2012年7月29日 星期日

Writing a good Article - Publishing - Writing

Writing a good article in this day and age is largely an internet invention, most people do not write articles, why because it seems to much like homework, and who would volunteer to do that?

So for many, this scenario is what happens.

Many writers, when they decide it's time to pump out their daily production of articles, sit down and write paragraph after paragraph until the word count reaches 850 words or so without any discernible organization to their work. By the way, that is why they write articles - to pull subscribers. But depending on the topic you write on and the type of business you are in, it may take somewhere between 20 to 100 or more articles to really see spectacular results and traffic to your website.

They write a few lines about each tip. Then take each tip and write some more about that tip, so you now have an article on that tip. They consistently write great articles? submit them online, people read them, click through to their links, and the authors end up with traffic, subscribers, and sales.

This self fulfilling prophesy, creates the internet, which the articles are produced for, there by expanding the internet and creating articles, and where is the Quality?

The quality should ensure that you obtain a quality listing as well as obtaining a listing for your own web site. But some of the articles are of poor quality and put up to attract AdSense income and nothing more. Remember: it is not Content that is King it should be quality content that is king.

Interestingly, most of them see the quality of their articles going up as they ramp up our production. But I would rather you have your excellent quality content article out there working for you than have a work forever in progress article sitting on your computer awaiting perfection. However it is important to make the article a quality article.

How can we achieve this well the first point should be you are interested in the subject, the article then becomes an amalgam of enthusiasm, life experience and passion that may be absent in these politically correct times.

The second point should be focus, often articles will be long rambling dissertations on say parrots in order to capture the greatest article distribution, and there fore Sales! To use the terminology of the internet, it should have a niche. Someone who knows about these things should be able to write an astounding article about The African Grey Parrot, the life, loves, interests and personality of the genre.

Finally for this article, Technique this is frequently used in short stories, but in my opinion stories are stronger when presented from a single point of view. The key to understanding dramatization, and to putting the technique into practice, is to see that the narrator's point of view is merged with that of the central character, after all not many stories are about football crowds but many would associate with one about a centre forward.

So the technique would be a quality focussed niche with lots of detail.

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