2013年4月30日 星期二

6 Important Things New Parrot Breeders Must Know - Hobbies

Today, I would like to share with you what are the 6 most important things that new parrot breeders should take note to see their first little ones born from their nest boxes and make their maiden flights.

Here are the 6 things...

1. Identify what type of parrots you want to breed

New parrot breeders should only breed parrots if they are truly interested in them for their beauty and intelligence. It should be noted that parrots can live a very long life and therefore developing a strong fulfilling relationship with this pet is a serious long-term consideration.

The first question parrot breeders should ask would be what sort of birds should I start with? This would be the well-established breeders, reasonably priced, and which will not pose problems of compatibility.

Some of these would be the Budgerigars, Elegants, Cockatiels, Bourke's Parakeets, Red-Rumps and Australian Grass Parakeets. It is relatively easier to breed Aviary-bred birds which are more reliable than wild caught specimens.

2. Watch if they are compatible

Second, parrot breeders should always keep close watch for a few weeks or even months to make sure that the pair is compatible. If it happens that the cock becomes overly aggressive, it will be desirable to remove the cock to another place and bring it back again a few days later. However, you may need to seek for an alternate mate if this fails after a few attempts before the breeding is due to take place.

3. Prepare nest boxes for them to mate

Third, after you have found them to be compatible, parrot breeders should start to build the nest boxes to prepare the pair to mate. It would be best to place these boxes in a shaded spot and at a convenient height where you can see them daily and easily.

To withstand changes in the weather, these boxes should be made from thick wood and also the size should reflect the size and length of the bird (excluding the tail) with a square base.

4. Feed them with nutritional diet

Fourth, parrot breeders must feed in them with lots of oil seeds, in addition to the cuttlefish bone or oyster shell, and extra supplements such as powdered and liquid high-vitamin concentrates and vitaminized tonic seeds that can provide additional vitamin content during the build-up weeks to egg laying, so that the eggs will provide the embryos with a good protein base to grow on. Bread, milk and calcium should be supplemented to ensure that the chicks do not suffer from rickets too.

5. Watch their growth during the initial weeks

Fifth, it is important for parrot breeders to watch the baby's weight during the initial weeks. You may need to remove them for fostering or hand-feeding if they are found not to be gaining weight, or worse losing weight. After about three weeks (to three months in some cases), they should be ready to leave their nest and feed on their own. At this point, parrot breeders must remove them to separate quarters, otherwise, they will be attacked and killed by their parents, especially by the cock.

6. Identify them by leg-banding

Lastly, parrot breeders would want to be able to identify the various birds, especially when the young rapidly attain adult plumage and are caged together with the older birds. This can be done by means of leg bands (also called 'rings') which are available in metal or plastic, closed or split. Normally, the plastic rings can be used on the smaller parrots but they are quite easily destroyed. A closed ring can be used on a chick at about five to six days of age. These rings can be further colored or numbered for better identification.

And remember to keep and breed birds in a responsible manner is an art. The bigger the cage or aviary, the better. And providing attention, toys and plenty of space are a few of the demands that parrot breeders must provide!

I hope you find these simple tips useful as new parrot breeders.

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