. Having several of these would allow your bird to fly from one to the other and catch the mist with you while you shower. Perches should be hinged so they fold out of the way when not in use. Position them so your bird can fly from one to the other and avoid the direct stream of water.

2. Shoulder Cape-If you like having your feathered friend on your shoulder, this can save you money on your clothes budget. The cape helps avoid stains, tears, and picks from beaks and feet.

3. An Extendable Retrieval Perch-How many times has your bird flown off and landed on some high and hard to reach spot in your home? With a retrieval perch you can put your ladder and chair away and stop risking a possible fall. Many of these perches can extend as long as 50 inches, and wil help keep your bird within reach.

4. Bird Toy Necklace-These colorful necklaces with toys attached will dazzle your parrot and focus their chewing and play in a way that's fun for them and acceptable to you. You can wear it around your neck, or drape it on furniture in a home office, your exercise room, or outside the cage in your bird area. They come in various sizes to accommodate the smallest Parrotlet to the larger African Greys, Macaws and Cockatoos. Toys can be added and removed easily to keep interest high. If you decide to wear the necklace, it makes it easy to take a fantastic picture with your bird.

5. Bird Harness-If you plan to let your bird fly outside, this will allow flight but the leash will keep him attached to you so he cannot escape or get lost. They are designed to fit medium and large size parrots and come in an array of colors. Try it out inside before venturing outdoors.

6. Digital Scale with Perch-Because Parrots often hide signs of illness, one of the best ways to determine that your bird is healthy is to weigh him regularly. A scale with a perch, a digital readout that is backlit, can run on batteries, and will display in grams or pounds makes weighing your bird a cinch.

7. HEPA Air Purifier-Parrots, like all birds, generate airborne feathers and dander constantly. The dustier species such as Cockatoos, Macaws, and African Greys generate wing dust-a fine powder that goes everywhere. Dust, feathers, and dander can aggravate those with allergy and asthma, and it can clog your bird's air passages causing infection and disease. Using a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier in your home will remove these particulates that often carry harmful viruses such as psittacosis. Cleaning the air can only keep you and your parrot healthier.

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2012年7月4日 星期三

Eclectus Parrots As Pets - 7 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Eclectus Parrots - Family - Pets

The Eclectus Parrot is one of the most popular pet birds. They are colorful, fun loving, and intelligent companions that live upwards of 50 years. Making a commitment like this means doing your homework first so that you understand fully the challenges and rewards of having an Eclectus Parrot as part of the family. Here are 7 answers to frequently asked questions about the Eclectus Parrot.

What is the average size? They vary in size from 12 to 14 inches in length with a wing span of 2 to 2 1/2 feet. The male has a sleeker body build, and the female is more full-figured.

How much do they cost? In the United States they cost between $500 and $2500. Since the female is more colorful, they are often more expensive. The males are still beautiful but have fewer colors, and also tend to be more laid back personality wise. Male or female, not to worry, you'll come away with a stunningly beautiful bird.

How much noise do they make? They are thought of as quiet birds when compared to the African Grey or the Macaw. But they do scream when frightened or threatened. And since each bird is different, the best way to determine how much noise it makes is to spend some time with it during different times of the day and in different situations if possible-feeding time, play time, rest time.

Where should I go to adopt one? There are many shelters for birds in need of a good home. Be careful to find out all you can before taking a bird so that you can be fully aware of any emotional or medical problems before you commit. And unless you are an experienced bird owner this may not be the way to go.

Taking a bird home and then finding out it is not the right fit for you and your family is devastating for all. There are probably also breeders in your area that can be found with a little searching on the internet. Make sure they are reliable and ask for references before you make the final decision to buy.

What kind of diet do they require? They require a diet loaded with fresh fruit and vegetables, even more so than other parrots. They tend to have a Vitamin A deficiency so feeding them cooked carrots and sweet potatoes, peppers, and dark leafy vegetables provide a great natural source of Vitamin A. Fresh fruits should include apples, bananas, mango, watermelon, cantaloupe, pomegranate, and grapes.

Go light on fats and proteins as this tends to make them gain weight, raise cholesterol levels, develop arterial sclerosis, and lower their life span. Avoid colored pellets as this makes it difficult for them to produce proper colors in their feathers and beaks. Sprouted and soaked seeds as well as small amount of a quality pellet mix will provide the nutrients your bird needs.

How long do they live? When they first came to the United States it was thought that these parrots only lived for 8 years or so. And many died prematurely because they were fed an incorrect diet. Now that there has been more research done, and proper diet has been determined, these birds can live upwards of 50 years, even though there are still very few that are much older than this in the United States today.

How can I keep it healthy? An Eclectus is a lifetime investment in time, love, and hard work so taking daily steps to protect your bird's health is one of the best things you can give your bird in return for the unselfish love and devotion you will receive through the years.

Feeding a healthy diet, giving it human attention and affection, visiting an avian vet for regular check ups, noticing any changes from your bird's norms, seeking professional help immediately when there is any question about its well being, and keeping its air clean with a high efficiency particle air purifier are all steps that you can take that will go a long way towards having your bird live long and well.

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2012年7月3日 星期二


If you happen to own an African Grey or a Macaw, you will be quite aware that they have some specific requirements that need to be considered when purchasing a cage. Because of their sizes these two types of parrots need to be housed in the best, most suitable kind of cage.

Because your parrot is in need of a cage that will not topple, buckle or bend, and which will ensure its safety, you need to know what features you should look for in a cage. When you do you will be able to choose one based on what you have learnt.

When it comes to parrot cages size is an important issue.

Because parrot cages are designed specifically to house large birds, you will need one in which your bird will be able to move around freely in. Also, ensure that the door is big enough for your bird to exit and enter the cage with ease, especially if you plan to leave the cage door open for your bird.

The importance of space within the cage must not be overlooked. To keep your bird healthy and happy, they must be able to stretch their wings easily, and also have the space to move around.

While some cages may be very attractive and tempting to buy, it is essential that the birds needs and wants are remembered. For instance, although you might not particularly like a tall cage, you need to bear in mind that your parrot will need space to move from one perch to another.

Just because a cage is made from bars it should not be a prison!

Another important feature to consider besides space, are the bars of the cage. For larger birds the bars will be thicker and stronger than for cages designed to house a smaller bird. You need to make sure that the bars on the cage you have selected are strong and well secured.

Make sure that the spaces between the bars are wide enough for your parrot to poke his head out and take it back in without any risk of him getting stuck. Cages with bars spaced close together are not a good idea and should not be considered an option.

Depending how close the bars are the bird could sustain injuries to his beak or legs. Parrots are famous for sticking their heads into tight spaces so you must make sure that the bars are not set too close together for him to do this. To avoid the unnecessary risks it is better to buy a cage with the wide spaced bars.

Three choices are available: Stainless steel, wrought iron and painted metal.

Parrot cages come in a wide range of attractive designs to house your bird. Most of them are made from either stainless steel or wrought iron, both of which make solid, long lasting cages. Also, when your bird bites the bars no harm can result from the activity.

Some people choose to buy the painted cages. This is risky, however, because your bird can easily chip and even ingest the paint.

When thinking primarily of your birds safety a plain metal cage is the best choice. No-one wants to run the risk of buying a painted cage that ends up making the bird sick.

Cleaning up the easiest way possible is a smart idea!

Preferable, cleaning the cage should be nothing more than a minor disturbance for your parrot. With that in mind ensure that the cage you select comes equipped with a pull out tray to facilitate easy maintenance.

Once you have ascertained that the pull out tray is easy and convenient it is time to turn your attention to the food and water bowls. These will need regular cleaning so having them easily accessible would be advantageous.

When you want to compare cages these are some of the things you should bear in mind.

Although most of the parrot cages on the market may look very similar there are differences that set them apart. That is why the points mentioned above will assist you in purchasing the best cage for your money in which your bird will be safe, well and happy.

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2012年7月2日 星期一

Caique Parrots As Pets-5 Reasons Caiques Make Excellent Companion Parrots - Family - Pets

Caiques (pronounced khy-eeks) are brightly colored, energetic, and entertaining birds that are small when making comparisons in the parrot world, but have big personalities and a lot of love to give to their humans. Here are 5 reasons you can't go wrong when considering a Caique Parrot as a pet.Colorful--The division of color on these birds is so striking it almost looks as if an artist used a paint brush to execute it so perfectly. Black Headed Caiques (BHC) have black beaks and gray feet, shiny black heads, a festive and well defined ban of orange around the neck area; their backs and tails are a velvety forest green, their legs and feathers under the tail are orange, and their bellies are snowy white.The White Bellied Caique (WBC) differs slightly in coloration with a light-colored beak, yellow head, green back, thighs, and wings with yellow coloring under the tail. It is slightly smaller, and is not as common. There are no noticeable personality differences between spe cies, and any differences are probably more attributable to the individuals.Affordable--Prices for Caiques range between $500 and $1,000 USD with pet stores tending to be on the higher end of the scale. Check with an avian veterinarian or do a looking digging on the internet if you prefer to purchase from a breeder or adopt a slightly older bird. Learn as much as you can about the bird's history, spend time with it, and have it checked by a veterinarian before finalizing the adoption.

Great Personality--These are happy birds that, when healthy, are in constant motion. They love playing with their toys (and you should have a large variety) and with their humans. They are affectionate and tend to respond well to anyone who gives frequent attention.

They need human interaction, and if you do not have the time to devote to them perhaps another pet would make a better choice. If you are thinking about having 2 to provide social interaction for each other, make sure they are compatible before bringing them home.Whistle Happy Tunes-Even though they speech capability is not that of the African Grey, most are still able to speak with their high pitched voice and be understood. They also able to whistle and can learn songs that they hear. They tend to learn songs better if their human whistles the songs for them first.Standard Diet-They love to eat and their food requirements are simple and uncomplicated. Daily offerings should include fresh fruits and vegetables, pasta, and table foods supplemented with a high quality pellet mix; and fresh water should always be available.

Avoid avocado, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine as they are toxic to any bird. With proper care, these delightful little birds can live up to 30 years.

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