2013年10月9日 星期三

The complete diet of bearded dragons - Other

Bearded dragons are omnivorous, meaning that they eat both animal and plant matter. Any and all food items that your Bearded Dragons eat should be no bigger than the space between their eyes. If the food items are bigger than the space between their eyes it can cause impaction and/or hind leg paralysis. Either way your Beardie will suffer horribly.Diet - Babies & Juvenile BeardiesBaby and juvenile Beardies should be offered appropriately sized crickets two to three times a day. Offer as many as your Beardie will eat in a 5-10 minute time frame. When your Beardie stops eating, stop offering. Young Bearded Dragons can eat anywhere from 20-60 small crickets a day. Your Beardie should also be given fresh greens daily. Spraying the greens with water will help them last longer and will also help keep your Beardie hydrated. You should dust the food with calcium once a day, 5 times a week, make sure to use calcium without vitamin D3.Sub-Adults & AdultsSub-adult to adult Beardies o nly need to eat prey items once a day along with fresh greens. Once they are this age you can also offer them Locusts, Cockroaches, Mealworms, Waxworms, Zophobas worms, Silkworms, Superworms, Butterworms, Red worms, Earthworms and just about any other worm available. All these should be used as treats though with roaches, crickets and greens being the staple part of your Dragons diet. DO NOT feed your Beardie insects that you have caught in your backyard. These bugs could have parasites that could be passed on to your Beardie or they could have been exposed to poisons that could kill your Beardie. Lightning bugs can also kill your Beardie so it is much safer to stay away from wild caught insects. Dust the food with calcium every 3rd day, make sure it does not contain vitamin D3.Method of feeding live insectsIt is always a hassle when you have crickets, roaches etc. running all over the cage and you have to catch them every time. I have huge cages with loads of rocks and had to make a plan to feed my dragons inside the cage on the days that we start early in the mornings. I took 2 small, shallow, see through lunch boxes and cut out squires in the lids big enough for my dragons heads and front legs to fit in. The lid prevented the crickets from climbing out and my dragons could happily catch them without having them crawl on them. If you put tiny roaches in there then you need to smear the inside sides with Vaseline, the roaches wont go over the Vaseline.List of recommended salads: This can be used for all reptiles including parrots, mix up with water before serving.You need to make a salad combining at least 3 different types of greens, 1 veggie and fruit once a week or as a treat. Staple greens that can be fed daily. Alfalfa - called Lucerne in South AfricaTurnip GreensMustard GreensCollard GreensWatercressDandelion - pesticide freeEscaroleEndiveOccasionally mix in with the staple greens: Do NOT feed daily.Bok Choy (high in goitrogens)ChicoryCl overKale (high in goitrogens)Beet Greens (high in Oxalates and Phytates)Swiss Chard (high in Oxalates and Phytates)RocketCabbage (high in goitrogens)Carrot Tops (high in Oxalates and Phytates)Spinach (high in Oxalates and Phytates)ParsleyleeksHerbs that can be fed: I personally mix them alternatively in per day. It is impossible to write all the benefits of these herbs! (This can be the reason why all my kids are full of energy, active and can solve problems.) Basil - Anti-oxidant protection, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, many essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins, bone strengthening function etc. Coriander (Cilantro) - Containing an antibacterial compound, cilantro has been found to provide a natural means of fighting Salmonella and aids in digestion. It is also found to have anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to protect from metal-poisoning. etc. Fennel - Reduce inflammation and prevent the occurrence of cancer. Source of fibre and reduce cholesterol.Th yme - Keeps your brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes healthy and protects against ageing. Oregano - Anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, source of iron, manganese and dietary fibre, as well as a good source of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A.Rosemary - stimulates the immune system, increasing circulation, and improving digestion. Increase the blood flow to the head and brain, improving concentration. Sage - Ant-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory, boost brain function. Peppermint - Relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including indigestion, dyspepsia, and colonic muscle spasms. Anti-cancer agent, stops the growth of many different bacteria. Excellent source of manganese, vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene. If the greens you are wondering about say Lettuce anywhere in the name avoid them. Most types of lettuce are composed mostly of water and hold little or no nutritional value. With the wide variety of other greens out there it is better and easier to just avoid any type of l ettuce. Spinach should also be avoided as calcium binds to it and will not be digested by your beardie. Veggies:A wide variety of vegetables can also be offered to your Beardie. Butternut squash, Yellow squash, Spaghetti squash, Acorn squash, all other varieties of squash, Green beans, Parsnips, Sweet potato, Snow peas and Carrots. Carrots should only be used as a treat though due to the high amounts of vitamin A. Any food with high amounts of vitamin A should be avoided as reptiles do not absorb a lot of vitamin A. Feeding your Beardie a lot foods such as Carrots will end up in a condition called Vitamin A toxicity which is deadly. Squashes will either have to be cooked or micro waved before feeding them to your Beardie. This will soften them up and they can then be minced and eaten easier. My dragons are spoiled rotten, I feed them mashed up veggies with a spoon every morning. They sit on my lap and eat like a baby! This is the only way I can get them to eat their veggies. List of recommended VegetablesAcorn SquashBell PepperBroccoliButternut SquashFrozen Mixed VegetablesGrated CarrotsGreen BeansOkraParsnipsPeasPrickly pearSnow PeasSpaghetti SquashSquashSweet PotatoYellow SquashZucchiniHere is a video of how you can get your dragon to LOVE veggies: /forums/showthread.php?196-How-to-get-your-Dragon-to-Love-veggies-and-drink-waterFruitsFruits can also be used, just avoid any citrus fruit such as oranges and grape fruit. Use Melon, occasional Apples, Banana (only very occasionally as a treat -bananas are very high in Phosphorus), and rarely Strawberry, Grapes, Raspberry.When feeding any vegetable or fruit, always cut or shred it into small enough pieces.List of recommended fruitsMango (Mine LOVE mango)AppleApricotsBananas (With Skin)DatesFigsGrapesKiwiMelonPapayaPeachesPlumsRaspberryStrawberriesTomatoesPlants that I know are safe:Nasturtium leafs and flowerMedical use for nasturtium: Effective treatment for the symptoms of topical and internal ba cterial infections, as well as the respiratory and digestive systems. It can also be used to treat fungal infections. It has antibiotic, anti fungal, antiviral and antibacterial oils. Boosts the immune system, stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion and supports metabolism.Hibiscus leaf and flowerHollyhock another favourite.Petunia Cream of Wheat: This hot cereal has a perfect calcium/phosphorus ratio of 2:1 and offers protein, carbohydrates and other vitamins. You can cook the porridge and pour into an ice cube tray and keep in the refrigerator. Mix a block with his food once a week or so.WaterBeardies need water just like we do. Fresh water should be offered daily in a shallow bowl and the bowl needs to be washed daily. Many Beardies may not drink from a water bowl so you may have to drip the water slowly onto your Beardies snout. Wiggling your finger in the water may also get their attention. Beardies like things that move socreating ripples in the water may get their attention. I taught my dragons to drink from the kitchen tab by opening it and letting drip on their noses while smacking my lips. They soon started smacking their lips too and wha-la they drank water. This is now a routine in our house. Proper hydration is very important in the health of a Beardie and is even more important to a sick Beardie. When a Beardie becomes ill they are often too weak to drink fluids on their own, and if they are not drinking or eating theybecome even more lethargic and weak. Severe dehydration may lead to shock and even death. Clean water should always be available for your Dragon. Always provide fresh water in a low dish, no taller than their shoulder. Their food may also be misted to add moisture. I have found that my dragons LOVE any water that comes from above - like rain. They hate bathing but LOVE showering. What not to feed:* Do not feed wild insects or insects found around the house. They may carry diseases that could be deadly to your dra gon.* Lightning bugs (also known as fireflies) are deadly poisonous (they contain phosphorous).* Avoid also spinach as calcium binds to it and will not be digested by your dragon.* Avoid citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits).* Do not feed dog or cat food to your Dragon.* Carrots should only be used as a treat though due to the high amounts of vitamin A. Any food with high amounts of vitamin A should be avoided, as reptiles do not absorb a lot of vitamin A. * NEVER iceberg lettuce.

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