2013年2月12日 星期二

Parrot Birds Tips - From What Dangers Should A Parrot Be Kept Away From? - Family

When you plan to entertain the most of your parrot, then ensure to keep it away from any dangers. One of the excellent ways to free your parrot from any injury is to put it in the cage. But, putting the parrot for full time in cage is not good for its health. Sometimes you may have to give liberty to the parrot so that it gets relaxed. At that time, your parrot might be frightened with some hidden dangers which it may be exposed to. So, you should be aware of those dangers to keep parrot safe. Some of the hazards are described below:

Almost all parrots get excited to feed when they get anything at home. This happens especially when parrot moves out of the cage. Hence, always remember that you left nothing nearby the parrot at your home as this can be harmful for its health. The parrots are also very receptive to smells. They react immediately towards it. Therefore, the chemicals with harmful smells must be placed away from the parrots.

One more thing hazardous for the parrot's health is water. But it is not water which you keep for drinking. The parrot should not be kept in the tubs or sinks. Be sure that this parrot does not move close to toilet. It may go under or die if it goes in the tub or the sink as it may not be able to come out from water. The parrot may release itself ones it falls into tub or the sink. However, if you don't reach on time and the parrot is not able to move out then it will eventually die.

One thing about the parrots is they are of very searching type. They would like to know everything that is nearby them. So, it is better to switch off the fans when the parrot has left the cage as the blades of fan can cause damage to the parrot.

Keeping some other pets at your home could also be dangerous to the parrot's life. The parrots don't feel comfortable in front of either any cats or dogs when they see them. The cats and dogs may be aggressive to the parrot and they may kill your parrot. So, remember that they always live a friendly and healthy life. You can attempt to incorporate each one of them into other's life. But if you don't get any result, it is good if you keep both of them away from the other.

If you give your parrot any kind of play objects then ensure that they are sturdy as the parrot may eat the broken pieces and end up with death.

Therefore, it is very necessary to follows all these instructions before you bring a parrot at your home. Also, if you want that your parrot should live a friendlier and happy life it is good if you follow all the above mentioned points to avoid the hazards. This will ensure the long and healthy life of the parrot.

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