2012年11月16日 星期五

Parrots Tricks Keep Your Pet Parrot Happy - Family - Pets

Copyright (c) 2010 Kaye Dennan

Teaching a parrot tricks can be a real laugh,frustrating and most certainly a battle of wits. They are a very intelligent bird and will test an owner, sometimes just for fun. Don't for a minute think that you are the boss. There will be days when you wonder whether you are teaching the parrot tricks or whether the parrot is teaching you things (like patience that you never had!).

Not only do you have to put up with all of the above mentioned carrys on, but they do it with such arrogance! The look that they give you sometimes would shrivel the most confident of parrot owners. And what about that squawk if they are not happy! They will soon let you know when they are not happy with what you are doing at your end of the deal!

So how to do you get over this battle of wills?

It comes down to the 3 R's: repetition, repetition and repetition.

But, it is not just repetition that is the answer although that is needed for the best results, because parrots also like to be wooed. The parrot will want to hear lots of praise and they will want to hear it in a nice soothing voice. If you find that the training is not going too well, leave it and try again later.

Start getting stroppy with the parrot, and you have lost the game.

How about starting to get your parrot to turn around as one of the first tricks you will do?

1. Have the parrot either on the floor or on his perch.

2. With food in your hand, move your hand to the side of his body at about 10 inches away but so that he can see it.

3. As he turns around to take the food slowly move it further round the back of him so that he has to turn to get the food.

4. When he follows your hand around, give him a treat.

5. The next step to teach him after him turning half way around is to get him to turn a full circle.

Remember that parrots love treats and for treats you can often coerce them to do things that they would not do if there was not a treat waiting for them at the end. When teaching the parrot tricks it is best to do it several times a day in short bursts rather than in one long session. This helps in that the parrot does not get cranky.

Teaching only one trick at a time is best because the parrot will get confused if he is being taught several tricks over a short period. Lots of gentle praise will also be great when teaching a parrot tricks because they love to feel they are pleasing their owners.

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