2012年12月27日 星期四

A Guide To Parrots - Family - Pets

Parrots are one of the most dazzlingly colored members in the bird kingdom. While some of the parrot species command awe due to their splendor and elegance, some of its species are small, cute and cuddly. Most parrot types are green in color and usually make great pets.

To be able to get the parrot type that suits your interest, you need to clearly understand the various types of parrots. Some parrot types are multi colored. Some of these types come in yellow green, bright blue or a mixture of two or more colors.

African grey parrot; this type of parrot have the potential to imitate and speak all manner of whistles and sounds. They usually create a strong bond to one person of the family. This type of parrot is notorious in feather plucking especially after getting bored, when experiencing dietary imbalances or as a result of emotional abuse. The species in this type are very different from each other in terms of plucking ability and even speaking. To distract screaming African grey parrot, take them for a walk around the house or allow them to fly to your finger.

Amazon parrots: there are about 22 species in this parrot type. They are mainly green and short winged. This type of parrot is very good in imitating sounds and talking. They are also very playful, social and energetic. They usually demand a lot of attention from its owners. They have a moody character at different times being playful, quiet, loud, cuddy or even silly and jealous. Since this type of parrots requires much attention it's not for just any pet owners. They require special diets that include fresh vegetables and fruits, water, parrot pellet mix and small amount of human food. Do not give this type of parrots alcohol, caffeine or avocado since they are toxic to it.

Another type of parrots is the Eclectus parrots which are basically glossy, brilliant birds. The male parrots are bright green with red and blue patches while the females are crimson with blue belly. This type of parrots is very intelligent and quickly trains themselves on the dos and don'ts. They able to repeat many words sing songs and imitate both human and other birds. This type of parrots requires an additional vitamin A in their diet and their diet should contain enough fiber since they have long digestive tract. Besides this they also need high quality pellets, variety of seeds and nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Green parrot; this is a favorite type of parrot to most pet owners. Most pet owners' like this type of parrot due to its plumage color. Most species of green parrot require high quality proteins, lean chicken, cooked vegetables and selected high quality seeds. This type of parrot can be easily trained, is very intelligent, curious and affectionate.

Other parrot types include the Senegal parrot that is known for its entertaining capability and the Quaker parrot type that likes soothing and cooing tones and likes playing bonding games.

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