2013年8月30日 星期五

Horoscope Predictions - Spirituality - New Age

From times immemorial, the planetary activity and resulting Horoscope predictions have played a sensitive role in shaping the attitude and thought process in the evolution of humanity. From self declared astrologers to gypsies and to the modern travails of the computer, the practice and culture of predicting based on the principles of any horoscope are both authentic and hollow as any other supernatural claim. For some reason other than pure logic, the Indian milieu has always had a biased and faithful respect for this art that is showing no signs of slowing down even in this era of scientific inventions and technology.

So what is it actually that keeps the show going for these horoscope creators? Well the main rationale can be rooted back to ancient times when the modern gadgets and appliances in common use today were a far off reality and the common man read the colors of the sky and other natural phenomena to predict a host of eventual events. This culture can still be recalled on meeting and discussing in general with anybody from the gypsy community. They can indelibly share some unknown but true facts about life and our own self based purely on the strength of their vast experience in traveling and knowing people from all races and backgrounds. The Horoscope predictions are actually an advanced development that came with careful study and selected analysis of the stars and their configurations.

With time and experience, it was amply clear that these stars have a profound impact on terms of their rays which affect the human system. Based on an accurate reading of the Horoscope predictions it is increasingly possible to outline the details of any human life purely on the basis of his time, place and date of birth. Till date there are various versions of this reading which nobody knows for sure. It more of a shot in the dark that anybody willing to, can try. However only a very few are accurate in their predictions which actually depend on more reasons than just the horoscopic stars.

As we tread into the twenty-first century, even the modern generation is not bereft of these types of Horoscope predictions, even as they continue to vouch strongly for the tested technology. Even as all computers and mobile sets provide an application for horoscopic needs, the thirst for an accurate and timely prediction is never ruled out. This also explains the existence of age old parrot card readers and various mind-boggling likes of looking into the future.

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