2013年5月14日 星期二

Choosing the Right Parrot for You - Family - Pets

Birds are among the most common animals that people have as pets. They are quite easy to take care of and fun to have around. Among the countless birds in existence, parrots are perhaps one of the most loved birds. Yet did you know that there are about 360 known species of parrots today? If you are considering purchasing a parrot for a pet, you should know some things about them in order for you to choose the right kind.

Though parrots may be relatively easier to take care of, you still have to know the amount of commitment that you would need for a specific type of bird so as to get one that would suit your lifestyle. In general, larger parrots require more attention. As such, if you work at home or your work hours allow you to spend more time at home, then you might want to get larger parrots such as macaws,

If, on the other hand, your lifestyle is such that you need to spend long hours away from home, then you should lean towards the smaller parrots. This is because they are more independent and can be left alone for longer periods. Of course, you wouldn't want your parrot to be lonely when you are away so you might want to consider getting a buddy for your smaller parrot.

If you do decide to get two or more small parrots, you have to be able to train them to like each other. Otherwise, you may have to get separate cages for them, defeating the purpose. Of course, if you insist on leaving them together in the same cage when they don't like each other, you would probably come to the results of bird fights - feathers all over the place.

Aside from the amount of time that you have to invest on your parrot, you also have to consider the finances involved. Birds in general are not expensive to take care of. However, there is still a marked difference between feeding larger parrots and smaller parrots. In addition to that, larger birds would definitely make a larger mess. Again, we go back to the time factor but this time around, it is all about cleaning up the cages and making sure that they have fresh food and water.

More than the parrot size, you may want to consider the physical looks of the bird as well. Parrots can live up to about 60 years if taken care of properly. Now you wouldn't want to have a pet that you don't like looking at, would you? It may seem petty but if you end up with a parrot which you don't like physically, then you will probably not take care of it as well. That is why you should consider this aspect at the outset.

You would also want to look into the purchase price of the different kinds of parrots. Prices vary from pet shop to pet shop and according to your location as well. You should also realize that the more exotic the species is, the more expensive the bird would be.The bottom line is doing extensive research, deciding on what you want, and making a commitment to your decision.

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