2014年5月31日 星期六

Information About Finches - Other

A finch makes an ideal pet for every bird enthusiast because of their vibrant colors and beautiful singing voice. But one must also know several concerns in having finches for a pet.Zebra and society finch are among the popular finches. They have bright beautiful colors and some even sings beautifully. The Lady Gouldian on the other hand is best to have if they are on their full-color as they are hardier while youngsters are delicate and cannot acclimatize easily to changes.

Some variety of finches that are best for a more experienced bird enthusiasts are the cordons, gold-breasted, strawberry, fire, orange cheek, star, tricolor nuns, read ear, cut throat, parson's, shafttail, spice, lavender, owl, silverbill, bronze wing, cherry headed, European goldfinch, weavers, blue headed parrot finch and red headed parrot finch where most of these species needs more than a commercial seed in their diet.

The sweet sound that a finch makes can be attributed to the male finches. The song that the male finch makes is actually a sound to attract females during the mating season. The European gold, green singer and grey singer finches are the best singing finches. Finches do not need much attention that makes them a perfect pet for people with limited space and time.

Finches are social but only to birds and not to humans that they must be bought in pairs. Keeping several varieties of finches in one cage could make them squabble especially during mating season. You must also take into consideration the size of the finches you are going to put in one cage. It is better to have a pair of finches of the same size so that one would not get intimated if the other finch is larger.

It is important for the finch to have a flying space inside their cage as flying is their form exercise that will keep them healthy and active.

Livefood like mealworms and some leafy greens must be added to the diet of finches aside from their regular seeds. You can also put cuttlebone or calcium block inside their cage to ensure that they are getting enough calcium.

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