2013年5月31日 星期五

Puffins, the Parrot of the Sea - Travel

It is August on the coast of Iceland, and the air is filled with the deep garbled growls of hundreds of puffins. The social birds have come to shore for the short breeding season, and the rocky banks are dotted with their squat, football-shaped bodies. From the ocean bursts a shiny five-year-old male carrying a dozen small herring in his beak. Flapping his wings mightily, he rises from the waves to the rocky cliffs where a hungry chick waits silently in a burrow hidden in the rocks. The puffin circles the sky above the burrow several times, looking out for herring gulls, which sometimes wait ashore to steal a puffin's catch. But the coast is clear and the puffin swoops down, entering the dark burrow with a flurry. Instantly the chick springs to life, demanding its meal with tiny squeals. Downy gray and plump, with a sliver of a beak, the chick hardly resembles its striking black and white father. Large and colorful beaks, which will fall off after the season is over, have given these arctic birds their nicknames-the sea parrot.

It was once questioned whether the pelagic puffin was a cross between a bird and a fish. Awkward and clumsy-looking on land, it certainly appears more adept in the sea, where its short wings effectively propel it through the water after small herring and sand eels. Its webbed feet function as a rudder, allowing the bird to maneuver sharp turns. Puffins can fly, and will actually beat their wings 100-400 beats per minute to become airborne. But because of the effort required to take flight, puffins will nest on cliffs where they more easily swoop down into the ocean. Puffins fly low to the water, and can reach speeds up to 55 miles per hour.

A puffin's diet comes from the icy depths of the ocean, and an average dive can last twenty or thirty seconds, or more. With their specialized beaks, puffins are able to hold several fish at a time. Their raspy tongues hold fish against spines on their palate while they open their beak for more. An average catch would be 10-12 fish, but one puffin reportedly brought 62 fish in its beak at one time! Waterproof feathers provide protection from the chill of even the coldest waters in the arctic region. Even its coloration lends to its survival in the sea. The puffin's dark coloring on its back make it difficult for predators to distinguish it from the dark waves as it floats on the ocean, while from below its white underside masks it from ocean enemies. This deceptive coloring is called counter shading.

Around the world it is estimated that 12-15 million puffins exist as three species: The horned puffin, named for its horny projections above its eyes; the tufted puffin, which has conspicuous straw-colored feathers extending from its crown during mating season; and the Atlantic puffin, the only puffin to live on the Atlantic Ocean, which has a steel-blue triangle at the base of its beak. In the 1800s over-hunting obliterated a native population in Maine, which has since been restored. They are not presently threatened. Puffin colonies are found breeding off the coasts of Alaska, Canada, North America, and North Asia; although Iceland is the breeding quarters of the largest population of puffins. Coastlines are filled with thousands of breeding pairs during the summer months. Puffins are monogamous, and while companions may part for the winter, which they spend out on the open sea, they usually return to the same partner, and even the same nest.

The rigorous mating ritual begins while the pair is still at sea. Breeding pairs engage in billing each other, skypointing (flying straight up), and strutting. By the time birds reach the shore, partnerships are well-established. The male digs the burrow using his beak to cut into the soil and his feet to shovel the rocks and other loose material away. Ideally, the burrow will be 2-3 feet long and protected from predators by rocks. Here the female lays one egg per year. Together, the pair incubates the egg, each taking a turn holding it under one wing and pressing it against its body. Cooperating in this way, both birds are able to leave the nest to feed.

When the egg hatches 40-53 days later, the parents continue to share responsibility for the chick. Feeding occurs four to five times a day, and after the first day of life the chick can be left alone in the burrow to wait for its next meal. The chick remains in the burrow about 40-55 days, whereupon it waits until evening before independently approaching the opening of the burrow for the first time. The fledgling sets out to sea on its own, where it will live for the next two years. Puffins reach sexual maturity at 3 years old, but will not generally return to their nesting grounds to mate until 4-5 years old. Puffins live long lives of 20 years or more.

Historically humans have used the puffin for meat and clothing (its skin is waterproof and warm when worn with the feathers turned inside), but hunting is generally discouraged today. In some countries it is forbidden by law. Meanwhile, man has come to value puffins as indicators of ocean health. By observing the condition of the puffin population, scientists determine whether over-fishing or harmful pollution is taking place. Oil spills threaten puffins by de-waterproofing their feathers, making them vulnerable to cold temperatures. Another negative impact on puffin colonies has been the unintentional introduction of rats and foxes to summer nesting areas.

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2013年5月30日 星期四

Case Study: Increase the Online Bookings of a Full Service Lodge by 50% - Website Promotion - Online Promotion

The Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa is a Four star, Four diamond resort property located just two blocks from Town Square in Jackson, Wyoming's, downtown area. This 31-room full-service property offers lavish accommodations, spa services and fine dining. While this lodge attracts skiers looking for the best in boutique lodging, there is much more to Jackson Hole than skiing. Award-winning restaurants, as well as world class fishing, rafting, shopping, art galleries and much more can be found within close proximity to the Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa.

GOALSIn 2005, Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa became more aggressive with its online marketing and upgraded to Blizzard Internet Marketing, Inc's Comprehensive Promotion Plan, which includes Blizzard's tracking and analytics system. By upgrading its services, Rusty Parrot planned to increase website revenue by implementing a comprehensive set of online promotion techniques.

STRATEGY Through the guidance of Blizzard's dedicated Senior Account Manager a plan was created and implemented to meet the specific goals set forth by the Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa. This includes:

CONTINUOUS SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Benefit ~ Continuously improving results and rankings. Blizzard focused on terms that drove up actual online bookings. Visitors from organic search engines (mostly Google) increased 65% from 2005 to 2006.

BLOGGING /Benefit ~ Blogging allows Rusty Parrot staff, guests and the local community to easily create and manage authentic content. By entering the Blogosphere, Rusty Parrot created a community, increased traffic, increased conversions and received better search engine results.

LOCAL SEARCH OPTIMIZATION - BLIZZARD LOCALBenefit ~ Local Search offers hundreds of qualified visitors per month who are looking for "localized" information. Local search offered Rusty Parrot a huge competitive advantage: most competitors have not implemented an effective local search strategy.

CONTENT BUILDINGBenefit ~ Fresh and relevant content creates additional search engine traffic and attracts qualified visitors. Blizzard added over 50 content rich pages to rustyparrot.com.

PAY PER CLICK ADVERTISINGBenefit ~ A great way to get Targeted Traffic. PPC's allow you to bid a dollar amount on the specific keywords people search for to find YOUR property. For every $100 spent in PPC advertising during December of 2006, Rusty Parrot enjoyed $600 in direct online bookings and an additional 18 phone calls.

BLIZZARD TRACKING Benefit ~ Blizzard's sophisticated web-based ROI Tracker allows the Promotion Account Manger to look at statistics from the website throughout the year to help manage the Promotion campaign. The tracker allowed Rusty Parrot to track actual revenue made from the various promotion efforts. Along with this service, Call Tracking was also implemented to get a better understanding of how many phone calls were generated by the website, and where improvements could be made in the reservation process.

MISCELLANEOUS SERVICESPersonal Site Visit, Niche Marketing (golf, rafting, skiing, dog sledding, etc.), Website Hosting, Spam and Virus Filtering, Website updates and Maintenance, Online Press Releases, Email Marketing, regular Reporting and Consultation.RESULTSBecause of the strategies and the ROI tracker, it was easy to see positive results. The forward thinking and hard work of the team led to the following results:

Online Unique Visitors increased 22.2%

Online Bookings increased 34%

Online Average Daily Rate increased 15%

Online Revenue increased 54%

Even though unique visitors increased only about 22%, Online Revenue jumped an amazing 54%! What this means is through Blizzard's Promotion efforts, more qualified traffic was driven to the website which was more likely to result in a room reservation.

Additionally, the implementation of Call Tracking, a service most web-marketing firms may not think of as a "value added" item, also helped improve revenue for the client. Blizzard used Call tracking to show the Rusty Parrot that potential guests were being lost even before they got through to someone on the phone. Example Upon implementing the call tracking system in October 2006, Management was able to train and schedule staff more effectively, reducing the no answer rate to 1% or less in the following three consecutive months.Not only is call tracking helping to train employees, it is also showing that the website is generating an average of 300 calls per month.

WHAT'S NEXT FOR THE RUSTY PARROT LODGE & SPA?Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa is continuing to think toward the future of Internet Marketing. Along with the Comprehensive Promotion Plan for 2007, it has also decided to take the next step, and dive into the social Internet. To achieve success on the social Internet, the Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa has signed up for our Blizzard Live Program. To kick things off, a dedicated Account Manager will visit the property and surrounding attractions to gain an expert understanding of the area. Blizzard Live then introduces our client and its product to the relationships we have developed on various sites, as well as create a Blog on its website for its product and community. The Blizzard Live Account Manager will assist in adding content to the Blog and help to encourage the client's customers, staff and community to contribute to this great local resource and share their experiences. This will result in increased online exposure with higher tr affic, strengthen brand recognition and to help develop relationships in the community with free online resources.

CONCLUSIONThe first year for the Rusty Parrot Lodge & Spa as a Comprehensive client was a success. Through the efforts of the Rusty Parrot and Blizzard, it has achieved a web presence which cannot be matched by its competitors.

ABOUT BLIZZARD INTERNET MARKETING, INC.Blizzard Internet Marketing, Inc. is the leading provider of Internet marketing services to the hospitality industry. Our proactive team-based and personalized account management services include website design, promotion, statistical tracking, web hosting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), link building and direct email marketing. Blizzard has more than 1,500 clients using our Internet marketing solutions. We focus on designing websites that perform well in search engines, excel in usability and facilitate a purchasing action resulting in increased online purchases and revenue for our clients.

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2013年5月29日 星期三

Tips on How to Feed Plus Give Nutrition to Help Senegal Parrots - Family

I have a 6 yr old Senegal parrot that I hand fed. My Senegal is named Sunni and he has a vocabulary of about 6 words. He can imitate many noises such as, the microwave, smoke alarm, running water and telephone. He has a sweet little personality and has bonded very well with me. I am able to handle him anytime, day or night, and he has only bitten me once when he was a few months old. He will let others handle him, but has bitten on quite a few occasions. Most Senegal parrots are as friendly as Sunni. I have learned alot about parrot feed and nutrition while caring for my Senegal parrot.

The most important thing in raising a parrot is their nutrition. Most people are led to believe that a diet of just seeds is adequate for these birds, but it is not. In the wild Senegal's will eat different foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. I feed a variety of foods to keep my senegal parrot healthy. His main diet consists of commercially made parrot pellets. There are a few different brands of pellets out there is different shapes, colors and flavors. Some parrots will take to one kind and not another. Check out this website Caring for a Senegal Parrot for a list of companies that sell parrot pellets to get free samples. Care must be taken when switching over from a regular diet to pellets. You should only change their diet about 10% each week.

I supplement my senegal parrot's pelleted diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avacodos and chocolate are POISONOUS to parrots and should never be fed. Sunni's favorites foods are grapes and apples. It is very interesting watching a parrot eat a grape. Sunni "unzips" it with his beak, sucks out the inside, and drops the skin. This also keeps him pretty busy. Parrots like to "forage" for their food so it is recommended that you put bowls in various positions in the cage.

Senegal parrots are drawn to colorful foods and also like things in different shapes and sizes, so experiment!! You can cut up carrots into sticks or squares. Some birds will only eat cooked or steamed veggies and some like them fresh. I like to stick some broccoli in his cage bars and make it look like a tree. Sunni has a blast picking through it! Noodles and grains are also good for parrots. I do give him meat every once in a while and he eats that heartily! I feed corn bread, wheat bread, whole wheat or white noodles, and white or brown rice. An easy way to get a parrot to eat some veggies is to puree them in a blender and use the liquid with a little water to make a batch of cornbread according to the box directions. I cut these in little "bars" and freeze half for easy thawing.

Seeds and nuts are an important part of a parrots diet, but should be given in moderation as treats since they are high in fat. They love sunflower seeds! I also give some spray millet as a treat. I have also purchased some treat dispensers for birds where they have to work a treat through a maze before they can eat it. It is very important for parrots to stay busy and not get bored as they tend to develop bad habits such as feather picking.

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2013年5月28日 星期二

Parrot Behavior: Messiness - Family - Pets

It's important to know what you're getting into before you bring a parrot home. Parrots are smart creatures and can make fantastic pets but are not low maintenance! In this article learn a little about the parrot behavior of chewing and messiness.

Most Parrots are cavity breeders. They build their nest by hollowing out cavities in trees with their beaks. Chewing is a normal behavior that needs to be accommodated by providing your parrot lots of parrot safe things to chew. Don't expect your parrot to be able to tell the difference between your wood furniture and his toys. He won't!! This chewing though quite natural will produce mess!

Parrots are messy. They throw their food around, do a lot of pooping and love to shred things, Their cages need to have the paper changed daily and their food and water needs to be changed at least daily. Parrots also shed dander and feathers which can add to the mess and probably makes them inappropriate for those with allergies.

If mess is an issue for you a parrot may not be the pet you want.

If you've decided a parrots for you be prepared to deal with messiness. Buying a cage with seed catchers on the side may help. You can also buy net seed catchers for the bottom of a cage that doesn't have them built on the sides

You can place plastic under your parrot's cage. The plastic can then be simply picked up every couple of days and thrown away. You may want to place plastic on the walls your parrot's cage is sitting next to for wall protection against food throwing.

You must always supervise your parrot when he's out of his cage. If you fail to do this and come home to find grandmas antique table turned into splinters, don't blame your parrot.

You may want to buy newsprint from a packing company to use as cage lining material. This can be useful if you don't take a daily newspaper. Finally be sure to provide plenty of parrot safe toys for your parrot to shred and chew. Parrots are wild creatures and living in a cage is an unnatural state for them. As responsible owners we have to provide fro their needs and one of those needs is chewing.

Remember messiness isn't a behavior problem when it comes to parrots, it's just their nature. Parrots are naturally messy creatures. These behaviors are only a problem because your parrots in a living room and not a tree.

Understanding many of the behaviors you may find difficult to deal with are instinctual is the first step to a rewarding relationship with your new parrot. Insight into your parrots' behavior will go far in making your experience pleasant.

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2013年5月27日 星期一

African Grey Parrots' Food - Other

Bridge: Communication in between trainer and ParrotWhen investigating clicker training, you might see the expression 'bridge' talked about. A bridge is a instruction phrase that refers to the conversation amongst the trainer and the parrot. The bridge is the signal that lets the bird know that he or she has effectively done the activity. This is what the "click" is. Soon after the parrot hears the clicking noise, he is aware that a handle is coming. It is important to give your parrot the handle quickly soon after the click sound so that he puts the click and reward collectively.Food RewardIn regard to the foods reward, you never want to use it as a deprivation or punishment. It is always a handle. Good treats to use are nuts and seeds. Your parrot will carry out greater if instruction commences just before feeding time, but do not over do it or your bird will resent you and will stop teaching.Clicker Training - Really should be Short and EntertainingJust don't forget not to rush your parrot to learn more rapidly than he or she is capable to. Clicker instruction sessions must be quick and fun. Maintain the treats diverse and you will be amazed at how responsive Polly becomes. Enjoy your coaching sessions and you are positive to see great benefits.Your parrots diet plan is one particular of the most crucial elements of treatment as this right impacts their existence span, joy and physical and emotional well-becoming.1.) Birdseed Need to Not Be The Main Meals Source:A single of the largest fallacies in care and their diet plan is that your parrot can live only on birdseed as the sole supply of food. Birdseed is an crucial nutritional element of their overall diet regime, but isn't the only part. Parrots will skip out on other vital nutrients from a selection of other foods if they only take in birdseed. Only feeding your parrot birdseed will also shorten their lifespan. It is usually recognized that birdseed need to only consume amongst 15 and twenty percent of their everyday diet plan.Birdseed is substantial in fat and if consumed in fantastic quantities each and every day, can lead to an chubby parrot and liver problems. It is greater to also complement with a far more well-balanced and commercially available natural foods pellet. It really is critical to also stay away from synthetic additives these kinds of as food coloring or different types of preservatives to make confident that your bird will get all the correct vitamins they want in as uncooked and pure kind as feasible.2.) Don't Give Your Parrot Supplemental Nutritional vitamins or Minerals:When you give your pet parrot a well balanced diet, there shouldn't be a want to give further vitamins or nutritional supplements unless prescribed by a vet. If a healthcare professional's guidance isn't adopted closely, providing your pet parrot added nutritional vitamins or minerals can pose possible well being danger. Sometimes, offering your parrot such extra vita mins in incorrect proportions can even lead to premature death.three.) Limit Amounts of Extra fat & Sugar:When it comes to bird's diet regime, do your homework, but also use frequent perception. Foods higher in fat and refined or normal sugar need to be given sparingly to your parrot. Even raw fruit can be higher in natural fructose. Supply such meals to your parrot, as it is great and nutritious for them, but give sparingly.It is very good to offer your parrot treats as portion of their diet, especially when attempting to train them to full methods. Guarantee that the treats presented do not have synthetic colours or refined sugars, as this is unhealthy for your bird. A excellent substitute is to offer seeds and nuts as nicely as little items of fruit as treats.four.) Range & Foods PreparationRestricting the assortment of meals offered to your parrot can result in your parrot to turn into bored with behavior concerns as a end result of missing important vitamins.

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2013年5月26日 星期日

Parrot Foods: Which Ones to Feed Your Pet - Other

Get the time to consider what parrot meals is ideal the the wellbeing and longevity of your parrot.Your choice of parrot food is one particular of the most crucial decisions you have to make as a parrot parent! It impacts your bird's daily life span as effectively as each his physical and emotional wellbeing!A huge misconception, and one particular of the largest problems you can make, is to make seeds the staple of your parrot's diet regime. I feel we've all grown up believing that seeds are a nutritious diet for birds. The truth of the issue is that producing seeds the mainstay of a birds diet regime will drastically shorten its lifespan.Indeed, seeds can be healthy, but only in tiny amounts. They should make up no far more that ten-15 % of your parrot's diet regime. Imagine it or not, there is a food pyramid for parrots!Seeds are a large extra fat meals and lead to obesity and a fatty liver. Feeding your bird a diet consisting primarily of seeds would be the equivalent of you consuming a diet consisting primarily of potato chips. This would not be a nutritious choice.As a substitute, it would be ideal to locate a well-balanced, commercially ready, preferably organic, pelleted food with no artificial colours or preservatives. This will make certain that your parrot gets the appropriate nutrients in the right proportions.If you feed a properly balanced diet program you really should have no need for extra supplements unless they are especially advised by your veterinarian.Feeding vitamin and mineral health supplements can do as much harm as good if you do not follow a veterinarians advice. A lot of folks consider that feeding vitamins is a very good issue, and even though it can be, too much of a very good factor can be detrimental and often even deadly.Fats, along with sugars, would be at the top of the parrot's foods pyramid, just as they are at the leading of ours.This means that even however fruits are nutritious and you ought to consist of them, you should not overfeed them. They are high in sugar and need to not make up a huge portion of your parrots meals.The quite top of the pyramid is reserved for treats. You really should never give your parrot any treats made up of synthetic colorings or refined sugar. It is just plain unhealthy. Instead, use seed & nuts along with fruit bits as treats. That way your parrot treats will be nutritious as effectively as pleasant.Not offering a extensive variety of food items can result in boredom and lead to lacking vitamins and minerals. Do not make the error of skimping on vegetables and grains. These products really should make up a significant portion of your bird's diet program.Feed broad kinds of both. Make positive to use nutritious total grains relatively than the refined types that have been stripped of most of their nutrients! Veggies can be fed each raw and cooked.A phrase of caution don't make the mistake of leaving fresh or freshly cooked meals in your p arrot's cage for far too prolonged. Eliminate what ever he doesn't consume inside of a few several hours, just before it has a chance to get rancid or spoil and make your bird sick. Also bear in mind to clean and rinse your parrot's food and h2o dishes amongst feedings.If you follow these easy and common sensation recommendations and safeguards it will lessen your probabilities of making some of the much more common mistakes with parrot foods.Not all foods are great parrot foods. It has usually been mentioned that parrots can eat just about something that we individuals can take in, this is just not the fact. It would be a clever decision, to overlook that what tastes very good to you need to also flavor great for your parrot. Many meals are just not able to be digested nicely by the parrot and could lead to an upset gastrointestinal tract. There are also a lot of foods that are toxic to some birds.Some of the points that you really should try out to stay away from feeding y our bird in significant amounts is something that consists of high amounts of sugar (if nevertheless you have a Lory, it is alright as it is a bird species that generally consumes a good deal of sugar).

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2013年5月25日 星期六

Hand- Rearing An Baby Parrot - Hobbies

Hand- rearing a baby African Grey Parrot or any other parrot for that matter, is a dangerous thing to do if you don't know what you're doing. It takes a lot of perseverance and it can be difficult. Unless you have the experience of hand- rearing parrots, do not attempt to purchase a African Grey baby parrot or any other bird. You might harm the bird or even kill it if you have not done this before. I would personally advice most people to purchase an African Grey Parrot that has been weaned. You might pay less for a week old baby that needs constant care, but the added expenses will certainly be more than you bargained for. The formula, brooder and syringes are to name a few things needed for hand- rearing a baby parrot. Then there is the chance that the new baby will not make it.With hand -rearing you will have to keep record of each feeding, weigh the baby on a continual basis and keep all things very hygienic. The formula for hand- rearing has to be the right temperatur e and of the right consistency, to cold and thick can result in food remaining in the crop and causing harmful bacteria to grow. To hot might lead to crop burn, to runny will cause malnutrition. You should know how to open the African Grey's beak, if you don't, you could damage the beak and cause abnormalities. It may seem that a parrot has a hard beak, and adult parrots do but babies do not.Then there is ensuring that baby does not get to hot or too cold, both is disastrous and can have a fatal outcome. The baby cannot regulate his body temperature, so you need to do that for him, he has no mommy to keep him warm. Since hand- rearing means being a mother, you need to act like a mother for the baby parrot. That means a constantly checking on the baby parrot to foresee any problems, and you need to know the signs of being too hot or cold. You need to know how much formula to give the baby parrot, when to introduce solid foods. You will need to know what to give the baby parro t to ensure that he gets just enough vitamins and minerals. Too little or too much could lead to many different health issues later. Hand rearing does not take a couple of days, but rather weeks. It will demand a lot of your time and you need to patient, very patient. Never the less, should you decide hand- rearing a baby African Grey Parrot is what you want to do; all this will certainly be pay off in the end. I would advice that you get a baby parrot for hand- rearing from two weeks, follow the instructions of the breeder and your avian specialist. When planning to buy a baby parrot for hand- rearing, regardless of how young or old there are a few things you need to look at. Most important is make sure that it is a reliable breeder. The cages should be clean and the other birds should be in a good condition. You can ask the breeder what is the baby parrot eating and keep to that diet plan for a week or two and slowly and gradually introduce various other foods. Ask for adv ice and tips. Ask about the parents, and ask to see them. Do not accept a parrot if he shows any signs of sickness, faeces on the tail or anal area if it is a baby, if they seem to be lethargic, have fluffed up feathers, if they screech when any one approaches them. If they are not completely alert and are clumsy. Parrots have an instinctive need to hide their illness but there are a few things like the above that give us an indication that everything, is not fine. If after reading this article you still intend hand- rearing a baby parrot, go to my blog, which will give you the additional info on hand rearing, you will need.

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2013年5月24日 星期五

How To Buy A Parrot - Family - Pets

Probably one of the hardest things when buying a parrot is knowing which particular type of breed you are after that would best suit you and your needs. When you buy a parrot you need to remember three important rules. One, check to see whether the parrot has a good personality. Two check to see whether its breastplate is sharp or smooth. Three, look for the ones that are not shedding too many feathers. Why are these rules so important when it comes the time to head down to the local pet shop to buy a parrot?

Checking the personality of each parrot is probably the most important rule out of the three discussed here. Why? Because if you make the wrong choice of bird personality wise, you may end up getting a parrot that is disobedient and loud all the time no matter how much you train it. So what do you need to look for? Look for the parrots with semi strong personalities. These parrots are usually the ones that don't screech all the time but on the other hand, they don't just sit around and isolate themselves. If you but a parrot that fits the semi strong criteria, you are sure to have a lot more fun training your bird.

Checking to see if a parrot's breastplate is sharp or smooth can mean the difference between having a healthy parrot or a unhealthy parrot. A parrot with a sharp breastplate is more prone to diseases later on down the track. They are usually skinnier than parrots with smooth breastplates. So remember to buy a parrot with a smooth breastplate. If you are unsure about where the breastplate is, just get someone from the pet shop to check for you.

Make sure you buy a parrot that doesn't shed too many feathers. The fewer feathers your parrot sheds, the less work you will have to do when it comes the time to clean out its cage. Also having lots of dead feathers lying on the bottom of your parrot's cage can increase the chances of your parrot picking up unwanted and sometimes fatal diseases.

So there it is the three most important things you have to remember for when the time comes to go down to the pet shop and buy a parrot. If you keep these things in mind, you are sure to have many great years with a fabulous pet parrot!

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2013年5月23日 星期四

All The Amazing Secrets for Training Parrots - Family - Pets

It's the question most parrot owners ask when they first decide to purchase a parrot. "How easy is it to training a parrot?" The answer really depends not on the parrot, but on the owner and their dedication to spend everyday doing what's necessary to train their parrot.

The Three Golden Rules

There are three golden rules that every owner must remember and they are, one, make sure you give your training parrot as much human interaction as possible. The more human the environment, the easier it will be to get results.

Two, if you have another parrot that can talk, allow the new parrot to spend a great deal of time in its company. Parrots are animals and most animals(including humans) will imitate each other unconsciously. Finally, is the particular species of parrot you bought known for their speaking abilities? Do some research before you make your final decision. The amazon parrot and the grey parrot are known for their talking abilities.

So how do you train your parrot to talk? Well, just as a child learns to talk, it is the same for parrots. Repetition is the key to success. Decide what particular words you want your parrot to say and then with the use of treats such as crackers, constantly repeat the chosen words to your parrot.

When he or she finally repeats one of your words, give it a treat. This will then have an unconsious affect on your parrots brain that will trigger a response to tell him or her that saying that word is a good thing. Again it is important to emphasise the fact repetition is the key to success make sure you stay mostivated to the task at hand.

The Importance Of Emotions

Usually parrots learn their names first. Why is this? Because they associate their name with human interaction which for parrots is a good thing. You will notice that parrots are most happy when they are getting attention from humans.

Therefore if you are able to get your bird into a happy state, by raising the pitch and tone of your voice, the words you speak will have more meaning to their brains. Sounding dull and boring with a low pitch and slow tempoed voice therefore will hinder your parrot's training capacity. Just ask yourself this question - would you rather listen to a comedian or a Biology professor? I know what I'd prefer!

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2013年5月22日 星期三

The Joy Of Having A Parrot Pet - Family - Pets

Because of their impressive nature, people buy parrots to become their pet on pet stores on impulse. Popular choices are amazons, macaws, and cockatoos because of their adorable traits and characteristics.

But, better be careful in choosing and buying parrot pets on impulse because caring for them can be an overwhelming and stressful task for you. Before you bring home a parrot to become your pet, make sure that you do a little research on its types and caring procedures so you will know what is the most suitable parrot specie for you.

Parrot shopping guidelines

Every parrot--or any pet or animal for that matter--is different. Thus, they require special needs and caring. You must know by now that choosing a parrot for a pet is a lifelong commitment so it's advisable that you do not make hasty decisions in buying one. Since buying a parrot requires a good decision-making, here are some things that can get you started:

1. A parrot's "noise" is one of the major considerations in choosing any pet parrot. Majority of the Conure species and Quaker Parakeets produce ear-piercing screeches that you might not tolerate.

Amazons, Macaws, Cockatoos, and African Greys, one the other hand, give out information about you that can smear your reputation while Pionus, and some medium-sized Poicephalus like Senegals and Meyers, are known to create lesser noise compared other parrots. Budgies, Lovebirds, and Parrotlets, on other hand, are famous for not having very loud screeches because they do not possess a real ability to scream.

2. The next basic thing to consider when you're pondering over buying a pet parrot is the mess the bird will create. Don't be shocked if you see at least one-third of the food you give to the parrot will end up scattered on the floor.

This "food-scattering" is just part of a parrot's nature of being experimental or just being naughty. Aside from food particles, feathers will also be present everywhere. If you are not used to having pets as messy as parrots and you are about to have one, you might want consider placing its cage where cleaning materials are accessible.

3. You should also consider the attention you can give and the attention your parrot pet will need. Being social flock animals, parrots are known to enjoy utmost attention. You must know when to pay attention to your pet parrot because they become easily depressed, lazy, and untrusting. Give them enough freedom to explore and interact with you.

4. You also be prepared to maintain the cleanliness of your pet parrot. No bird--or any pet for that matter--will be happy and healthy if they are confined in a soiled, dirty cage. Putting newspapers under their cage is the easiest way to get rid off soiled perches but make sure you don't use colored papers because they contain toxins that can be harmful to your parrot pet.

5. Lastly, contemplate on feeding your parrot pet. Far from common perception, birds--especially parrots--cannot live in birdseed alone. Daily pelleted or seed diet combined with a variety of dark green, orange, and yellow vegetables or cooked brown rice, pasta, and beans are best for your winged pet.

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2013年5月21日 星期二

Learn Everything There Is To Know About Parrots Sounds - Family - Pets

Nowadays parrots have become very desired and popular pets for bird-fanciers. Of course, one the reasons is the bright colors of the birds plumage. But another and the most important motive is parrots ability to reproduce human speech. In wild environment parrot sounds seem to be incomprehensible and similar to each other it is just a noise. But in captivity the birds try to imitate the sounds which surround them, and it results in making something cognate out of chaotic parrot sounds.

Pros and cons

The phenomenon of parrot sounds conversion to human speech has always been sprightly discussed. After the birds ability to speak had been found out, a lot of people did their best in attempting to teach their pet birds as many words as possible. There are cases when parrots learnt up to 800 English words! Some of the birds owners state that they have succeeded even in teaching their parrots to count and to answer simple questions! No doubt, it is hard to believe that a bird can have such intellectual faculties. Some people argue against the fact that parrots are able to reunite pronunciation of a word with its meaning. A parrot can say hello, but it may mean something different to the bird, depending on its feelings and the situation. Again, it is disputable, for some parrots are known to speak quite deliberately for example, they may ask to feed them.

What Parrot Breeds Are the Best Chatterers?

The ability to talk in many respects depends on the parrot breed. The birds use their tongue to reproduce speech, therefore some of the parrot breeds can learn to speak successfully and some fail to do that they may understand some requirements and remarks, but they are not able to turn parrot sounds into an understandable answer.

African Grey Parrot is considered to be the most capable breed. These parrots have an amazing ability to remember words and melodies due to their absolute pitch. It is African Grey Parrots that may learn a huge amount of words and even make sentences of them. The researches managed to teach these parrots to name dozens of objects, to ask for them, and even to define the color and the form.

You should not be upset if your bird pet is not as talented as African Grey. All parrot breeds are unique and have their own advantages. You should not doubt in the fact that all parrot sounds always express something important for the birds. After all, your parrot may create its own language with your help, and you may understand parrot sounds without wasting words.

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2013年5月20日 星期一

How To Train Parrot and Tame It in 3 Days - Family - Pets

The first time you buy Parrot, you might think that it is cool for having pet parrot. It makes you feel like pirates with talking parrot. However everything seem goes so wrong, your parrot scream when you get near the cage, he bite you when you try to touch him. This article will offer you tips on how to train a parrot, whether you are trying to train your new parrot or existing parrot. A trained parrot is capable in doing Tricks.

Unlike training other pets such as dogs or cats, train parrot is completely different. Parrot don't like a long training session, make it short but frequent. It is better to have two or three 10 minutes session per day compared to 1 single hour session. When you start the training session, only one person should work with the parrot for the best result. Parrot will be easily nervous and distracted if there are more than 1 people around.

There are few tips that might help you train your parrot. First, you should have its wings clipped, conduct the training session during a quite time with subdued lighting. Speak slowly and be gentle, try to win his trust by treating it good. They loved to be touched and praised. Parrot has a natural ability to imitate speech and sound. So whenever you are training your parrot, talk or even sing to him. The more you talk the more quickly it will learn to talk. Start with a simple word such as Hello. Give your parrot a simple name such as Peter, and whenever you talk with him, use his name.

Some parrots learn quickly, others might take some time to get it. Be patient and consistent, train parrot when you are calm and well rested. One way to make him learn faster is by rewarding him. The reward can be food or a gentle touch on head or belly. Your reward should be unique from normal habits, so that your parrot can differentiate normal behavior and reward-earning behavior and always consistent with the reward so that the parrot can correlate your reward with the action performed by him.

Get 2 free video training and free subscription of the Proven Techniques BirdTrick newsletter. Train your Parrot to perform tricks and make yourself proud of a well behaved Parrot.

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2013年5月19日 星期日

All About Senegal Parrots - Family - Pets

According to parrot experts, the Senegal parrot one of the best-known members of the entire Poicephalus family for having compact and cuddly physical traits and a very playful attitude. Frequently seen in pet shops around the United States and Europe, Senegal parrots originated from the north central part of Africa.

Unlike other parrot species, parrots posses an entirely different nature which are extremely playful, gentle and sweet in temperament that is perfect for its charming personality, cleverness, clear speech, and manageable behavior. They are also quieter but are good talkers if taught and trained properly. Since they possess much tamer nature, are known to be less demanding especially if they are given daily attention and interaction.


Senegal parrots are the most commonly kept Poicephalus birds there are. Identified for being a green bird with a gray head, Senegal parrots are famous for sporting different colored under parts, either its belly or vest with a bright yellow iris.

Senegal parrots can be divided into three sub-species that can easily be characterized by the color of their bellies as well as by their following names that include Poicephalus senegalus senegalus hailing from Southern Mauritania, southern Mali to Guinea and from the Island of Los, these are known as the nominate race and has a yellow belly; Poicephalus senegalus versteri originates from the Ivory Coast and Ghana east to western Nigeria and has red belly; and Poicephalus senegalus mesotypus coming from Eastern and North- eastern Nigeria, northern Cameroon into south-western Chad and has an orange belly.

These parrots live in moist woodlands and on the edges of the grasslands. They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and grains particularly the seed of locust beans and newly formed buds of a various trees.

A Senegal parrot's diet should consist of a good quality seed mixture of nuts, seeds, lean meat, biscuits, fruits, and vegetables--either raw or cooked. Vitamin and mineral supplements are also given to meet the nutritional need of the parrot.

Hand reared Senegal parrots are the most suitable pets because they are small enough to handle and can be placed in a medium sized parrot cage. These should be kept in cages or aviaries where they can eat and sleep. Preferably, Senegal parrots should be housed in relatively small cages manufactured for "small birds" and should be provided with lots of toys, T-stands and swings.

Senegal parrots are not as great talkers like the African Grey parrots but have the ability to learn a vocabulary depending on the owner's patience to teach. Senegals can be bought from $149 to $500.

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2013年5月18日 星期六

Baby Parrot Basics - Family - Pets

Dive the sands if you like but the clich quote "dog is a man's best friend" does not work for everyone. Roaming around pet shops will open you to invigorating trip to possibilities of choosing the best pet. They have to be chosen wisely. How about buying a baby parrot?

Passion for parrots is a calling. People get the best hobbies out of raising baby parrots into talking machines, mesmerizing guests and fans. Bringing home baby parrots from a pet shop is not as dramatic as expecting storks' warning signs.

You do not need an expert to start taking care of baby parrots, although it will need patience. The major common sense is just like thinking of taking care a delicate infant, where the big difference is how easy parrots can be reared because they can peck and eat instinctively.

When this thought is quite easy to remember when raking care of baby parrots, do not forget the next important formula: SOCIALIZING. While baby parrots don't seem to interact, they are social beings too. You will notice their advancement is proportional to the amount of attention they get from their caregivers.

Parrots are marvelous when the other owners achieved the goals they wanted out of their pet, so it is quite overwhelming when the whole process could turn out disappointing. But in the meantime, it is early to judge your novice capacities.

Bringing home a new baby parrot must be properly planned because it is a calling on its own. Provide a nice cage with provisions for food, water and entertainment toys. Be sure to have the basics on how to maintain the parrot's body temperature in every crucial times of the night, especially if the parrot is on its first week of age.

Some things to remember about general care of baby parrots:

- Do not confuse baby parrots by scaring them- Provide security and privacy by placing its cage in a corner: one side is facing the wall and the other side on the rest of the room- Change diet gradually and avoid over feeding- Never hold a new parrot on its first day of life, but you can start taking it out of the cage for interaction of the third day.- Monitor the food servings, intake and droppings

A dedicated time of 10 minutes a day is enough to train a baby parrot to respond with simple commands like letting it step. Verbal commands are even better to hasten the interaction.

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2013年5月17日 星期五

Learn Everything There Is To Know About Parrots Sounds - Family - Pets

Nowadays parrots have become very desired and popular pets for bird-fanciers. Of course, one the reasons is the bright colors of the birds plumage. But another and the most important motive is parrots ability to reproduce human speech. In wild environment parrot sounds seem to be incomprehensible and similar to each other it is just a noise. But in captivity the birds try to imitate the sounds which surround them, and it results in making something cognate out of chaotic parrot sounds.

Pros and cons

The phenomenon of parrot sounds conversion to human speech has always been sprightly discussed. After the birds ability to speak had been found out, a lot of people did their best in attempting to teach their pet birds as many words as possible. There are cases when parrots learnt up to 800 English words! Some of the birds owners state that they have succeeded even in teaching their parrots to count and to answer simple questions! No doubt, it is hard to believe that a bird can have such intellectual faculties. Some people argue against the fact that parrots are able to reunite pronunciation of a word with its meaning. A parrot can say hello, but it may mean something different to the bird, depending on its feelings and the situation. Again, it is disputable, for some parrots are known to speak quite deliberately for example, they may ask to feed them.

What Parrot Breeds Are the Best Chatterers?

The ability to talk in many respects depends on the parrot breed. The birds use their tongue to reproduce speech, therefore some of the parrot breeds can learn to speak successfully and some fail to do that they may understand some requirements and remarks, but they are not able to turn parrot sounds into an understandable answer.

African Grey Parrot is considered to be the most capable breed. These parrots have an amazing ability to remember words and melodies due to their absolute pitch. It is African Grey Parrots that may learn a huge amount of words and even make sentences of them. The researches managed to teach these parrots to name dozens of objects, to ask for them, and even to define the color and the form.

You should not be upset if your bird pet is not as talented as African Grey. All parrot breeds are unique and have their own advantages. You should not doubt in the fact that all parrot sounds always express something important for the birds. After all, your parrot may create its own language with your help, and you may understand parrot sounds without wasting words.

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2013年5月16日 星期四

Meet The Ecletus Parrot, Glossy And Brilliant - Family - Pets

Parrots are birds with gaily and boldly colors. Parrots have even, thin plumage on their whole bodies with solid color spots, which usually contrast themselves.

The most obvious feature of all parrots is the difference between the upper and lower mandibles. Both of them are curved but the upper one is curved downwards and ends like a hook while the lower one is smaller and curves upward. This is only one of the parrots distinctive features.

Another interesting special feature of the parrots is the feet. They show four toes, two of them pointing backwards and two pointing forward. This feature allows them to grasp strongly the objects around them.

Although not all of them, most parrots like to populate trees, tending to live in or close to tropical forests. They eat fruits, wild figs, buds and blossoms, seeds, nuts or berries.

They build nests in holes in the trees, or in some cases, in termite mounds or rocks. Parrots lay 2 to 5 white eggs which hatch in around 3 weeks. Both parents feed the young with predigested regurgitated food.

The eclectus parrot

In this case, the male and female show different colors, the male is bright green with red and blue spots and the female has blue belly and the rest of the plumage is crimson. Both male and female are glossy and brilliant birds.

Where can they be found? This kind of parrots is found in Solomon Islands, Lesser Sundas, N-E Australia and New Guinea. Those birds live in lowland forests and clumps of tall trees. In the early 1980's they were discovered to be very common in the Malaccan Islands.

The eclectus parrots behavior

The eclectus parrots have strong wings and muscles, which makes them very good flyers. They fly above the forest canopy in pairs or small groups, making loud noises and searching for food. At sunset, they make display flights and gather in large groups, preparing themselves for the night.

Two distinct calls were encountered in the eclectus parrots. While they feed, they have a wailing cry or a mellow flute-like call and when they fly they repeat three or four times a screeching sound

Their food

The Eclectus parrots eat mainly fruits, seeds, nuts, leaf buds, blossoms, nectar and berries. All those are usually found up in the top of the trees.

How do eclectus parrots grow up and reproduce

Usually, those parrots find or build nests in holes in the trees in the high areas. Also they seem to like clearings in the forests or the edges of the forests for their nests.

The eclectus parrot female lays two eggs; usually on wood chips deep inside the nest and for 26 days she will be the only one to touch her eggs. Only the female broods the eggs. During this period, the male feeds her twice a day on regular intervals and those are the only times the female leaves her eggs. 12 weeks after hatching, the young parrots leave the nest.

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2013年5月15日 星期三

African Grey Parrot: The Roget's Thesaurus On Wings? - Family - Pets

The African Grey parrot has been deemed the best speaker of all the parrots. In fact, the Guinness Book of World records has listed an African Grey parrot named, Prudle as the most talkative parrot world wide. Prudle and other African Grey parrots like her have helped bring light to the amazing abilities and qualities these birds possess. Though it is common knowledge that parrots speak, the African Grey parrot delivers a vocabulary unlike any other parrot and they are not limited to mimicking human speech either. In fact, you may be familiar with one very famous African Grey parrot named Alex. He has been the subject of scientific studies and many television programs and documentaries. As of current testing, it has been determined that Alex has the same mental capacities of a two-year-old child. It is no wonder so many bird fanciers are racing to own African Grey parrots.

It is because of their incredible abilities, intelligence, and personalities that those considering owning an African Grey parrot should be prepared to devote as much time and attention to their new pet as they would a young child. The African Grey parrot requires plenty of stimulation and interaction and will easily bond with its new owner. Many people prefer to buy their African Greys through a breeder. This ensures that the bird is acclimated to human touch and will be more dependent upon their owners. This is especially true if you purchase your African Grey parrot at a young age and hand feed it. It is also important to realize that it is illegal to capture African Grey parrots in the wild and sell them.

If you are going to purchase an African Grey, you should ensure that you would be able to devote plenty of time to him or her and make sure that your pet will not spend its day without adequate stimulation. Since the African Grey parrot has a lifespan of fifty years and more, it is imperative that you realize your new parrot purchase is a lifelong commitment. However, many people who own African Greys readily admit that their pet is a beloved member of their family, and the bond between these amazing birds and their owners is one full of love, happiness, and enjoyment.

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2013年5月14日 星期二

Choosing the Right Parrot for You - Family - Pets

Birds are among the most common animals that people have as pets. They are quite easy to take care of and fun to have around. Among the countless birds in existence, parrots are perhaps one of the most loved birds. Yet did you know that there are about 360 known species of parrots today? If you are considering purchasing a parrot for a pet, you should know some things about them in order for you to choose the right kind.

Though parrots may be relatively easier to take care of, you still have to know the amount of commitment that you would need for a specific type of bird so as to get one that would suit your lifestyle. In general, larger parrots require more attention. As such, if you work at home or your work hours allow you to spend more time at home, then you might want to get larger parrots such as macaws,

If, on the other hand, your lifestyle is such that you need to spend long hours away from home, then you should lean towards the smaller parrots. This is because they are more independent and can be left alone for longer periods. Of course, you wouldn't want your parrot to be lonely when you are away so you might want to consider getting a buddy for your smaller parrot.

If you do decide to get two or more small parrots, you have to be able to train them to like each other. Otherwise, you may have to get separate cages for them, defeating the purpose. Of course, if you insist on leaving them together in the same cage when they don't like each other, you would probably come to the results of bird fights - feathers all over the place.

Aside from the amount of time that you have to invest on your parrot, you also have to consider the finances involved. Birds in general are not expensive to take care of. However, there is still a marked difference between feeding larger parrots and smaller parrots. In addition to that, larger birds would definitely make a larger mess. Again, we go back to the time factor but this time around, it is all about cleaning up the cages and making sure that they have fresh food and water.

More than the parrot size, you may want to consider the physical looks of the bird as well. Parrots can live up to about 60 years if taken care of properly. Now you wouldn't want to have a pet that you don't like looking at, would you? It may seem petty but if you end up with a parrot which you don't like physically, then you will probably not take care of it as well. That is why you should consider this aspect at the outset.

You would also want to look into the purchase price of the different kinds of parrots. Prices vary from pet shop to pet shop and according to your location as well. You should also realize that the more exotic the species is, the more expensive the bird would be.The bottom line is doing extensive research, deciding on what you want, and making a commitment to your decision.

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2013年5月13日 星期一

How to Be a Good Parrot Buyer - Family - Pets

Years ago, my husband and I raised and sold parrots out of our home. We bred some ourselves, but also bought some from other breeders to finish the hand feeding. Whether the birds hatched at our place or not, they were all our babies, and we cared what happened to them. I dealt with people that I wouldn't sell an ant to much less one of my birds. Usually I could tell just by talking to potential buyers on the phone that they weren't going to end up with anything from me. Then I'd just say something like "I don't think I have what you're looking for, sorry", not invite them over, and that was that. Sometimes there was a more subtle nagging feeling. I'd struggle with the urge to give someone the benefit of the doubt verses the fear that one of my birds would end up going home with a flake. Pet birds are simply require a lot more than your average dog or cat and most people do not know this prior to purchasing.

As business strategies go, my attitude was not a good one. "The customer is always right", my foot! I wasn't trying to just make a buck. I wanted each bird to go to the best home possible. This goal in the world of the pet retailer isn't as common as it should be, but it's out there. Anyone who's shopping for a parrot needs to be aware that you are possibly being screened by the person who's selling. If you feel like you're being interviewed when you thought you were the one doing the interviewing, don't be offended. The seller is likely trying to get a feel for what you'd be like as an owner so they can make recommendations to you, or so they can decide if they want you to have one of their birds at all. It's usually an indicator of a quality breeder or pet shop that puts their animals' welfare above the almighty dollar. Assuming you are, in fact, worthy of a pet from one of these folks, you will certainly want to present yourself as the good person you are, and not a dud .

A good way to get off on the wrong foot with a parrot retailer is to seem like you're in a big hurry, asking a lot of questions really fast like you're taking a survey. Asking about prices right off the bat is especially off-putting. It's true that the process of researching your parrot purchase can be tiring, and unless the right parrot just happens to present itself to you immediately, you have probably talked to and visited a whole lot of breeders and shops. You probably have your questions honed to perfection and just want the nitty-gritty from whoever is next on your list. But think about first impressions, particularly on the phone. If you start off with "How much are your blue and gold macaws?" you don't come across as a caring owner, just a consumer going through the yellow pages making cost comparisons.

Above all, be polite, even if you are brief and to the point. For shops and parrot breeders that deal with the public every day, a caller or visitor with a pleasant attitude is a breath of fresh air. Introduce yourself and explain that you're interested in getting a parrot. Describe what you're looking for and mention your budget. Then let the seller respond. Hopefully he or she will ask you some questions and you can have a real conversation. The more you get a sense of one another, the better. You may decide this isn't the right place after all, but it's still important to treat the seller as you would like to be treated: With kindness and respect.

Sellers' questions may seem somewhat personal or invasive, but it's not because they're nosey. They will want to know why you've decided on a certain bird and how you plan to keep that bird happy and healthy because they're trying to figure out if you'll do what's best for their birds. To a good breeder or shop, parrots aren't pieces of merchandise that can be sold without a second thought. While there's certainly a responsibility that comes with buying a parrot, good retailers feel a responsibility for selling one.

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2013年5月12日 星期日

4 Essential Parrot Buying Tips to choose the right parrot! - Family - Pets

All bird lovers listen up!! Do you know how many bird species are there in the world? Answer: Over 9000 species. And out of which the parrot group itself consists of about 330 species and are particularly popular with pet owners.

If you are also thinking of keeping a pet parrot, read below for the tips I am going to provide for selecting the suitable parrot for yourself and the family.

Parrot Buying Tip (1) -- Buy a young parrot

Rearing a new parrot from young helps to facilitate taming. An older parrot can also be tamed just that it takes more time and patience. However, the tricky part is in determing the age of the bird. However, some basic things to look out for are the scales on its legs, color of the eye and the color of the body. A young parrot often has a dark gray iris that becomes white or brown when it grows up. The scales of young parrots are also much smoother than that of mature birds. Their body color also appears initially to be much duller than when they are matured.

The best option is to buy one which is newly born which is independent of its parent.

Parrot Buying Tip (2) -- Choose the right species of parrot

Do you know the characteristics of the parrot you are interested in buying?

Do they-make tremendously loud voices which can cause huge disturbance to the neighbours?-have powerful beaks that can damage your personal belongings if let free in the house?-need special accomodation, which will potentially incur higher costs for you. Bigger birds would require bigger cages made of metal so that the parrot cannot damage it.-need special nutritional foods? Some birds such as the lorikeets need special foods since they feed on nectar. This also relates to cost.

Parrot Buying Tip (3) -- Check the condition of the parrot

If possible, ask for a certified health certificate by the veterinary so that you have assurance of buying a healthy parrot home. If that is not available, dont worry, you can check out the below factors for some tell-tale signs on the conditions of the bird.

i) Inspect the living conditions of the bird. Dirty or poorly maintained perches, food and water containers, excess fecal wastes in the cage, all show poor management of the birds leading to bad health. The eyes should also be clear and not showing any discharge. Also look out for any swelling signs which will indicate rising health problems.

ii) The bird feathers should be tidy and clean. Any bald areas on the parrot body could indicate an infection which is very unsightly and may not be able to cure, or it may also be due to the parrot being a feather plucker which means it is getting very bored. This activity may stop when you start to show it more attention. Then again, it is better to stay clear of such birds, since they could be carrying diseases on their bodies which you dont want it to spread to your family members.

iii) Support the bird on its back and check the vent for cleanliness. Also check for any crusty appearance on and around the beak which could indicate a mite issue subjecting from unclean environments.

iv) Also feel the flesh on both sides of the breastbone, and ensure it is solid and not hollowed. If protruding, it also indicates a nutritional deficiency, and should be avoided.

v) Ensures all claws are there. There should be 2 toes pointing forward, 2 facing backwards. Check for any protruding leg scales as they could be potential sources for leg mites.

vi) Beware of birds that act aggressively towards you when you try to approach it. Symptoms include fluffing up feathers and eyes dilating when you try to move your hand close to it. These birds are probably not young birds, and they will likely bite you if you cross its safety zone.

Parrot Buying Tip (4) -- Buy from reputable, reliable sources

Buying from well-established and reputable pet shops assures you the best quality services, and often the pets you are buying through them have been certified to be in good health before they release it out for sale.

Avoid open markets, and buying through mail order. It is always good to see and feel what you are buying so that you dont regret your buying decisions later. If you dont, how do you implement parrot buying tip 3?


To summarize, it is great to have parrots as pets, as they can be good source of fun and companionship. However, it is important to know some essential tips on selecting and buying the right parrot, and this can be categorized into 4 great tips namely to buy a young parrot, choose the desired parrot species, check condition of the parrot, and always buy from reputable pet shops.

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2013年5月11日 星期六

Training Your African Grey Parrot - Family - Pets

The African Grey parrot is a popular talking parrot among enthusiasts because of its intelligence and clear pronunciation. The Timneh African Grey and the Congo African Grey are sub-species that are very popular and much sought after by parrot keepers. As a proof of its intelligence, an African Grey parrot can store 2000 words in its vocabulary. It has the intelligence equal to a 5 year old child. This, in the world of birds, is considered extremely intelligent.

The bird is very sociable and a very curious pet. It needs plenty of attention and training if you want it to become an adorable talking bird. But training can be challenging for the owner, especially if you are new to keeping birds. If you decide to get one you must be willing to stick with a training plan to fully develop its full potential.

The African Grey can learn very quickly, so it is important to only say things you want your bird to mimic. They can copy sounds around the house, like the phone or microwave beeping. If you have a unique cell phone ring tone, be prepared to handle false rings because your pet bird will be able to duplicate that sound pretty quickly.

The bird is also shy especially in the presence of strangers. Gradually introduce your bird to the rest of the family and to people who visit you often for the bird to get used to. Once they are comfortable with the rest of the family, they can be quite an adoring pet and family member.

The African Grey loves to play with toys. But don't overwhelm them with too many toys all at once. Introduce a toy gradually and let the bird get used to the feel of the toy. If the bird is playful, use training methods with positive reinforcement for better behavior. Use food as a reward for good training and your bird will learn to behave fast. Find out what your bird likes to eat first by watching its food tray. Use that favorite food as your reward for the bird.

You need to spend time with your bird everyday. Talk to your bird and let it get used to hearing your voice. Let your bird out of its cage and socialize with it. Feeding time is a great time to do this. If your bird feels uncomfortable, give it some time by itself to build its confidence.

Consistency and patience will pay off. Over time, your African Grey will feel itself as part of the family and you will have a lot of fun living with it.

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2013年5月10日 星期五

Only Purchase Official UK Parrot Stock - Avoid Being Ripped - Autos - Cars

Its important to use caution when purchasing Parrot Stock as many of the cheaper prices off & online are re-selling Grey stock that's illegally imported into the country. Its important that you choose a reputable reseller when purchasing a parrot system because a lot of products purchased through the wrong channels are not covered by the parrot guarantee.

It is difficult to tell what's grey stock and what's official stock, as the parrot product & packaging are the same and the products work in the same manor, In fact the Grey stock products are often still parrot products. However the grey stock is usually refurbished faulty units from other countries that are returned and destined for the scrap heap or cheap UN-FIT for sale items that didn't pass checks through the production line.

What's wrong with the grey stock?

Well some people will risk ordering cheaper products even if they know its Grey stock, some of the time you wont even be able to notice that it is illegitimate stock as the products may work fine and perform as the official parrot kits do, however the problems occur when the products develop a fault (this is not regular occurrence within official parrot items) however it is more common with the grey stock. Parrot do not cover the guarantee of these items so if they do develop a fault you are liable for the product & the repair if you choose to do so. Quite often customers contact the place of purchase in an attempt to resolve the situation however the retailer is not responsible for this item after 7days, nor will many be likely to help you in this situation.

How to avoid Grey stock?

Its difficult to tell for sure who is selling the official stock, but there are a few tips that might help you spot it. Look at the cost of the products compared to others online and sold in shops, if the products are much cheaper than legitimate retailers its likely that its unofficial stock. You could also open a ticket with the website who you purchase from asking for serial numbers and if you want check with parrot to confirm the authenticity they will get back to you. You could also ask who they purchase the products from, Parrot have a direct supply chain to the UK and products should only be purchased by retailers from four company's (this information is available on request at bluetoothcarkitdirect.co.uk if requested). Most importantly if the product looks too cheap it probably is. A official retailer of the products will help and advise what additional parts (if any) are to fit your vehicle.

Parrot can and will confirm which are the legal products via product serial numbers found on the products. If you think your products may be grey stock its important to contact parrot and state which retailer you purchased the product from. The products can then be tracked back through the chain of purchase.

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2013年5月9日 星期四

What Can Cause Your Parrot To Be Nervous? - Hobbies

A nervous parrot is one that has suddenly developed a sudden fear of a person, object or action. This is a learned condition which means that something has happened to the bird to cause it to have a terrible fear reaction to some particular stimulus.

Parrots that have their wings clipped or cannot fly are more susceptible to suffer from nervous conditions since they become frustrated as they cannot escape or fly away from perceived dangers and therefore this will increase their fear. Parrots that have not been wing-clipped usually do not exhibit symptoms of nervousness as compared to clipped birds.

When a nervous parrot is caged or wing-clipped, it may develop severe panic attack as it cannot escape a fearful stimulus. Every little detail of any associated fearful event or object, even if the object may seem harmless, will be remembered by the bird. If this happens, the birds panic reaction will show up again if a similar fearful situation present itself.

Most parrots show nervousness by backing or leaning away from the pain or cause of the problem and the bird will hold its feathers down very tightly. The eyes will be wide and staring, and the bird may prepare to take flight. When this happens, you may need to pause any training session for a few minutes or to another day to let the parrot calm down.

In some cases, a carers response to a bird in a difficult situation may cause the parrot to be nervous. When a parrot crashes into a wall or falls to the floor dazed and confused, and if the carer immediately comes to help it, the parrot will associate the pain or suffering with this, perhaps you and your hands or the dark-color of your shirt, will be seen as part of the problem. So, when the nervous parrot sees these things again, its fear response system will be triggered and cause it to nervous again.

The only way to reduce or eliminate this fear is to get away from the nervous parrots view for a while until it has composed itself or by wearing some light colored clothing. If this happens to resolve the problem, then make sure the nervous parrot is never exposed to such dark colored objects.

There are times when the nervous parrot is being fearful of you and if this happens, you might want to work on a program where you can train or re-train your bird to accept your close approach each day.

I hope you find this information on nervous parrot useful.

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2013年5月8日 星期三

6 Important Things New Parrot Breeders Must Know - Hobbies

Today, I would like to share with you what are the 6 most important things that new parrot breeders should take note to see their first little ones born from their nest boxes and make their maiden flights.

Here are the 6 things...

1. Identify what type of parrots you want to breed

New parrot breeders should only breed parrots if they are truly interested in them for their beauty and intelligence. It should be noted that parrots can live a very long life and therefore developing a strong fulfilling relationship with this pet is a serious long-term consideration.

The first question parrot breeders should ask would be what sort of birds should I start with? This would be the well-established breeders, reasonably priced, and which will not pose problems of compatibility.

Some of these would be the Budgerigars, Elegants, Cockatiels, Bourke's Parakeets, Red-Rumps and Australian Grass Parakeets. It is relatively easier to breed Aviary-bred birds which are more reliable than wild caught specimens.

2. Watch if they are compatible

Second, parrot breeders should always keep close watch for a few weeks or even months to make sure that the pair is compatible. If it happens that the cock becomes overly aggressive, it will be desirable to remove the cock to another place and bring it back again a few days later. However, you may need to seek for an alternate mate if this fails after a few attempts before the breeding is due to take place.

3. Prepare nest boxes for them to mate

Third, after you have found them to be compatible, parrot breeders should start to build the nest boxes to prepare the pair to mate. It would be best to place these boxes in a shaded spot and at a convenient height where you can see them daily and easily.

To withstand changes in the weather, these boxes should be made from thick wood and also the size should reflect the size and length of the bird (excluding the tail) with a square base.

4. Feed them with nutritional diet

Fourth, parrot breeders must feed in them with lots of oil seeds, in addition to the cuttlefish bone or oyster shell, and extra supplements such as powdered and liquid high-vitamin concentrates and vitaminized tonic seeds that can provide additional vitamin content during the build-up weeks to egg laying, so that the eggs will provide the embryos with a good protein base to grow on. Bread, milk and calcium should be supplemented to ensure that the chicks do not suffer from rickets too.

5. Watch their growth during the initial weeks

Fifth, it is important for parrot breeders to watch the baby's weight during the initial weeks. You may need to remove them for fostering or hand-feeding if they are found not to be gaining weight, or worse losing weight. After about three weeks (to three months in some cases), they should be ready to leave their nest and feed on their own. At this point, parrot breeders must remove them to separate quarters, otherwise, they will be attacked and killed by their parents, especially by the cock.

6. Identify them by leg-banding

Lastly, parrot breeders would want to be able to identify the various birds, especially when the young rapidly attain adult plumage and are caged together with the older birds. This can be done by means of leg bands (also called 'rings') which are available in metal or plastic, closed or split. Normally, the plastic rings can be used on the smaller parrots but they are quite easily destroyed. A closed ring can be used on a chick at about five to six days of age. These rings can be further colored or numbered for better identification.

And remember to keep and breed birds in a responsible manner is an art. The bigger the cage or aviary, the better. And providing attention, toys and plenty of space are a few of the demands that parrot breeders must provide!

I hope you find these simple tips useful as new parrot breeders.

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2013年5月7日 星期二

What Are The Signs Of A Healthy Parrot? - Hobbies

Before you acquire or purchase a parrot, you may want to learn what the signs of a healthy parrot are so that you do not waste your money having to send your parrot to the vet so frequently.

A healthy parrot will exhibit the following signs:

alertness and showing interest in things going on around the eyes should be wide open and bright, not sunken in, dull or with the eyelids half-closed no discharge from the nostrils the underside of the bird should be clean, with no traces of droppings on the birds feathers when seen in good light, the feathers will have a slight boom and with almost semi-glossy effect feathers should not be frayed or damaged; slight abrasion is fine if they are captive birds kept in cages since they fly around the cage and get caught no serious loss or damage of feathers (torn, missing) especially on its chest, shoulders around the bend of the wings, which may indicate signs of self-plucking body feathers should not be fluffed up which may likely be unwell or inactive; feathers should be smoothed down instead healthy resting birds would stand on one leg and tuck the other one up under their belly; resting on both legs may indicate the parrot is not feeling well no missing claws (should ha ve four toes on each foot) no sign of deformities on the feet where the feet should grip the perch squarely and evenly; deformed feet indicate lack of vitamin and mineral during their initial weeks of life no missing feathers on its head (could be due to self-plucking) no missing crest should not be wing-clipped especially for a young or immature bird, which could hinder its development and ability to fly steady flying abilities and proper landing without any loss in balance; birds that lose their balance if they fly indicate they had been wing-clipped or not properly clipped and this may cause crash landing and hence serious injury should have about 9 to 10 of the main outer flight feathers on each wing when you extend the wing out

Make sure to ask the pet owner to repair any damaged wings due to wing-clipping. Also, observe any signs of nervousness or aggression showed by the parrot when you come close to it. You can also try to feed it with your hand through the cage bars and watch for any signs of aggression.

You may also read my other articles to find out more about nervous parrot, what can cause them to be nervous and how to tame a nervous parrot.

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2013年5月6日 星期一

Parrot as Pets - the role of captive breeding in conservation PART TWO of TWO - Family - Pets

Read the first article in this two part series /cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1661972 before this one!

5. Managing genetic and behavioural changes. When captive populations are established for conservation and recovery purposes, the preservation of extant genetic variation and species typical behaviour assumes paramount importance. Over the past decade, considerable attention has been given to the preservation of genetic diversity in small populations. Modern, conservation-oriented breeding programmes attempt to ameliorate the genetic effects of inbreeding, drift, and adaptation to the captive environment through the deliberate and careful control of reproduction, population size, and population demography (Foose and Ballou 1988, Lacy 1987, Allendorf 1993). This is a challenging task, however, given:

a) the practical limitations in controlling population size and reproduction,b) the dynamic nature of evolutionary forces in small populations,c) the types of genetic variation to be maintained, and,d) the uncertain nature of selection in the captive environment (see Lande 1988 Simberloff 1988). In low-fecundity taxa, like most parrots, careful preparation of stud books and pedigree breeding to equalise progeny number in family lines can minimize genetic drift and adaptation to captivity (Allendorf 1993). However, it must be recognised that breeding programmes for endangered parrots have often failed to secure consistent reproduction and have been unable to equalise progeny numbers in family lines or pursue any other consistent genetic strategies, even after years of effort. Further, some stocks in captivity have been genetically debased by ill-advised cross-breeding with other races and do not constitute acceptable stocks for release on genetic grounds (see Triggs and Dau gherty 1996).

Much less attention has been given to the preservation of species-typical behavioural traits. Behavioural traits, especially those that are learned or culturally transmitted, are prone to rapid loss in captivity. The behavioural repertoires of many parrot species include many learned components, and problems with behavioural deficiencies have already been encountered in attempts to re-introduce captivebred individuals of several species to the wild (see Wiley et al. 1992, Snyder et al. 1994). Because the cultural transmission of information across generations appears to be essential for the survival of wild populations of some highly social species such as parrots (Toft 1994), breeding programmes for re-introduction must focus careful attention on behavioural management in the captive environment. Clearly, this aspect of captive management deserves much more scientific investigation than it has received, and will have to be undertaken on a species-by-species basis.

6. Problems in ensuring continuity of programmes. Captive breeding represents a relatively unstable and inputintensive approach to conservation that is difficult to sustain over the several decades often needed for the recovery of endangered species. Changes in personnel, institutional priorities, and financial resources can frequently leave long-term programmes without adequate support and expertise. The Puerto Rican parrot captive programme, for example, has suffered several periods of substantial difficulty in maintaining optimal efficiency over the more than 25 years of its existence. Of course, problems with continuity are not unique to captive breeding programmes, and can affect complex in situ conservation efforts as well.

7. Pre-emption of other, better techniques. Captive breeding can sometimes pre-empt attention and resources from better, long-term conservation solutions. The existence of a captive population can give the impression that the species is safe and allow agencies to ignore long-term solutions that are often more difficult politically, though much more effective and beneficial biologically (see discussion and examples in Snyder et al. 1996). Because of the risks and limitations of captive breeding, it should be invoked as a species recovery approach only under carefully defined circumstances. The decision to start captive breeding for this purpose should be made only on a case-by-case basis and only following a comprehensive evaluation of conservation alternatives at the field level. It should not be made simply because some individuals are already in captivity and numbers of the species seem relatively low. Further, it should not be made when resources to conduct captive bree ding comprehensively and humanely are unavailable.

In general, captive breeding can be justified as a desirable recovery approach when: (1) species are so rapidly approaching extinction that they cannot be expected to survive without intensive intervention of some sort and either effective conservation alternatives are clearly unavailable in the short term or sufficient time to investigate alternatives does not exist; or (2) all or nearly all individuals of a species are already in captivity and it is deemed worthwhile to attempt re-establishment of wild populations; or (3) other conditions prevail that make captive breeding and re-introduction absolutely essential for preservation of the species in the wild.

When captive breeding should begin for species in decline is often a point of vigorous controversy. Clearly, waiting too long before starting will risk genetic deterioration and potential failure in developing adequate husbandry techniques, especially if technology for captive breeding of the species or closely related species has not previously been researched. However, starting too soon can represent unnecessary expense, can accentuate genetic and behavioural management problems, and can focus resources in non-crucial directions, pre-empting other approaches that can offer potentials for more stable, longterm benefits.

Population trends are often far more important than absolute numbers in making decisions as to whether and when captive breeding is warranted. Steeply declining species are cause for special concern, and care needs to be taken not to wait too long in establishing captive populations if effective alternatives are unavailable. In making such decisions it is crucial to recognise the difference between ephemeral short-term population fluctuations and pervasive long-term population trends. Well constituted recovery teams weighing the many factors that need to be considered are probably the best mechanism for determining whether and when captive breeding is needed for a particular species. The decision should not be delegated to parties, such as private captive breeders, who have a personal stake in the captive breeding.

Captive-breeding programmes for species recovery should not be established independent of efforts to develop alternative, long-term conservation solutions for wild populations. In general, wild populations should be sustained at the time captive populations are established so that research into limiting factors can take place and problems in the wild can be identified and corrected. Also, existing wild populations can present a valuable link for re-introduced individuals.

Finally, captive breeding efforts for species recovery should proceed only when endorsed by the governments of the countries involved. Although extranationals may beuseful in helping launch such programmes and in providing training, programmes should primarily involve participation by local conservationists. It is crucial that birds involved in captive breeding efforts be under the control of integrated conservation programmes so that disputes as to ownership of birds and as to the management and fate of birds do not disrupt progress toward conservation goals. Captive and wild populations of a species must be managed as one interactive entity under control of a single conservation authority.

Reproduced with permission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the World Parrot Trust.

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2013年5月5日 星期日

Yellow Headed Amazon Parrots - Family - Pets

There are 3 types of parrots in the Amazon family. The most popular of the three types is the Yellow Headed Amazon. Yellow napes, blue fronts and double yellow heads are distinguished by their bright yellow colors and is also in the Amazon family. These birds have an uncanny ability to speak including inflections and undertones. Dancing to music is one of the things that can be taught to the Yellow Headed Amazons because of their love of music.

Fossils of parrots have dated back 23 million years in Australia and Melanesia. Christopher Columbus actually named the Yellow Heads during his travels to the New World and he brought them back to England. Currently, Yellow parrots are from Mexico, Honduras, Belize and Guatemala.

Yellow Amazons can live up to 80 years and will grow to approximately 15 inches. The females are slightly smaller than the males. Parrots require a healthy diet in order to live this long though. Without it, health problems can develop as soon as 15 years and could possibly die. Yellow Heads can climb easily as they have 4 toes, 2 pointing in opposite directions and also enables them to crack nuts and hold things.

Yellow head amazons learn most of their vocabulary by 2 years old and will begin to talk as early as 3 months. With this uncanny ability to speak so soon they can also form phrases and add connotations to their sentences. It is also not uncommon for them to yell expletives at others since they pick up words they hear from their surroundings. The more words they can speak by 2 years old, the better at socialization they will be.

Yellow heads are very energetic and can fly and climb for several hours while singing and talking. They also like to fly around the room and can make a mess as they like to clown around and will pick things up just to watch them drop to the floor. They will then need at least 10 hours of sleep at night because of the spent energy.

A square or rectangular cage that is a minimum of 21x21x27 to allow for the spread of their wings as they fly is required for these small birds. Add tree limb, playground area or something similar for climbing.

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2013年5月4日 星期六

Parrot Care Basics - Family - Pets

Parrots are a lifetime investment and the care of these magnificent birds is very essential to their health and happiness. Since some birds in the parrot family can live up to 50 years, an investment in parrots and how to care for them is often compared to caring for children. If this is something that does not interest you, then you may not want to own a bird.

There are an estimated 11 million pet birds in the United States alone with the majority owning a Parrot. The birds in the parrot family will include birds as small as parakeets and love birds to cockatoos and Macaws, the Macaw being the largest bird in the parrot family.

There are many different species of parrots. An African grey parrot grows to be about 13 inches, and he's one of the birds who has a longer life. He is also known for his capabilities to mimic all sorts of sounds, in addition to developing and parroting speech patterns.

The parakeet are among the best known of the parrot species. Another species is the Australian "budgie." This nickname is given to the budgerigar, a brilliant green and yellow variety of parrot. They are gentle and friendly.

An Amazon parrot has 27 subspecies. This parrot has short wings but is every bit as smart as a dolphin or a monkey. He is also an expert at imitating a wide range of sounds.

These are only some of the many species of parrots. Owning a parrot is an excellent alternative over other pets for those individuals who do not prefer the traditional dogs or cats, reptiles or others.

So what sort of cage should you buy for your new parrot? Regardless of whether you're expecting to adopt a smaller bird or a larger of the parrot species, my suggestion is to buy the largest, practical cage that your budget can afford. The bigger the cage, the more freedom he will experience and the more comfortable he will be.

In relation to your parrot's health, his appearance is telling. His plumage should look healthy, meaning the coloring should be bright and smooth. Additionally, he should be clean. That is, there should be no dirt hanging for his feet or his beak.

Before you purchase a parrot, you should get a clear understanding of the types of routine parrot care that is needed, medical care for parrots, understand parrot types and their personalities and which size parrot would best fit your wants and needs.

Become well educated in the ownership and care of these wonderful birds and you will be enjoying your new parrot in no time.

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2013年5月3日 星期五

Parrots That Aren't For The Beginner - Family - Pets

The color, size and temperament are what sets one parrot species apart from the others.

Some parrots will do no more than imitate whistles or maybe a few words, and others can develop a huge vocabulary.

Some parrot species are far more challenging to care for than others.

Among the most challenging parrot species are the cockatoos, macaws and amazons.


Cockatoo birds may be extremely cuddly and affectionate, but they require almost constant attention.

A cockatoo that is left in it's cage without socialization will become a terror. It will puck it's feathers, become mean and scream all day. Unless you are willing to spend most of each day with one, don't get a cockatoo.

Cockatoos can be extremely loud. The last thing you need is to have one that screams all day long. You won't be able to stand it for long

If you are the type of person that is capable of spending the time that cockatoos demand a cockatoo may be the right parrot for you.


Amazon birds are fairly independent parrots that are happy to entertain themselves for long stretches of time, but as they approach maturity they tend to get aggressive.

A first time parrot owner may find that they are too aggressive to to handle.

Without proper training and handling amazons can be almost as noisy as the other two birds.

Amazons are a good choice for a pet parrot if you are sure you can handle them when they get aggressive.


There are exceptions, but for the most part macaw birds are big.

Even the mini macaws are capable of making a lot of noise.

If you leave a macaw alone in it's cage without any socialization they will turn into screaming, biting brats.

It's rare, but if a macaw decides to bite you hard it has the potential to break a finger.

Macaws can and should be taught not to bite, but if you should be on the cautious side around a macaw that you don't know.

I don't mean to imply that macaws are evil, viscous birds. In fact with the right handling they are gentle and fun parrots.

If you take the time to learn about them before going out to get one you will end up with a pet parrot that's a joy to have around.

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