2013年5月25日 星期六

Hand- Rearing An Baby Parrot - Hobbies

Hand- rearing a baby African Grey Parrot or any other parrot for that matter, is a dangerous thing to do if you don't know what you're doing. It takes a lot of perseverance and it can be difficult. Unless you have the experience of hand- rearing parrots, do not attempt to purchase a African Grey baby parrot or any other bird. You might harm the bird or even kill it if you have not done this before. I would personally advice most people to purchase an African Grey Parrot that has been weaned. You might pay less for a week old baby that needs constant care, but the added expenses will certainly be more than you bargained for. The formula, brooder and syringes are to name a few things needed for hand- rearing a baby parrot. Then there is the chance that the new baby will not make it.With hand -rearing you will have to keep record of each feeding, weigh the baby on a continual basis and keep all things very hygienic. The formula for hand- rearing has to be the right temperatur e and of the right consistency, to cold and thick can result in food remaining in the crop and causing harmful bacteria to grow. To hot might lead to crop burn, to runny will cause malnutrition. You should know how to open the African Grey's beak, if you don't, you could damage the beak and cause abnormalities. It may seem that a parrot has a hard beak, and adult parrots do but babies do not.Then there is ensuring that baby does not get to hot or too cold, both is disastrous and can have a fatal outcome. The baby cannot regulate his body temperature, so you need to do that for him, he has no mommy to keep him warm. Since hand- rearing means being a mother, you need to act like a mother for the baby parrot. That means a constantly checking on the baby parrot to foresee any problems, and you need to know the signs of being too hot or cold. You need to know how much formula to give the baby parrot, when to introduce solid foods. You will need to know what to give the baby parro t to ensure that he gets just enough vitamins and minerals. Too little or too much could lead to many different health issues later. Hand rearing does not take a couple of days, but rather weeks. It will demand a lot of your time and you need to patient, very patient. Never the less, should you decide hand- rearing a baby African Grey Parrot is what you want to do; all this will certainly be pay off in the end. I would advice that you get a baby parrot for hand- rearing from two weeks, follow the instructions of the breeder and your avian specialist. When planning to buy a baby parrot for hand- rearing, regardless of how young or old there are a few things you need to look at. Most important is make sure that it is a reliable breeder. The cages should be clean and the other birds should be in a good condition. You can ask the breeder what is the baby parrot eating and keep to that diet plan for a week or two and slowly and gradually introduce various other foods. Ask for adv ice and tips. Ask about the parents, and ask to see them. Do not accept a parrot if he shows any signs of sickness, faeces on the tail or anal area if it is a baby, if they seem to be lethargic, have fluffed up feathers, if they screech when any one approaches them. If they are not completely alert and are clumsy. Parrots have an instinctive need to hide their illness but there are a few things like the above that give us an indication that everything, is not fine. If after reading this article you still intend hand- rearing a baby parrot, go to my blog, which will give you the additional info on hand rearing, you will need.

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