2012年12月31日 星期一

Animal dress up games-just for your pets - Computers - Computer Games

Maybe you want to raise animals you like, a little dog or a cat,and dress them beautiful clothes.Unluckily,your mother don't allow you to raise them.it's so disappointed.

I also want to dress up my own pet,make it be a cute dog or cat,perhaps a parrot which can talk,it's excting for me if I can do this.

Surprise!You can have one now,and your mother will not attention few days.just now,you can have a little cute parrot! And dress up it to be more beatiful,she is waiting for you -the most poupular dress up games!

Little cute parrot :

This is a aninmal dress up game on igirlsgames.com.you can call this cute parrot polly or oher names you like.it's a little parrot,but she likes to be a pretty girl,Hah,only can help her to make her dream come ture now.

Wow,there is so much choices,not only the body colour,but also the eyes,the wings,hats and beautiful necklace ect.oh all right,also the crest.if you feel she'll be cold,you can give here a cute and poupular muffler.Is it cool? Huh,just for a few minutes,you can make her to be a prety girl.

What can you learn from dress up games?

Firstly,you can learn how to arrange the style and color for your pet or yourself,the most improtant thing is that you can raise a cute animal you like,and dress up them any syle you like.To be a smart and happy pet owner,do her a favour,give them the chance to be more pretty or handsome.

If you want to have a good time with your pets,just on igirlsgames.there is many dress uo games you can play,so you can also have fun time if your mothe don't allow you to raise animals anyway.Just have fun from the dress up games!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

2012年12月30日 星期日

Parrot Diet regime - What About Table Foods - Other

Remember dairy products are not portion of the wild parrot's all-natural diet plan and they're not developed to take care of it quite effectively. Some reduced excess fat or nonfat natural and organic yogurt is alright but do not overdo it. Most importantly, do not give them milk.Despite what you might have heard parrots do not require "grit" in their diet program. Feeding them grit can cause "crop impaction" resulting in their inability to digest their meals effectively. Extra grit can quite damaging.Feeding a parrot that is kept in captivity does need a particular sum of diligence on the proprietors portion to ensure that the parrot is acquiring the proper foods and a very good assortment of nutritional vitamins and nutrition. The initial point to keep in thoughts is the actuality that parrots in their own setting, will select from a vast range of meals to take in. Anything at all from fresh fruit and greens, to seeds, nuts, flower heads and even the odd bit of meat will be eaten by a parrot depending on its measurement and species. With this information in mind a parrot owner can differ their parrot's diet regime so that it will get a good healthy choice to try to eat.Usually when reading about what to feed a parrot there is a certain sum of generalization but when you consider about it, it is not that most likely that a parrot that is eighteen inches lengthy will take in the very same foods as a parrot that is only six inches prolonged. Just before even evaluating nearly anything else, the size and power of the greater beak is going to let the more substantial parrot to try to eat a wider range of food items, particularly bigger nuts and seeds that the scaled-down parrot can not manage.The relevance of Vitamin A.Vitamin A is essential for good skin as effectively as feather issue and fix, as well as the parrot's eyesight and it helps the physique battle infection.In order to make certain that the parrot is receiving its necessary nutritio nal vitamins (especially Vitamin A), carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals a extensive variety of fruit and vegetables is desirable. Berries are particularly popular with parrots as this is 1 meals that they would discover a lots in the wild. Green greens, these kinds of as broccoli, spinach, green capsicum, along with the yellow veggies like carrots, pumpkin, red capsicums and sweet potatoes are also an superb source of Vitamin A.Parrots enjoy fresh fruits as properly and these are a natural food for the tropical parrot who enjoy melons, papaya, mangoes, peaches and other sweet fruit.Protein.It is quite crucial that protein is included in the diet every few days and it can be given in the sort of meat, effectively-cooked chicken, white fish, brown rice, several nuts and other meals. Protein is also found in egg and this also is prosperous in other nutrients.Larger parrots love all sorts of nuts and seeds but the tiny parrots can only manage the more compact nuts as their beaks are not so powerful, along with a variety of seeds.Monitoring Parrot Feeding.As it is essential that a parrot does consume every day a parrot proprietor does want to monitor the food input. The greatest way to do this is to commence each day clean with new foods and then if there is food left about at the end of the day it can be made a decision if the parrot is or is not ingesting at all, and if so how a lot.Each day's food intake ought to be monitored and meals need to be removed from the cage often in any other case it will get contaminated with droppings, creating the expansion of bacteria. Parrots are very susceptible to infections but when their nutritional vitamins and vitamins and minerals are monitored there is considerably less possibility of any difficulties.

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2012年12月29日 星期六

Find Out Everything About The Parrots Of The World - Family - Pets

Parrots have always been very popular birds because of their interesting behavior and bright appearance. Nowadays parrots of the world include a lot of types. Each type is unique either for its color, or size, or ability to be trained and taught to speak. The parrots native land is mainly tropical woods of South America, Australia, New Zealand and South-West Asia.

Why Parrots Are Interesting?

Parrots appearance is most interesting due to color. In fact, parrots are considered to be the most colorful type of birds. Plumage of a parrot may have various colors - red, yellow, dark blue, black, white, but the most popular color is green. Usually parrots of the world have all shades of green color, and just a few types have not.

Other remarkable features of parrots are massive beaks and paws. The beak has such important functions as crushing nutshells and supporting the bird during climbing up the trees. The paws of a parrot seem short and clumsy, but actually these are very flexible parts of body. Paws help parrots to hold on branches and to eat. You see, parrots fingers are so amazingly plastic, that a parrot can successfully keep in paws a walnut as well as an oat.

Usually the most famous parrots of the world may be seen in zoos. We can frequently find cockatoos and there a type of parrots that were first brought from Australia or the islands of the Indian Ocean. These are large white, pink or black birds with a crest on the head. Other outstanding parrots of the world are macaws that came from South America and are popular for their length equal to meter or more. African Grey parrot is the best chatterer among parrots of the world. One African Grey parrot is known for managing to learn 800 English words! Budgerigars, Australian parrots with a long tail, are considered to be the best bird pets because they are rather easy to maintain they are not large, not too noisy and may be trained successfully.

The Reasons Why Rare Types of Parrots Disappear

Unfortunately, parrots allure has provoked to extermination of many rare kinds of these birds. People extirpate a huge amount of parrots, especially large ones, for their tail feathers, which are sold to the tourists afterwards. Also, parrot collectors, who are ready to pay any sum of money to get a rare kind, make the most beautiful and rare parrots of the world disappear.

Another reason is black markets where parrots are sold illegally. Many parrots perish during transportation, and if even they manage to reach their final owner they usually suffer very much from inappropriate climatic conditions and lack of proper care.

But, perhaps, the main reason of parrots disappearance is severe felling of tropical woods. Irresponsible organizers of that regard tropics as means of getting profit, and they do not realize that thus they harm to flora and fauna. Parrots inhabitancy gets destroyed, birds feel lack of forage and are constantly under stress because of necessity to change a place of habitat.

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2012年12月28日 星期五

Dealing With Macaw Parrots - Family - Pets

Among the parrot family, Macaw parrots are known to have the largest number of members. According to studies, these colorful, flamboyant, and captivating birds have inhabited the planet ever since and there are actually at least 18 species of macaws recognized today.

Characterized by their playful nature, Macaw parrots have earned a hefty reputation of being one of the most interesting birds because of their high intelligence and beauty. Hailing from South and Central America as well as from the Caribbean islands, macaw parrots have been legendary for possessing a unique personality and lovable characteristics, which makes them loyal and great companion parrots.

But, despite of its superb potentials, most people say that Macaw parrots are not good pets because they possess destructive tendencies, raucousness, demanding, and very noisy large birds.

Macaw parrots are not among those most favorite parrot pets because they screech so loud that most owners cannot tolerate. Aside from being creating loud noise, macaw parrots also have a reputation of being very demanding birds.

If you are planning to purchase a Macaw parrot for a pet bird, you have to have a great deal of knowledge and research about the nature and characteristic of macaw parrots species so you would have an idea how to take care of them. Although this parrot specie is not the most suitable parrot pet an owner can have, these large birds can live from 25 to 80 years and even beyond if taken care of properly.

Understanding Macaw parrots

Among the so many species of macaw parrots, the most popular include the Blue and Gold Macaw, Blue and Yellow Macaw which are the most available and popular kind of macaw parrot for being adaptable, playful, curious, and fun loving; Scarlet Macaw, Red and Yellow Macaw which are considered as among the top ten of the worlds most beautiful parrots; Greenwing Macaw, Maroon Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Red and Blue Macaw which are extremely intelligent and inquisitive ones; Military Macaw that has fine talking skills and a pleasant behavior; Red Fronted Macaw, Red Crown or Crowned Macaw which are among the sweetest and amiable parrots; Hyacinthine or Hyacinth Macaw which is the largest among the parrot family; Hahn's Down which are full blooded Macaws which are talkative and thrive in attention; and Severe Macaw which is an uncommon pet bird because of its small size.

Here are some points to consider before buying a macaw parrot:

1. Talking Ability. These parrots are not considered excellent talkers but have high capabilities for speech and can be very good at language interaction.

2. Personality. Macaw parrots are among the most demanding pet parrots there are so you better make sure that you can spend enough time to interact with your parrot. Because of its violent tendencies, owning a macaw parrot is not advisable for parents that have little children.

3. Basic necessities. Since they can be quite demanding and destructive if not given the proper care, you must make sure that you can provide the things the macaw parrot might need such as toys, acrobatics and love ropes, big and secure cage and proper diet.

4. Biting and Taming. Because of its complex personality, macaw parrots can be extremely aggressive if not handled properly. Bear in mind that macaw parrots' temperament changes as time goes by so you better brace yourself for the best or the worst attitude this bird can exhibit.

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2012年12月27日 星期四

A Guide To Parrots - Family - Pets

Parrots are one of the most dazzlingly colored members in the bird kingdom. While some of the parrot species command awe due to their splendor and elegance, some of its species are small, cute and cuddly. Most parrot types are green in color and usually make great pets.

To be able to get the parrot type that suits your interest, you need to clearly understand the various types of parrots. Some parrot types are multi colored. Some of these types come in yellow green, bright blue or a mixture of two or more colors.

African grey parrot; this type of parrot have the potential to imitate and speak all manner of whistles and sounds. They usually create a strong bond to one person of the family. This type of parrot is notorious in feather plucking especially after getting bored, when experiencing dietary imbalances or as a result of emotional abuse. The species in this type are very different from each other in terms of plucking ability and even speaking. To distract screaming African grey parrot, take them for a walk around the house or allow them to fly to your finger.

Amazon parrots: there are about 22 species in this parrot type. They are mainly green and short winged. This type of parrot is very good in imitating sounds and talking. They are also very playful, social and energetic. They usually demand a lot of attention from its owners. They have a moody character at different times being playful, quiet, loud, cuddy or even silly and jealous. Since this type of parrots requires much attention it's not for just any pet owners. They require special diets that include fresh vegetables and fruits, water, parrot pellet mix and small amount of human food. Do not give this type of parrots alcohol, caffeine or avocado since they are toxic to it.

Another type of parrots is the Eclectus parrots which are basically glossy, brilliant birds. The male parrots are bright green with red and blue patches while the females are crimson with blue belly. This type of parrots is very intelligent and quickly trains themselves on the dos and don'ts. They able to repeat many words sing songs and imitate both human and other birds. This type of parrots requires an additional vitamin A in their diet and their diet should contain enough fiber since they have long digestive tract. Besides this they also need high quality pellets, variety of seeds and nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Green parrot; this is a favorite type of parrot to most pet owners. Most pet owners' like this type of parrot due to its plumage color. Most species of green parrot require high quality proteins, lean chicken, cooked vegetables and selected high quality seeds. This type of parrot can be easily trained, is very intelligent, curious and affectionate.

Other parrot types include the Senegal parrot that is known for its entertaining capability and the Quaker parrot type that likes soothing and cooing tones and likes playing bonding games.

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2012年12月26日 星期三

Raising Parrot with Right Care - Family - Pets

When looking for parrot care advice you will probably become flooded with information and contradicting information at times. It can be very confusing to the owner. Parrots have long been the choice of pets among bird lovers. The beauty of their colors along with their intelligence and long lifespan makes them an ideal addition to a home. And, when it comes to their care, well, it can be quite challenging at times.As an owner, you are likely aware that the parrot is capable of practicing a cause-and -effect manner, experiencing stress and depression, and just plain being a handful at times. However, their curious and bright side leads to a life of pure enjoyment. The parrot's environment is important. Create your home to be interesting and challenging for your parrot. Provide plenty of toys, play music, allow the parrot to fly around the house for at least fifteen minutes a day, and spend time interacting and socializing with parrot. Create a time for you and your parrot, where you practice tricks, pet the parrot and talk to one another. Parrot care is a daily upkeep- and the diet should be highly focused. It is important to supply an optimal diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, parrot pellets and plenty of water. Feeding should be two to three times a day, allowing the food to remain in the cage for at least one to two hours. The feeding should be done in the parrot's cage in three separate dishes, one for fresh fruits and vegetables, one for parrot pellets and one for water. Ensure that the parrot's cage is a safe sanctuary for the parrot. This is very important- if the parrot does not feel safe, it will become stressed. The cage should be free of sharp edges and large enough for the parrot to expand its wings and fly around the cage. Keep your parrot's cage cleaned daily- this means all dishes, perches and fresh newspaper on the bottom of the cage. Bacterial infections are a concern with parrots; therefore, good hygiene should be followed. Use a gentle mix of soap and water to clean with, and always keep your hands clean when handling your parrot. As human saliva contains bacteria, it is vital not to allow your parrot to kiss your lips.Schedule grooming into your parrot care. The beak and nails of the parrot are always growing. Set aside a time every four weeks to trim the beak and nails of your parrot. If you fail to do so, this can result in danger for the parrot as it is likely to get caught up and snagged in things.Training is another part of parrot care. Speak to your parrot in simple terms when you are training and never use more than one command for the same trick. Training should begin when the parrot is young. This is probably the part of raising a parrot that brings the most joy.One of the most important things to consider is the parrot is an lifelong companion and needs to be trained and cared for properly.

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2012年12月25日 星期二

Parrot Birds Tips - What It Really Takes If You Keep Parrot? - Home

If you seriously love pets and want them to be your life companion, your last hunt would stop on parrots. However, there are many kinds of parrots that you can keep happily. But the most popular and special type of parrot includes the Macaw specie. The life span of these parrots is found to be as short as 25 years but as long as 80 years. This all depends on the way you care for the parrot.

The very special thing about the parrots which is found is they are very different from other pets that will permit you to give whole of the efforts to care for it. To care for your parrot is very easy and simple if you have an idea about what things to be done also when to be done. When you keep parrots near any other pets, you come to know that they are the best of all pets. Don't forget that they can very well listen and talk with their companions. Also, these are not only friendly but also very stimulating to be nurtured.

What Responsibilities Should Be Taken For Keeping A Parrot?

It's an interesting thought to buy a parrot. But it should be properly cared. Don't forget that taking care of parrot involves many different things. It can be easy or can be difficult. This all involves that what all you know about the parrot and how much are you ready to give up while taking care of parrot. In addition, don't forget that the growth and the life span of your parrot is very much effected by the manner you treat them.

The day you buy a parrot, you might ultimately begin producing parrots. Don't forget that it is not only stimulating but has many economic benefits.

Parrots are one of the species of animals who build up a friendly relationship with their masters or with those who regularly look after them. So, this should be well known before you bring parrots. Hence, only that person will understand how to take care of the parrots and how to grow these birds. So, to produce and grow a parrot you have to be like a parent to the new ones and looking after them until they reproduce and get grown-up enough.

The day you have brought a parrot, nurture it just like it is a parcel and a part of you. That is why some studies and articles about parrots are forever given more than owning and nurturing of parrots. Don't forget to study and understand about the character and the physical condition of parrot. Also it is very important how you treat and train your parrot. One must be very careful with that. So, it should be well understood that whatever the parrot learns in the future depends on how it was being brought up and trained by its master.

You must also have an idea about the necessary requirements that are needed for the wellbeing and brought of any parrot. This includes the place where it lives, the food that it takes and some things that it uses to entertain itself.

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2012年12月24日 星期一

Parrot Birds Tips - Choosing a Cage for the Parrot - Home

If you have a desire to keep a parrot at your home, then the foremost contemplation should be an enclosure where it is to be kept. Keep in mind that the habitat of the parrot directly influences its health. It should be obvious that every parrot possessor will like to keep the parrot in an enclosure. But remember that the cage should be spacious as it requires good space to live in. This will help in the growth of the parrot.

When you are going to buy a cage then always look for a good and right dimension. This should be understood that all types of parrot cannot be kept in the similar cage. The specie of the parrot also determines which type of an enclosure you should have. So, before you buy a parrot it should be well understood that which type of cage should be selected so that the parrot can be kept in their satisfactorily.

There are many varieties of cages with so many different sizes which you can wonder. But, the specie of the parrot very much affects the type and the size of the cage. For instance, the specie of a parrot like an African Grey or the Blue Crown Conjure requires a cage with a size of 18x18x18 inch. Also for an Eclectic Parrot and the Senegal Parrot, the same dimensions mentioned above would be perfect. In this way different parrots have varying cage dimensions.

The dimensions of an enclosure may vary with the specie of many parrots. For instance, for the parrots like the Amazon Parrot, the Quaker Parrot or the Macaws the cage dimensions of about 30x30x30 inch would work. Also, for the Umbrella Cockatoos, some dimension of about 36x30x72 inch would be ok. For a Conjure a cage with size measurement of around 20x20x24 inch would be fine in order to keep your parrot cheerful, relaxed and healthy.

There are many kinds of parrots seen and they too have distinct sizes of an enclosure. If you keep the Coffin Cockatoo as a pet then the cage should have a preferable size of around 48x36x48 inch. The same dimensions would also be good for the Moluccas Cockatoo. Now for the Rose Breasted Cockatoo then you should go for the cage dimensions of around 36x36x36 inch. The parrots which are small in nature can stay in an enclosure of around 18x22x24 inches. For instance the parrot Quaker Parakeet is of this type. For different other tiny species like Cockatiels and Budgies the cage dimensions of around 18x18x24 inches and 20x12x18 inches respectively would be fine. Remember that the entrance of the cage should be good and big so that the parrot can enter and exit from the cage easily.

The devices that you use while serving food and water to the parrots also play an important role other than the cage dimensions. You must keep things such as cups to serve water to the parrots and also toys so that the parrot can catch these things from inside of the cage very easily.

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2012年12月23日 星期日

Parrot Birds Tips - From What Dangers Should A Parrot Be Kept Away From? - Family

When you plan to entertain the most of your parrot, then ensure to keep it away from any dangers. One of the excellent ways to free your parrot from any injury is to put it in the cage. But, putting the parrot for full time in cage is not good for its health. Sometimes you may have to give liberty to the parrot so that it gets relaxed. At that time, your parrot might be frightened with some hidden dangers which it may be exposed to. So, you should be aware of those dangers to keep parrot safe. Some of the hazards are described below:

Almost all parrots get excited to feed when they get anything at home. This happens especially when parrot moves out of the cage. Hence, always remember that you left nothing nearby the parrot at your home as this can be harmful for its health. The parrots are also very receptive to smells. They react immediately towards it. Therefore, the chemicals with harmful smells must be placed away from the parrots.

One more thing hazardous for the parrot's health is water. But it is not water which you keep for drinking. The parrot should not be kept in the tubs or sinks. Be sure that this parrot does not move close to toilet. It may go under or die if it goes in the tub or the sink as it may not be able to come out from water. The parrot may release itself ones it falls into tub or the sink. However, if you don't reach on time and the parrot is not able to move out then it will eventually die.

One thing about the parrots is they are of very searching type. They would like to know everything that is nearby them. So, it is better to switch off the fans when the parrot has left the cage as the blades of fan can cause damage to the parrot.

Keeping some other pets at your home could also be dangerous to the parrot's life. The parrots don't feel comfortable in front of either any cats or dogs when they see them. The cats and dogs may be aggressive to the parrot and they may kill your parrot. So, remember that they always live a friendly and healthy life. You can attempt to incorporate each one of them into other's life. But if you don't get any result, it is good if you keep both of them away from the other.

If you give your parrot any kind of play objects then ensure that they are sturdy as the parrot may eat the broken pieces and end up with death.

Therefore, it is very necessary to follows all these instructions before you bring a parrot at your home. Also, if you want that your parrot should live a friendlier and happy life it is good if you follow all the above mentioned points to avoid the hazards. This will ensure the long and healthy life of the parrot.

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2012年12月22日 星期六

Parrot Care Information - Other

Attracted to their magnificent colors, their adoring personalities, and their high intelligence, people have been drawn to adopt parrots into their lives for generations. Caring for these birds in a home environment does involve a few challenges but, with proper care, parrots make wonderful pets.

Different species of parrots require different care but, for all parrots, proper nutrition is vital in maintaining a good quality of life. Most parrot diets are very similar. In general, parrot diets consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, parrot pellets, and a high quality of vitamin enriched parrot seed mix. Owners also need to change their parrots water every day.

Although birds are typically considered a "dirty" pet to own, it is very important to keep parrots' cages clean. Perches, dishes and other surfaces of the cage should be cleaned daily with water and mild soap. Cleaning products like ammonia, mold and mildew cleaner, and bleach can irritate or burn a parrot's skin, eyes and reparatory tract. The bird's cages themselves also need to be inspected for unsafe situations like sharp points in the metal.

Cleanliness is also important when it comes to handling your parrot. Owners need to wash their hands frequently when they are working with birds, handling their dishes, and preparing their meals in order to prevent bacterial infections. Human saliva also contains bacteria that are harmful to parrots so owners should never allow their birds to place its beak in their owner's mouths or noses. The size of the cage is vital to a parrot's well-being. The parrot should be able to spread its wings within its cage. There should also be room enough to hand two to four safe parrot toys.

Parrots have the capability of forming very strong bonds with their human owners. In general, smaller parrots can have a lifespan of 15 to 30 years and larger parrots can live between 40 to 50 years. Owning a parrot is a lifelong commitment. Socialization is vital in maintaining a high quality of life for parrots. Their cage should be placed in an area where the families spend a lot of their time and are able to interact with the bird. The kitchen does not make an ideal spot for the cage because of the risk of toxic chemicals while cooking and other dangers.

When most people think about parrot care they don't consider grooming. Parrots do require a decent amount of grooming throughout their entire lives. Their nails and beaks never stop growing. These can be clipped every three to four weeks. Overgrown nails can get caught on perches or toys. Most bird owners also have their birds wings clipped every few weeks to prevent flight. In the wild, parrots take rain showers to keep their feathers in good condition. Owners can bath or mist their parrots daily with clean, fresh water using a water bottle.

Parrots are playful, affectionate, and super smart. Owners need to understand the extreme importance of their needs and how to meet each one. With proper care parrots will thrive in a home environment.

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2012年12月21日 星期五

You And Your Parrot Can Have Fun With Parrot Tricks - Family - Pets

Copyright (c) 2010 Kaye Dennan

Parrots are very intelligent birds and if they know lots of tricks they can keep themselves occupied when the owner is not around to play games with them. This is why they are so popular as a pet. It is so much fun seeing the result of all your parrot training as the parrot shows off his new tricks.

Parrot tricks are great for your pet parrot because if the owner is not around they can become quite lonely and bored which is not good for their health. They are flock birds and if they do not have a companion in the cage with them then they need to be taught tricks so that they do not become upset and unwell. A happy parrot is a good companion.

Here is something that can be taught to a pet parrot.

One of the first tricks to teach a parrot is to "step up". This is simply getting the parrot to step onto your finger (or arm if it is a larger bird). Extend your finger in front of the parrot's feet and ask it to "step up". Repeat this command several times in a calm, soothing voice so as not to frighten the bird. If necessary, hold some food in front of the bird, out of reach so that it will move forward. Once the bird has done what is expected of it, give it a treat.

Getting the parrot to "turn around" is another trick that can be learnt quite quickly. The idea is to get the parrot to do a full turn on the perch. To start this trick, hold a piece of food to the side of the parrot so that it has to turn its head. Ask it to "turn around" and as it reaches for the food move it behind the bird so that it turns completely around on the perch. Once it has turned around, give it a treat.

Over time your parrot will gain more confidence and he will do all sorts of tricks of his own. The tricks that they get up to will depend on the type of toys that you give them. They have really inquisitive minds and like small children, they will find things to do with new toys.

Teaching a parrot to talk.

One of the very important steps when teaching a parrot to talk is to talk loudly clearly. Each syllable needs clear pronunciation so that the parrot can hear and be able to mimic the sounds.

It is best to teach the parrot only a few words at a time otherwise they will get confused, and also it is best if there is only one teacher. This way the parrot gets used to the vocal sounds and is not confused by the different accents and voice tone.

Regardless whether you are teaching your parrot tricks or to talk, the parrot will absolutely love the interaction and all the attention. You can bet that all that praise you give him will not be lost and he will just love it.

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2012年12月20日 星期四

Cockatiel Tricks- FREE Step By Step Cockatiel Trick, Have Hime Waving In Less Than 3 Dasys-Find Out - Family - Pets

Teaching your little feathered friend to do cockatiel tricks would have to be 1 of the most rewarding thing, not only is it hilarious for you to watch, it also build a very strong bond between you and your parrot. Getting your parrot to trust you is extremely important Read on...

Most parrots are very skittish when they are young, or when they are unfamiliar with you so it may take a while for him to warm to you, just be patient.

So with-in saying that you first need to spend quality time talking to him and rewarding him with his favorite food. Taking such action will kick start the trust between both of you.

This bond allows you to break the barriers with him so that he will not only pick up cockatiel tricks easy, he will respond to talking a lot faster.

Anyone can teach a dog to sit stay and come on command, but how many people do you know have a parrot that waves, rolls over and flies to you when you call it?

Not many I would imagine that's why this is quite unique. This is what makes cockatiel tricks so much fun.

NOW believe it or not cockatiel tricks are extremely easy to teach, most of the basic cockatiel tricks can be taught with-in 72 hours if you follow our step by step approach.

Think how funny it will be when your friends witness your parrot waving, or doing simple card tricks. Oh yes card tricks are 1 of our specialties and any type of parrot can learn these tricks.

Teaching your parrot to wave is 1 of the easiest cockatiel tricks amongst to learn all it takes is about 15 minutes each day at the same time, and a bit of patience from you. So what are you waiting for?

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

2012年12月19日 星期三

Cockatiel Tricks- FREE Step By Step Cockatiel Trick, Have Hime Waving In Less Than 3 Dasys-Find Out - Family - Pets

Teaching your little feathered friend to do cockatiel tricks would have to be 1 of the most rewarding thing, not only is it hilarious for you to watch, it also build a very strong bond between you and your parrot. Getting your parrot to trust you is extremely important Read on...

Most parrots are very skittish when they are young, or when they are unfamiliar with you so it may take a while for him to warm to you, just be patient.

So with-in saying that you first need to spend quality time talking to him and rewarding him with his favorite food. Taking such action will kick start the trust between both of you.

This bond allows you to break the barriers with him so that he will not only pick up cockatiel tricks easy, he will respond to talking a lot faster.

Anyone can teach a dog to sit stay and come on command, but how many people do you know have a parrot that waves, rolls over and flies to you when you call it?

Not many I would imagine that's why this is quite unique. This is what makes cockatiel tricks so much fun.

NOW believe it or not cockatiel tricks are extremely easy to teach, most of the basic cockatiel tricks can be taught with-in 72 hours if you follow our step by step approach.

Think how funny it will be when your friends witness your parrot waving, or doing simple card tricks. Oh yes card tricks are 1 of our specialties and any type of parrot can learn these tricks.

Teaching your parrot to wave is 1 of the easiest cockatiel tricks amongst to learn all it takes is about 15 minutes each day at the same time, and a bit of patience from you. So what are you waiting for?

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2012年12月18日 星期二

Reproduction Parrot - Hobbies

Ome facts about the incredible care of parrots ... and why you should not think about having a parrot before you read every word of this page! * Parrots get sick easily. In fact, most parrots in captivity live just a few years! But most diseases are curable at 100%. * Parrots can live to over 60 ... but a poor diet can dramatically reduce the life of your parrot ... not a few years, but several decades! * Parrots are doing well when they have the right conditions - mental and physical - and the right diet ... unfortunately there are tons of * bad * information everywhere on how to do that.Come you just had a new parrot without having any ideas on how to take care of?Do you have a parrot that always seems sick, and who constantly tear her feathers?Are you interested to learn the fastest way, the best and easiest to care for your parrot so that he has a long and happy life without having to spend money on supplies?If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then this could very well be the most exciting message you read today. Here's why ...You are about to discover a proven system to optimize the physical and emotional health of your parrot, as his energy level. This system works your parrot is healthy or sick.Grab A Copy Click hereThey get sick easily, and can die easily. What you probably do not know is that illness and premature death can be totally prevented by providing good food and adequate attention from the very beginning!When you know how to fill the nutritional needs of your parrot, you can sit and relax because your parrot will remain healthy.What most people do not realize is that providing the right diet for your bird is extremely easy to do.Here the essential point: My system is 100% guaranteed to work for you ... just like he worked for 79 other parrot owners before you. * If you had a parrot in the past that died early, it will work for you. * If you just had a new parrot and have no ideas on how to take care of him, th is is for you. * If you are thinking of having a parrot and you want to be sure you start off right, this is for you.In my course I will teach you a tried and tested formula to fully take care of your parrot. This formula is a plan step by step you can follow to build "the perfect environment for a parrot."Of course, I also give you instructions for quick healing step by step for each disease that might affect your parrot. Grab A Copy Click hereSo your mind will be completely relaxed, knowing that if your parrot never gets sick, you will have the knowledge to treat him quickly and inexpensively.

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2012年12月17日 星期一

The Best Parrot To Buy Guideline - Essential Information on finding your the perfect parrot for you - Family - Pets

Obtaining a parrot may mean engaging on a long-term -- may be your entire life -- commitment. You ought to be absolutely sure you're making the right decision, therefore, you will want to taking a look at your primary selected species intelligently.This is why you want to make sure and be convinced of what exactly are your needs, in order find the perfect parrot to buy for you and your family.

There are various types of parrot, virtually all having totally different personal needs and different character types. Taking the time to guarantee your chosen species is correct for you is really important.

Acquiring a parrot is a very important responsibility, because of just how long they will live, and also considering how much attending to they might require. For instance, just before selecting a parrot for yourself, make an effort to spend as much time as possible around birds.

For people who have a friend or maybe coworker who owns a bird, volunteer so that you can bird-sit in order to learn firsthand what exactly it is like to be around the company of parrots. In a case where there is a bird club or possibly a parrot rescue group in your city, get involved in the activities sponsored by these groups.

When you are picking out a bird check out the health condition of your parrot. Search out for the one which has bright and vivid eyeballs and is physically proactive and additionally agile. Do not buy the bird that has dirty wings. When the parrot carries traces of feces attached around the under tail area, the parrot is widely considered to be battling with an illness.

Some people think that a certain species of parrot should be easier to care for, but this is not true. All of them require equal attention. A good example is, when we talk about african grey parrots adoption, this is probably the most popular parrot to acquire, and sadly the most poorly cared for.

Furthermore, bear in mind that not every species of parrots talk, therefore if youre shopping for one that truly does, you will need to determine whether the parrot is a few years of age or still very young. If older, then this brand-new bird might not be capable of learn the many new words you desired to teach it. Parrots learn the large majority of words into their very first couple of years.

Something more important everyone must surely keep in mind is the fact that getting a parrot through a rescue group might not be the best choice if you are a inexperienced owner with little detailed understanding of parrot biology and psychology.

Birds that came out right from rescue groups already went through a faulty surroundings. Think of it as adopting children from an orphanage yet enduring a historical past of coming in contact with child abuse prior to the orphanage. Although a rescue group is undoubtedly an acceptable environment for parrot rehabilitation, there happens to be no way of telling that a parrot has been completely healed from the damage before they were rescued. Pretty much, pet parrots that come from pet rescue groups have emotional scars presently affecting their particular behavior and they are not necessarily a good selection when looking for a parrot to buy. So we can safely resume that rescued parrots can be a real challenge for you if you are not ready for the task.

African Grey Parrots are among the preferred types of parrot, but they undeniably are not the simplest to look after.

If you are considering acquiring a parrot for your own son or daughter and it is for them alone, remember that it'll be a colossal responsibility to pass through. This parrot needs time and when ever your son or daughter becomes tired with them it's not a nice idea to merely just to get rid of them. That's the key reason why it is critical to give her / him to a responsible person. The older a child, the more suitable since they can easily give food to it as well as take care of the bird during their quality time.

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2012年12月16日 星期日

Parrots: Supplies - Home

Parrots are enjoyable and interesting pets as they may be excellent companions. There are about three hundred and twenty eight specious of parrots on the earth which includes Lories, parakeets, cockatoos, lovebirds and macaws. Most of the parrots are primarily green in color particularly the ones from South America. However, parrots also come in different colors like green, red, white, blue, purple, pink, yellow, brown, and even black. Most fascinating factor about the parrots is that you'll be able to teach them to talk. Whenever you choose to make this stunning bird a component of your family, you need to make correct selection of parrots supplies.

Parrot supplies consist of parrot cages, parrot toys, perches and bowls. The cage can be a home of your beloved parrot. Hence, selection of cage for your parrot is the most crucial factor. It really is better to choose a large size bird home. The cage should be spacious and safe. The cage made from stainless steel is always much better for your parrot as it by no means gets rusted or trigger metal poisoning. The floor of the cage should be covered with shavings, peat, sand or newspaper which should be changed daily. Parrot's cage should contain wooden climbing frames as well as cotton ropes for offering climbing opportunities. Numerous kinds of parrot cages could be obtained at pet stores and bird marts.

Parrot cages should also contain some exercise areas including ladders, swings, actions and toys. The feeder cups should be made from ceramic, steel or reinforced plastic. The bowls should be daily cleaned. Perches are also among the essential parrot supplies. The cage should also consist of at the very least three distinct perches produced from hardwood, rope and cement. They play a role in saving your parrot from the foot sores. Natural wood perches can successfully do this, as they naturally are of different widths and are covered with dips and bumps.

Choosing toys for your parrot is an fascinating and difficult task. The parrot toys are obtainable in numerous sizes. It really is really crucial to purchase the toys of appropriate size. In the event you purchase the toys of wrong size, toes or feet of your parrot can be badly injured. You'll be able to pick the parrot toys made from acrylic or wood. These toys can entertain and stimulate your bird. You'll be able to also obtain parrot food items such as multi-vitamin drops, mixed millets, cuttlefish which is necessary for your parrot.

You'll be able to get these crucial parrot supplies at pet stores and bird marts. The accessories for parrots accessible at these stores are of great top quality. Internet is one of the very best sources to get the details about the accessories for parrots. You are able to obtain these accessories online. There's a catalog of parrot cages as well as other accessories along with their brands, material and sorts on distinct sites. You can select suitable item for your bird. The material bought from online shopping is of outstanding quality and free from any kind of damage. You'll be able to also get the information about breeds of parrots and suggestions for parrot care.

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2012年12月15日 星期六

Before Buying A Parrot - Other

Parrots are not like other pets. Their intelligence will not allow it.

If you want a parrot, then I really hope that before you have even started looking for that cute baby bird or even an adult, that you consider the following points.

Do you have your own home? Living with your parents or roommates isn't an ideal situation to have a parrot in. If you are still at home, can you take the bird with you when you move out - what about when you go to college? Work? HOW many hours will you work for? How many hours will the bird be alone? If you are with a roommate, is it fair to inflict upon them the noise, the mess, the fact their air fresheners and teflon pans/hair dryers/straighteners/ George Foreman grills will have to permanently be resigned to the bin? That no, they cannot have parties because parrots require 8-12hrs of uninterrupted sleep? Oh and SO sorry you're trying to study, but maybe you'd best go out if the parrot shouting is annoying you?

Do you have plenty of time to spend with your bird? By this I do not mean a few hours of an evening, I mean a LOT of time.....

Are you financially stable?

Are you aware that your bird must be taken to an AVIAN vet that will charge almost double to a regular vet to do something simple like shorten nails?

Does EVERYONE in your household support the idea of living with a parrot and are prepared to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in with training/care? Can everyone take a blood drawing bite or two? Because it WILL happen. Additionally, some birds will always dislike some human, even in it's own family. Are you ready for this?

Do your personal qualities include endless patience, love and respect?

Can you take the time to learn parrot mentality?

Have you considered what you will do if you find yourself with a bird that is aggressive/noisy/messy? We can't pick personality and for all the good sides, each parrot has a downside that may not be able to be corrected.

Can you offer a stable routine? Too many different times for feeding/out of cage/bed are not good for a bird and can distress them greatly.

Can you offer a LIFETIME's care to this bird?

You may be thinking: This girl is WAY over the top. She's a parrot NUT. She probably goes mental at people who eat meat and cries if you stamp on an ant.

No, I am not lol. That is the scary thing. I am just a normal person who happens to have a parrot and I can tell you that EVERY point above is essential. Any of the other wonderful guardian's on this forum would agree. I am not an expert or a specialist. I do not have some sort of Parrot Degree behind me, I learn every day and I will continue to read everything I can get my hands on with relation to my bird because I want her to be as healthy and happy as possible. We never stop learning and that is the key to becoming a good parront.

Life with a parrot is fantastic, rewarding and there is never a dull moment but let me do what I intended to do and break the silence on the bad parts.

Parrots are:

Messy. They do not eat food. They throw food, mash it into furnishings, spray juice up the walls and onto the carpet. THEN they eat some food.They can be toilet trained, but poop when they need to where they need to if something is too interesting to go back to the cage for.

Noisy. ALL parrots come with a certain amount of noise. The dawn and dusk chorus' are VERY important to them and although you can prevent screaming, it is something you will have to work at for a long LONG time. They are not like dogs, you cannot just call through to the other room "No shouting" and expect it to work.

Can get really uppity and show this via the channels of BITING. Some only in the beginning, others quite frequently - stock up on plasters.

Demanding. You must be able to have a parrot out of their cage for a few hours a day at least. They will not let you have any time off from this! They decide they want out? They want it YESTERDAY and they will not behave until you play ball.

Bossy. If you think you can curl up on the sofa with a book and your bird wants to play - forget the book. When you bring a new bird home, you cannot FORCE them to do ANYTHING. If you do, they will never trust you and therefore initially, things need to be on THEIR terms.

Destructive. Depending on the species and the personality of the bird, you may get one who is capable of ripping your sofa to shreds in the space of half an hour. Wallpaper, woodwork, curtains, cables....it ALL needs to be parrot proofed.

Specific health needs. All parrots need a good pellet mix as a base food. These are EXPENSIVE. They need seed and nuts - human grade. There's that /$ again.....They need plenty of fruit and veg which really, need to be organic - unless you want to risk the pesticide issue.The subject of care is a minefield with many, MANY dangers. No dried fruit, no peanuts, no chocolate, no onions, no caffeine...the list is not exhaustive. Non stick pans that release deadly fumes need to be binned - stainless steel is hard to clean. Checking your heating systems do not produce PTFE (teflon fumes). No air fresheners. No heavy duty cleaning products. Only stainless steel for your bird - metal poisoning is deadly. No open windows. Only natural cleaning of the cage. No exposed mirrors or windows until your bird is settled. No cables within beak range. No, no no no NO! There are so many I could not list them. Is the air humid enough? Prepare for higher leccy bills if your air is dry and you ne ed a humidifier. Bathing them every day.........on and on and on...

Not like other animals. Other domestic pets are different to parrots in the extreme. You can buy a cute puppy or kitten and within a few days, they will be acting like they can't remember where they came from. Not so with a parrot. BASIC trust takes weeks to get to. Deep trust takes months. Bonding can take YEARS. This is where your endless patience needs to kick in.

Talking. If you want a parrot just because they talk then you really shouldn't be getting one. Only happy, healthy, settled parrots will talk and then there are some that no matter how content in life, will never attempt to imitate a single noise.

Time consuming. Several clean ups a day, wiping away with warm water and lemon juice/vinegar/bi carb/natural products (anything else can be poisonous) - the cage, the bars, the floors, the walls, the toys, the bowls. Providing fresh water several times a day. Cooking and preparing mini dinners. Taking the time to buy lots of different safe toys so they can be rotated. TEACHING your bird HOW to play - it's not natural, you know. Teaching him you are trustworthy. Teaching your bird manners. Keeping him entertained.


Cages. RESEARCH what size and shape you need. This is a most important point. Too big for a small bird will result in fear. Too small will make for a miserable bird. The bar spacing needs to be correct for safety. No caught body parts or mashed feathers. The shape is important. A climbing bird will not thank you for a dome shaped cage. Good quality cages are a MUST. No rust.

Knowledge. You NEED to get the correct knowledge and be confident you know how to handle your future bird before you bring them home. Too many people take a bird home and then ask questions that they shouldn't need to ask. For example: How do I get my bird out of it's cage? How do I get my parrot to like me? How can I get my parrot to cuddle me? These people did no research beforehand. Get yourself Parrots books - you will need them. Anticipate every problem you can before you home your bird.

These are very basic needs of a parrot. This is them without the "Oh how cute, he said hello!" sugar coating.

Having a parrot in your home is not all roses and I'm sure everyone would admit to thinking: Just 10mins peace would be great.

I just hope that if you have not bought a bird and have read this, you have seriously considered what I've said.

Parrot rescue centres in the USA are packed out with birds whose owners were ignorant to the downsides. The UK's pet classifieds are full of birds who are "unmanageable" or "Don't have the time anymore." People who have all bought now and thought later - to the detriment of the bird. Because of people thinking having a parrot will be "cool", wild birds are STILL being caught in Africa and shipped like semi-precious vases to people with more money than sense.

If you are 100% sure you can provide the care they need then you are in for a life changing experience.

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2012年12月14日 星期五

Parrot Care - Home

Attracted to their magnificent colors, their adoring personalities, and their high intelligence, people have been drawn to adopt parrots into their lives for generations. Caring for these birds in a home environment does involve several challenges but, with appropriate care, parrots make wonderful pets. Distinct species of parrots call for different care but, for all parrots, proper nutrition is essential in maintaining an excellent top quality of life. Most parrot diets are extremely comparable. In general, parrot diets consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, parrot pellets, along with a top quality of vitamin enriched parrot seed mix. Owners also want to alter their parrots water everyday. Though birds are usually regarded as a "dirty" pet to own, it is really crucial to maintain parrots' cages clean. Perches, dishes and other surfaces of the cage should be cleaned daily with water and mild soap. Cleaning products like ammonia, mold and mildew cleaner, and bleach can irr itate or burn a parrot's skin, eyes and reparatory tract. The bird's cages themselves also have to be inspected for unsafe scenarios like sharp points within the metal. Cleanliness is also essential with regards to handling your parrot. Owners require to wash their hands regularly when they are working with birds, handling their dishes, and preparing their meals to be able to stop bacterial infections. Human saliva also contains bacteria which are harmful to parrots so owners should in no way enable their birds to place its beak in their owner's mouths or noses. The size of the cage is important to a parrot's well-being. The parrot should have the ability to spread its wings within its cage. There should also be room sufficient to hand two to four secure parrot toys.

Parrots have the capability of forming extremely strong bonds with their human owners. In general, smaller parrots can have a lifespan of 15 to 30 years and larger parrots can live between 40 to 50 years. Owning a parrot is a lifelong commitment. Socialization is vital in maintaining a high quality of life for parrots. Their cage should be placed in an location where the families invest plenty of their time and are able to interact with the bird. The kitchen doesn't make an perfect spot for the cage since of the risk of toxic chemicals while cooking and other dangers.

When most people think about parrot care they do not contemplate grooming. Parrots do call for a decent amount of grooming throughout their entire lives. Their nails and beaks by no means stop growing. These can be clipped each and every three to four weeks. Overgrown nails can get caught on perches or toys. Most bird owners also have their birds wings clipped each and every couple of weeks to prevent flight. Inside the wild, parrots take rain showers to maintain their feathers in good condition. Owners can bath or mist their parrots every day with clean, fresh water utilizing a water bottle. Parrots are playful, affectionate, and super smart. Owners want to understand the extreme significance of their wants and how you can meet each and every one. With proper care parrots will thrive in a home environment.

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2012年12月13日 星期四

How you can Handle Parrots - Business

If you would like obtain a pet bird to your house, an excellent options are the parrot. It will be easy to show him how you can communicate and in addition they can make amazing friends for you full family members. Their particular colourful feathers can frequently brighten up your home.

Parrots usually are about the most animals that can be enjoyed by just about all. Parrots possess lively individuality, caring habits in addition to cheerful glance that generate them wonderful buddies. They're just attractive parrots having colorful feathers whome you'll be able to show methods to discuss. Pet parrot necessitates daily and also each week maintenance together with a lot of attention. In case you have thought to purchase a parrot then you certainly got to know that toning down your parrot need a lot of obligations. It is necessary that you can understand how to handle a pet bird. You'll need to consider exactly what you'll need begin with pet parrot care. Very first thing you have to take into account may be a cage. Most of the standard parrot attention ideas are described under that can assist you with retaining pet parrot healthy.

-Give your parrot fresh water every morning, at least once a day.

-Play with all your parrot everyday. You must spend at least two hours daily with your own parrot, in particular when your parrot may be a cockatoo. Give ones parrot plenty of toys to try out with. Parrots are intelligent and obtain bored easily and once they usually are bored, they'll start plucking his or her feathers.

-Feed your own parrot a range. While parrots will need some seed starting, seed could be very fattening. it would be likened to a human consuming fast food everyday.

-Make birdie bread. There will be recipes all over the internet for birdie bakery. Most parrots could eat this therefore you can switch the recipke and put whatever you wish in the particular mixture. Birdie bread can be made in a large batch and frosty.

-Find things make noisemakers out of. Or toys it is possible to put milkbones inside, so your parrot has a puzzle to hold him lived in.

-Make a bird take a position, so your parrot just isn't in his cage more often than not. If anyone put them on wheels, you can wheel them around for the room that you're working around.

-Feed the parrot twice each day. Different parrots eat different items so be sure to know what a proper diet is good for your bird.

-Remove almost all bedding. The cage ought to be wiped down every day with the damp bath towel. Most parrots develop a soft powdery ingredient that gets all over the place.

-Wash the meals and water bowls extensively. they. can possibly be washed yourself during the week, but should be put into the dishwasher once a week.

Let a person's parrot fly/hop around your apartment at the least for 16 minutes on on a daily basis. As this individual becomes much more tame along with potty qualified, you may also leave your ex out non-stop, and place him into the competition only for you to sleep and also feed. you should close most of windows and get a warning around the door so use of accidentally permits your parrot out.

Parrots are the most effective pets that one could adopt. the main reason that POST say adopt happens because an ordinary parrot can easily live that they are about 70 years of age! So, adoption is good word to make use of since they'll become a compenent of your spouse and children. Parrots create great pets simply because they form formidable bonds making use of their owners and provide them using life-long companions! There are certainly not many animals that could say that will!

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2012年12月12日 星期三

Training Your Pet Parrot - Other

Parrots are excellent pets. You might quickly find that these particular birds are unquestionably very intelligent and also their ability to be trained make them fun to train. Remember that any animal which often exhibits signs of high intelligence could very well become bored, which means that your role really should be to train your pet parrot and in addition spend the time it's going to take to help with making the bird into a magnificent pet. It will need a little to train a bird, however, with the proper training program, your parrot will provide you with numerous years of friendship.

It is possible to train your parrot once you stick to a couple of simple steps. Anytime "school is usually in" to the parrot, it's always best to take your bird from his or her parrot cage and work in a small low-noise space. Your parrot might be more likely to be receptive and remember instruction when it is inside a new surrounding. The other challenge you ought to try, do away with pretty much all disturbances in your house. When your parrot has become diverted during the training, it won't be taught well. Which indicates that you need to power down radio stations, television and possibly even the handset. Also, realize that parrots are much just like children. They've got very short attention spans, for this reason small exercise sessions are usually beneficial.

Additionally, begin to set up your parrot's training program time near to their life schedule, not yours. Following a treat is actually, the perfect time with regard to training since your parrot would be content and definitely will be aware. Your parrot will take delight in plenty of compliments. Even though you may find that you have not been successful, don't allow your bird realize your levels of stress get higher. This will make it a distressing experience relating to your bird and you'll have a harder time helping your bird involved in learning later on in life.

If you find yourself willing to teach your parrot a fresh, new trick, your pet parrot will obey well to sweets and as well rewards. Remember the fact that almost all creatures react much better to compliment as compared to punishment. Attempt to avoid hitting your parrot, even if they are behaving mischievous. Ignoring this behavior will be your very best wager whenever training your pet parrot. Birds do not understand punishment or unfavorable reinforcement. In reality, if you actually react to your parrot's inappropriate behavior, your pet might actually notice this as praiseworthy attention. Remember the fact that while your parrot will enjoy food treats as rewards, try to accentuate the favorable and boost effective conduct with lots of reward and play time. Otherwise, your parrot may only execute the tricks you desire them to be able to when some kind of food reward can be acquired.

Repetition is actually the key to successfully training your pet parrot. Repeating these types of basic steps repeatedly till your pet "gets" the technique is a good method to train your parrot to perform. This will work nicely with regard to basic instructions and superior tricks. If you have just gotten your pet parrot, begin out with very easy tricks, for instance teaching your parrot to sit on your hand on demand. Choose a word for each trick and employ it whenever you train. Above all, never ever force your parrot to train. If you realise your parrot is usually exhausted or maybe uninterested, then halt and try out again yet another time.

When your parrot learns way more instructions together with tricks, you can start shifting your training program closer and closer to the bird's cage. As they start to get better at their new skill, they may feel safe executing in his or her cage and additionally in the hustle and bustle within your home. Birds quickly learn more likely than not, and often by merely tuning in when they are not in training, that might result in humiliation to you if he or she learn something inappropriate.

Teaching a parrot will take a good deal of time and determination. You will need to really enjoy your parrot and furthermore need a great deal of your time and commitment . if you want to make this particular loving relationship worthwhile. Thanks to patient exercise along with love, you have a really good and well-behaved pet that is along with you for a very long time into the future

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2012年12月11日 星期二

How To Choose Parrot Cages - Family - Pets

It is important to make sure that you have everything you need before you bring your new bird home. Investing in the right stuff, such as parrot cages, for your parrot will ensure that the bird will have an easy transition. You certainly do not want to place your parrot into the wrong type of parrot cages, as this could be depressing for the bird or even a danger to it. Educating yourself on the type of parrot cages that are needed for a parrot is essential in making sure that you are knowledgeable enough to keep such a bird.

The Correct Size Of Parrot Cages

Just as every species of bird has their own personalities and special characteristics about them that make them different, parrots are no different with their parrot cages. Parrot cages come in a variety of sizes but that does not mean that you have a lot of room to work with. Parrots are birds that love the wild. So when shopping for parrot cages, it is more about how large you can find parrot cages rather then what the minimum size is that you can get away with.

Parrot Cages Places To Play

When it comes to shopping for parrot cages, there is a lot more to consider then just the size. Your parrot is going to want to have a little fun of its own so it is important that you allow it the ability to enjoy itself. There are dome top parrot cages that are nice but if they do not offer enough room you will have to seek out other options. Parrot cages that have a flat play top are ideal as this gives an area for the bird to feel a little freer. Parrots should be allowed a good amount of time outside of the parrot cages in order to keep their mental and emotional health in good spirits.

Owners Versus The Parrot Cages

While there is a lot to consider on behalf of the bird when looking at parrot cages, you are the owner have to consider a few things for yourself as well. Parrot cages that do not allow a lot of access for the owners to get in for cleanup will not work out well. Since you will want to make sure that the parrot cages are clean at all times, they must be easy to clean out. There are also the issues of not having easy enough access to the bird through the opening of the parrot cages.

Sine these are strong birds, it is important to make sure that you are also taking at look at the sturdiness of the parrot cages. There would be nothing worse then investing your hard earned money into parrot cages that simply fall apart. Allowing the bird to roam free around the house all day while you are away simply because the parrot cages you purchased were not secure enough is not a good thing. So make sure that when shopping for parrot cages you look at the size, the playground room, and the security of the set up and you will find the best parrot cages possible. In no time at all your little bird will have the best of the best where parrot cages are concerned.

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2012年12月10日 星期一

Raising Parrot with Right Care - Family - Pets

When looking for parrot care advice you will probably become flooded with information and contradicting information at times. It can be very confusing to the owner. Parrots have long been the choice of pets among bird lovers. The beauty of their colors along with their intelligence and long lifespan makes them an ideal addition to a home. And, when it comes to their care, well, it can be quite challenging at times.As an owner, you are likely aware that the parrot is capable of practicing a cause-and -effect manner, experiencing stress and depression, and just plain being a handful at times. However, their curious and bright side leads to a life of pure enjoyment. The parrot's environment is important. Create your home to be interesting and challenging for your parrot. Provide plenty of toys, play music, allow the parrot to fly around the house for at least fifteen minutes a day, and spend time interacting and socializing with parrot. Create a time for you and your parrot, where you practice tricks, pet the parrot and talk to one another. Parrot care is a daily upkeep- and the diet should be highly focused. It is important to supply an optimal diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, parrot pellets and plenty of water. Feeding should be two to three times a day, allowing the food to remain in the cage for at least one to two hours. The feeding should be done in the parrot's cage in three separate dishes, one for fresh fruits and vegetables, one for parrot pellets and one for water. Ensure that the parrot's cage is a safe sanctuary for the parrot. This is very important- if the parrot does not feel safe, it will become stressed. The cage should be free of sharp edges and large enough for the parrot to expand its wings and fly around the cage. Keep your parrot's cage cleaned daily- this means all dishes, perches and fresh newspaper on the bottom of the cage. Bacterial infections are a concern with parrots; therefore, good hygiene should be followed. Use a gentle mix of soap and water to clean with, and always keep your hands clean when handling your parrot. As human saliva contains bacteria, it is vital not to allow your parrot to kiss your lips.Schedule grooming into your parrot care. The beak and nails of the parrot are always growing. Set aside a time every four weeks to trim the beak and nails of your parrot. If you fail to do so, this can result in danger for the parrot as it is likely to get caught up and snagged in things.Training is another part of parrot care. Speak to your parrot in simple terms when you are training and never use more than one command for the same trick. Training should begin when the parrot is young. This is probably the part of raising a parrot that brings the most joy.One of the most important things to consider is the parrot is an lifelong companion and needs to be trained and cared for properly.

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2012年12月9日 星期日

Bird Food - Other

Also, parrot feed really should certainly not consist of fruit that has been bitten or chewed by a human, or includes human saliva. Human saliva is made up of bacteria that could probably demonstrate detrimental to the wellness of parrots.Fresh new VegetablesVegetables have a substantially bigger content of nutritional vitamins and minerals as compared to fruits, and these can be adopted as a regular parrot feed. Most variety of parrots prefers green chillies, tomatoes, carrots and turnips, or veggies that are crunchy.Be certain that all feed supplied to parrots is natural and organic and cleaned totally beforehand. In the instance natural and organic fruits and greens are as well highly-priced to procure, peel the skin off so minimum chemical compounds enter into their system by means of their feed.NutsNuts are an necessary resource of calcium and other very important minerals for parrots and should be a weekly element of parrot feed. The nuts most chosen by parrots are p eanuts, hazelnuts and almonds. Pet owners often neglect this part of the eating plan simply because nuts are typically expensive to invest in. As an choice, baked egg shells, sesame seeds or cuttle bones can be fed to them to make up for the unavailability of nuts.Other mealsParrots also like cooked white meat these as chicken and egg yolk is superior. The two of these are a supply of protein for the parrot and substantially needed in modest doses.Most parrots in captivity die due to the fact of challenges related with their eating plan and the volume of food they do or do not consume, so it is important to not only feed a parrot correctly but also to assure that it is consuming the suitable sum each and every day.Lots of of these homemade bird food recipes involve substances you probably have laying close to the household.Most backyard birds will consume lots of issues. The recipes detailed for every bird are some of their desired foods choices.Red -Winged Blackbird(Bread!) Good task for three 12 months aged or older - with supervisionComplexity - QuickTime to Complete - 10 minutesPrimary Ingredient - BreadNecessary - Outdated bread, croutons or identicalThe red-winged blackbird is mainly a marsh bird, but will nest close to nearly any human body of h2o and will occasionally breed in upland pastures.If you are fortunate enough to have these birds nearby, then this may possibly be the least difficult of all homemade recipes. The red-winged blackbird likes bread, and will consume from the ground. So spread some old bread, rolls, croutons or very similar goods, damaged up into little quarter-sized items, all around the base of your feeder and see if you can draw in them in.Take pleasure in!Gray Catbird(Raisin Bran!)Terrific task for three 12 months old or older - with supervisionComplexity - QuickTime to Total - ten minutesPrincipal Ingredient - Raisin bran cerealRequired - Old or stale raisin bran cereal (or very similar cereal with fruit in it)T he grey catbird is each loved and not so cherished by numerous backyard birders. They have been known to be very aggressive all-around their nests, meals sources and young, at instances swooping near to men and women that it feels are infringing on its territory. For the most piece, people today like them mainly because of their stunning catlike mewing seems. That is how the catbird obtained its title.

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2012年12月8日 星期六

Antique Chinese Parrots - Hobbies

Parrots were put on a pedestal in ancient China. These people were along the same lines of the various Chinese cultures and were thought of as symbols of a good omen. They were attributed with different meanings by various cultures. As parrots were synonymous with good items, ancient Chinese people employed to depict these birds on statues, porcelain dishes, pendents, hairpins, etc. These objects of art are incredibly much known as antiques and the ones wish to collect individual pieces or those of a selected period. Antique Chinese parrots are quite much widely used and are avalable in various shapes and also, with delicate designs and vibrant colors. Contact us more details on these marvelous collectibles.

Parrots in Ancient Chinese Culture

In ancient China, parrots were companions of the women folk and were often kept in the living quarters of ladies. Rrt had been considered that parrots were able to keep the tricks of females. Parrots were also viewed as symbols of freedom and durability. These birds were connected with the occurrence of rains through the Hongshan culture in the Neolithic period. The flight of parrots was a signal on the coming rains for that Chinese people then. They trusted this sight, to begin planting of crops. Parrots were generally known as 'divine birds' in the reign of emperor Xuanzong through the Tang Dynasty. This emperor has a parrot, which was capable of mimicking and doing many tricks. This ability was appreciated by everyone and the parrot was loved and honored. Ever since then, parrots was basically often known as 'divine birds'.

Parrots are usually linked to feng shui. In line with feng shui, parrots symbolize positive energy. These birds are viewed as as bearers of good news and it is also asserted the feathers of parrots possess different colors that represent the five portions of feng shui - water, wood, fire, earth / soil and metal. Chinese people people also believe a couple of parrots are a sign of love and fidelity.

Parrots in Chinese Antiques

As parrots were regarded as being symbols of many good things, the ancient Chinese people depicted these birds of their art works. You'll find numerous antiques of Chinese origin, which portray this bird within shapes, sizes and colours. A number of them are explained below: Essentially the most prominent one of many antique Chinese parrots would be the ceramic roof tile parrots, that were placed on the sides of rooftops of homes and buildings, either public or private. Rrt had been considered that these roof tile parrots, usually produced from ceramic or terracotta having a highly glazed finish, could protect the inmates from bad luck that will create positive energy inside the building. How many such parrots about the rooftop of a typical structure was directly proportional on the significance about that building (like that surrounding emperors or the government). The greater important your house, the more the volume of rooftop parrots. However, the number of rooftop pa rrots was limited to nine. Another area where images of parrots were extensively used, was Chinese porcelain. Almost all of the ancient Chinese porcelain, which go as far back towards the sixteenth century, have delicate types of parrots, in a choice of flight or perched on tree branches. Statues of parrots, produced from porcelain, were also accepted and were obtainable in pairs. Parrots were carved away from ivory too. A classical example will be the large parrot charm, manufactured in the 1930s. Ivory carvings incorporate parrots ourselves or the bird with maidens. Another material used to create parrots was Chinese jade, which was otherwise known as the 'stone of heaven'. During medieval times, this stone was unusual and was worn only with the emperors. Antique Chinese parrots truly are unique and valuable, however if you are interested in owning one, ensure its authenticity. Guarantee that it's not necessarily damaged. Never buy something that is chipped, cracked or wit h faded paint.

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2012年12月7日 星期五

How you can Handle Parrots - Business

If you would like obtain a pet bird to your house, an excellent options are the parrot. It will be easy to show him how you can communicate and in addition they can make amazing friends for you full family members. Their particular colourful feathers can frequently brighten up your home.

Parrots usually are about the most animals that can be enjoyed by just about all. Parrots possess lively individuality, caring habits in addition to cheerful glance that generate them wonderful buddies. They're just attractive parrots having colorful feathers whome you'll be able to show methods to discuss. Pet parrot necessitates daily and also each week maintenance together with a lot of attention. In case you have thought to purchase a parrot then you certainly got to know that toning down your parrot need a lot of obligations. It is necessary that you can understand how to handle a pet bird. You'll need to consider exactly what you'll need begin with pet parrot care. Very first thing you have to take into account may be a cage. Most of the standard parrot attention ideas are described under that can assist you with retaining pet parrot healthy.

-Give your parrot fresh water every morning, at least once a day.

-Play with all your parrot everyday. You must spend at least two hours daily with your own parrot, in particular when your parrot may be a cockatoo. Give ones parrot plenty of toys to try out with. Parrots are intelligent and obtain bored easily and once they usually are bored, they'll start plucking his or her feathers.

-Feed your own parrot a range. While parrots will need some seed starting, seed could be very fattening. it would be likened to a human consuming fast food everyday.

-Make birdie bread. There will be recipes all over the internet for birdie bakery. Most parrots could eat this therefore you can switch the recipke and put whatever you wish in the particular mixture. Birdie bread can be made in a large batch and frosty.

-Find things make noisemakers out of. Or toys it is possible to put milkbones inside, so your parrot has a puzzle to hold him lived in.

-Make a bird take a position, so your parrot just isn't in his cage more often than not. If anyone put them on wheels, you can wheel them around for the room that you're working around.

-Feed the parrot twice each day. Different parrots eat different items so be sure to know what a proper diet is good for your bird.

-Remove almost all bedding. The cage ought to be wiped down every day with the damp bath towel. Most parrots develop a soft powdery ingredient that gets all over the place.

-Wash the meals and water bowls extensively. they. can possibly be washed yourself during the week, but should be put into the dishwasher once a week.

Let a person's parrot fly/hop around your apartment at the least for 16 minutes on on a daily basis. As this individual becomes much more tame along with potty qualified, you may also leave your ex out non-stop, and place him into the competition only for you to sleep and also feed. you should close most of windows and get a warning around the door so use of accidentally permits your parrot out.

Parrots are the most effective pets that one could adopt. the main reason that POST say adopt happens because an ordinary parrot can easily live that they are about 70 years of age! So, adoption is good word to make use of since they'll become a compenent of your spouse and children. Parrots create great pets simply because they form formidable bonds making use of their owners and provide them using life-long companions! There are certainly not many animals that could say that will!

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2012年12月6日 星期四

Keeping A Parrot - Home

With this manual "The Ultimate Guide To Parrots" you will discover how to adopt and raise the perfect parrot... It's perfect for anyone considering a parrot as a pet, although the truth is most people that have owned a parrot for years don't know half of what's covered in this easy to read, step-by-step, comprehensive manual. Finally! Your questions answered, the parrot keeping jargon demystified, the complex tasks made simple, quick, cheap and painless...And why you shouldn't even think about owning a parrot until you read every word of this letter! The information in this manual is an absolute "must have" for anyone considering a parrot as a pet and will also benefit anybody who already owns a parrot and wants to ensure that they have the best environment for the parrot.This information is laid out in a way that's easy to understand, easy to use and even easier to put into action right away.Just follow the process laid out in this manual and soon you'll be well on your w ay to having the perfect parrot you've always wanted!Do you want to finally have that perfect parrot that you are incredibly proud to show off to your family and friends... Even if you have no idea where to start and have never owned a bird in your life?Of course you do - who doesn't want a beautiful, healthy and happy parrot that they can be supremely proud of?From the outside, keeping a parrot as a pet can look like a huge responsibilty requiring a large skill set... choosing which parrot to adopt, setting up the parrot's environment, feeding the parrot the best diet, dealing with sickness, biting and squawking, teaching tricks to the parrot... Grab A Copy Click hereThen there is the ongoing maintenance and care to optimize the health, energy and personality of your parrot.If you are thinking that... It's not your fault!You see there are some "parrot experts" that would prefer you to think that. It makes them look good.The truth is... With the right information anyone can adopt and raise the perfect parrot. What better way to relax than playing games, feeding and talking to your parrot?You don't have to be good with animals to adopt and raise your own loving and well-behaved parrot.What you do need is the right information, laid out in the right way, so that you can make the right decisions that lead to your parrot being a happy and healthy bird.Once you have all of this in your hands, it's only a matter of time until you're sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying your perfect parrot!

With this manual "The Ultimate Guide To Parrots" you absolutely can. You deserve to have the perfect parrot... Think of all the family, friends and children that will share your enjoyment as your parrot shows off the tricks you have taught it.For the first time ever, there is a complete and easy to use resource available to show you exactly how to do this. What's more, you can use the information in this book to help others with their parrots. Some of my readers have charged for this service, or traded their skills for other services - that is a huge money saving tip!

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2012年12月5日 星期三

The Basics Of Parrot Adoption - Family - Pets

Parrots are just about one of the most charming species of animals on the planet. You can actually talk to them. Who cares if they are programmed to speak certain words? At least it is much more amusing to spend time watching TV alone at home with a cheery and chirping voice to startle you out of your boredom from time to time. Parrots are really unique, and so are the mechanisms of caring and adopting them as your own.

Parrot adoption is one of the popular hobbies of the rich and famous. But you don't really have to be filthy rich to be able to decently care for one. Not one too many a Hollywood film has depicted the presence of these charming parrots under the tutelage of famous stars and added to the visual appeal of the movies. However, there is more to parrot rearing than the stuff we see those actors do on screen. For all we know, they don't even know how to care for parrots the moment the camera stops rolling!

There are already some organizations which capitalize on the endeavor of parrot adoption. Not every Joe and Jane is qualified to adopt a parrot. These organizations all have standards, depending on the breed of the parrot to be cared for and the policies which govern their mission and vision statement.

Some training will be required for one to become eligible for parrot adoption. Parrots are unique, as I have said earlier, and they require a special level of care and attention. They have different behavioral patterns in addition to the basics of caring for birds, in general. Not knowing about these behavioral patterns is a no-no for every soon-to-be parrot guardian. To know as much as possible about the parrot to be adopted is by far one of the things the parrot adoption organizations never fail to emphasize to every budding owner.

Caring for a parrot can even be more of a collaborative effort. The parrot adoption organization will not allow you to adopt their parrots if they don't find your residence conducive enough for the parrot. For example, a certain person in your house may not necessarily share your passion for parrots and be potentially harmful to the parrot if ever it gets deployed in your home. The organization not only screens the potential owner's capability to take care and train on basic concepts in caring for parrots, but also the overall environment from which the parrot will be made to grow.

Prices for adoption vary according to size and in line with this, every parrot owner wannabe must be ready for the extra budget that caring for a parrot will require. The parrot adoption organizations available in the country often make use of contracts to secure the safety of the parrot. These may include mandatory regular veterinarian checkups and all those maintenance stuff they don't really show you in the movies. Some organizations may even request refunds for earlier maintenance. To reduce nervous breakdowns and misunderstandings over payments, learn as much about the organization's policies before deciding to start applying for eligibility for parrot guardianship.

Aside from the mere enthusiasm of talking to a bird, more serious motivations for parrot adoption (such as the desire to preserve natural life) are also becoming more rampant these days. The more passionate individuals who labored on rescuing the more extinct of these parrot breeds are more than willing to share the rewarding load to people who have a heart for the same cause.

Adults who are often dealt with psychological depressions are often advised to keep a pet. Parrots may be a good choice, since their cheery quips can definitely jolt any person out of his misery. When well-trained, parrots can even help out in their own small ways, i.e. welcoming guests in the home or entertaining them.

Having a pet parrot can also do wonders to kids. However, they need to be well-guided by parents as they do so. If done the right way, parrot adoption for kids may serve to be one of their most rewarding childhood memories. Being responsible for menial tasks such as feeding and training the parrot to speak certain words not only makes any kid happy, but it builds a sense of responsibility which will benefit him or her in the long run and beyond the life span of the parrot itself.

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2012年12月4日 星期二

Parrots Of The World - Family - Pets

Many parrots of the world have become popular as house pets. To some new owners, their particular parrot is the most beautiful. To other new owners, all the parrots of the world are gorgeous, with flashing colors of red, blue, green, and yellow.

Most of the parrots of the world come from warm climates such as West Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Australasia, South and Central America.

Parrot Families

All parrots of the world belong to the order Psittaciformes. In that order there are two different families: Cacatuidas and Psittacidae. Cockatoos belong in the first family, while the second includes all the true parrots of the world.

Each family of parrots has subfamilies within it, and subspecies within that. Macaws, for example, belong to the Psittacidae family. Macaws are a subfamily group. Among macaws, there are at least 17 members:

* Hyacinth* Glaucous Macaw* Lear's Macaw* Spix's Macaw* Blue and Yellow Macaw, or Blue and Gold Macaw* Caninde Macaw* Military Macaw* Buffon's Macaw * Scarlet Macaw* Green-winged Macaw* Red-fronted Macaw* Yellow-collared Macaw * Chestnut-fronted Macaw, or Severe Macaw * Red-bellied Macaw* Illiger's Macaw* Blue-headed Macaw* Red-shouldered Macaw

Most Popular

People differ in their opinions of which parrots are more well-liked. Some look at the trendy parrots. Others consider the most prevalent in the pet stores. Some speak of which is more popular in this country or that, but of all the parrots of the world, the 5 most often dubbed popular are these.

1. Parakeets: The common Parakeet, Budgerigar to be more precise, is from Australia, and is often chosen as a pet for children or those who are beginners at bird care, partly due to its low price. Colorful little "Budgies" are hardy, require little space, and are much lower maintenance than larger birds. They are very intelligent, and although content to whistle or sing quietly, some do learn a few words. The name "Budgerigar" comes from the Australian Aboriginal name for the parrot. It means "good eating" but most "Budgie" owners would be horrified to hear you say so. Among the many parrots of the world, this is probably the least expensive in both initial and upkeep costs.

2. Cockatiels: Another Australian species, these medium sized parrots are known for sophisticated whistling and singing. While they can be taught to speak, many people find that the birds would rather whistle, and mimic random sounds, such as a ringing cell phone. A disadvantage to the cockatiel is that it uses a powdery substance to keep its wings water-proof, so owners often find their fingers dusty after handling the bird.

3. Sun Conures: Among the parrots of the world, Sun Conures are one of the brightest. Their plumage is red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. Sun Conures have been known to talk well, but beware! These parrots often screech and scream rather than talk. Their 12 inch length means they will require a smaller cage than larger parrots, but you and your family may require earplugs. If you train your Sunnie to lower its voice, you will enjoy its antics, as these parrots tend to be playful.

4. Parrotlets: Parrotlets, especially Pacific Parrotlets, are one of the smallest known parrots of the world - about 4 inches in length! They are also one of the most pernicious and spunky of all the parrots of the world. These tiny parrots learn to talk in a voice that sounds like that of a robot. This tiny voice, their size, and the fact that they do not scream, make them ideal for those who need a quiet companion.

5. African Greys: African Grey Parrots are probably the most intelligent of the parrots of the world, and indeed, of all birds. These parrots are not as colorful as some. They are mainly grey, as the name implies. They do have a bright red or maroon tail, though, depending on the subspecies. African Greys excel at mimicry, sometimes learning as many as 1-2000 words. They learn other sounds, too, and may quickly learn to imitate a jet engine if you walk through an airport with them. Among the many parrots of the world, these may be the most demanding. Just like your toddler, these birds get bored and want their owners to provide entertainment. If you are looking for an intellectual, loyal, and affectionate parrot, the African Grey is probably a good choice.

How Many Different Parrots Are There?

All told, parrots of the world number more than 350 different species and subspecies! Due to loss of habitat, climate changes, hunting, and the trade in live birds as pets, some parrots have become extinct. Others are listed as threatened, or are on the "endangered species" list.

Life Expectancy

People who purchase a parrot, purchase a commitment that is likely to continue throughout their lives and beyond. Most parrot owners are already 20 years old or more, and parrots themselves often have a life expectancy of more than 50 years. Some live to be nearly 100 years old. Added to that long life expectancy, many parrots of the world tend to bond with a single person. If that person breaks the bond in some way, the parrot may die.

Before you ask a parrot to be your companion, think it through carefully. The bird may outlive you.

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2012年12月3日 星期一

Parrot Breeders: Know How To Mate a Parrot - Other

Buying parrots as pets is developing quickly in popularity. Acquiring a parrot from a rescue organization or pet store is always an option. Nevertheless, when purchasing directly from a parrot breeder, there will be more likelihood to receive the accurate history, methods of care, and personality information. It is of the maximum importance that a lifelong pet be chosen from honest breeder with a high standard of quality care, dedication to safety, and trustworthiness.

Finding Your Parrot Breeder

When deciding on a parrot breeder, superior of bird care is vital. Healthy and happy birds depend primarily on the way they were raised. According to the breeds, feeding methods will vary. Hand rearing or feeding while handling the baby is one way that breeders can train early in the parrot's life the importance of bonding with humans. Breeders should begin to accept the responsibility of weaning baby parrots at 10-12 weeks of age by initiating into their diet a wide selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, soft foods, pellets, and seeds.

Cage Attention and Size

Cage care and size is also necessary to note. Cages are the most prominent on the market, and they should be. The breeders should recognize that birds need to feel safe and at home in their cages. Some parrot owners prefer to clip the wings of their parrots to limit their cage size or to let their parrots to roam free. A committed parrot breeder will know the value of keeping their parrots safe in a cage while unattended, not limiting their wing development. A sensible breeder will know that baby parrots need to have time to fledge, allowing time for their feathers to mature. Parrot breeders will know that this is something that young parrots must have to aid in their growth, balance, development and overall happiness.

Most breeders are caring, patient, serious bird owners. Nonetheless, there are some owners who breed birds for t the sole purpose of making a profit. Searching potential owners should do their research. Knowing what to look for in a parrot breeder will aid in getting that special friend. They should feel at ease answering any and all questions that a future owner could have. They should offer the chance to consider the breeding facilities, aviaries, and cages.

Picking out a parrot as a pet is a major investment. Doing the necessary research, knowing what to look for, and finding a dependable breeder will confirm that the purchase of a new pets friend will be a enjoyable experience. Locating the right breeder will allow the future owner to feel assured in the fact that they are purchasing a happy, healthy well-adjusted feathered friend.

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