2014年1月27日 星期一

A to Z Bird Variety List - Business

Birds are generally warm-blooded (endothermic), bipedal, winged, endothermic feathered, vertebrate, egg-laying creatures. Close to 10,000 existing variety tends to make them the most speciose category with tetrapod vertebrates. Modern birds will be characterised through feathers, the beak with no teeth, the particular sitting of hard-shelled offspring, an excellent energy, the four-chambered heart, and also a light-weight but good skeleton. All residing kinds of birds have wings. Just the Moa-distinct bird from New Zealand that do not have wings is definitely excempted. Wings are usually evolved forelimbs, and most bird class might soar, having a number of exceptions, such as penguins, ratites, including a lots of diversified endemic island variety. Birds have special digestive system and also respiratory methods that are really adapted intended for flight. A few birds, specially corvids as well as parrots, are usually one of many most intelligent animal variety; numerous bird types are discovered manufacturing and employing resources, and lots of public variety exhibit cultural tranny connected with awareness around a long time. Under include the numerous bird species observed around the globe.

-Aythya collarisRing-necked duck

-Athene cunicularia hypugaeaBurrowing owl

-Ardea herodiasGreat blue heronRange: North AmericaSynonyms: blue heron

-Aquila chrysaetosGolden eagleSynonyms: gold eagle

-Aphelocoma ultramarinaMexican Jay

-Anas platyrhynchosMallard

-Anas creccaGreen-winged tealSynonyms: green teal

-Anas americanaAmerican wigeon

-Amphispiza bilineataBlack-throated sparrow

-Aix sponsaWood duckRange: Southern Canada to Northern Mexico

-Anas acutaNorthern pintail

-Anas clypeata

-Anas discorsBlue-winged teal

-Anous stolidusBrown noddy

-Aptenodytes patagonicusKing penguin

-Ardea albaGreat egretSynonyms: white egret, great white egret

-Athene cuniculariaBurrowing owl

-Aythya affinisLesser scaup

-Butorides sundevalliLava heron

-Branta canadensisCanada gooseSynonyms: Canada geese

-Baeolophus wollweberiBridled titmouse

-Branta berniclaBrantSynonyms: Brant goose

-Bucephala albeolaBufflehead

-Callipepla gambeliiGambel's quail

-Cardinalis cardinalisNorthern cardinal

-Carpodacus mexicanusHouse finch

-Chen caerulescensSnow goose

-Chloephaga hybrida malvinarumKelp goose

-Creagrus furcataSwallowtail gullSynonyms: swallow-tailed gull, swallowtailed gull

-Cyanocitta stelleriSteller's jaySynonyms: blue jay

-Chloephaga pictaUpland goose

-Chloephaga hybridaKelp goose

-Catoptrophurus semipalmatusWillet

-Cardinalis sinuatusPyrrhuloxia

-Campylorhynchus brunneicapillusCactus wren

-Diomedea exulansWandering albatross

-Diomedea irrorataWaved albatross

-Egretta thulaSnowy egret

-Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocomeWestern rockhopper penguin

-Eudyptes chrysolophusMacaroni penguin

-Eudyptes chrysocomeRockhopper penguin

-Fratercula arctica

-Fregata minorGreat frigatebirdSynonyms: Great frigate bird

-Fulica americanaAmerican coot

-Fregata sp.

-Fregata magnificensMagnificent frigatebirdSynonyms: Magnificent frigate bird

-Geococcyx californianusGreater roadrunner

-Gygis albaFairy ternSynonyms: white tern, camar

-Grus canadensisSandhill crane

-Haliaeetus leucocephalusBald eagleRange: North America south to northern Mexico

-Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensisBald eagle

-Icterus cucullatusHooded oriole

-Icterus bullockiiBullock's oriole

-Larus delawarensisRing-billed gullSynonyms: Ring billed gull

-Larus occidentalisWestern gull

-Limosa fedoaMarbled godwit

-Lophonetta specularioidesPatagonian crested duck

-Leucocarbo atricepsImperial shagSynonyms: Blue-eyed shag

-Larus heermanni

-Macrocystis pyriferaGiant kelpSynonyms: kelp forest, seaweed, sea weed, sea grass, sargazo gigante, harina de kelp, giant kelp, harina de la macroalga, gedroogde kelp, zeewier, reuzenkelp, braendeltang, macroalga marina, Phaeophyceae

-Melanerpes uropygialisGila woodpecker

-Mirounga angustirostrisElephant sealSynonyms: elefante marino, sea elephant, sea cow

-Molothrus aeneusBronzed cowbird

-Molothrus aterBrown-headed cowbird

-Mirounga leoninaSouthern elephant seal

-Meleagris gallopavoWild turkey

-Melanerpes formicivorusAcorn woodpecker

-Nannopterum harrisiFlightless cormorant

-Numenius phaeopusWhimbrel

-Parabuteo unicinctusHarris' hawkSynonyms: Harris hawk

-Pelagophycus porraElkhorn kelpSynonyms: elk kelp

-Pelecanus occidentalis

-Phaethon aethereusRed-billed tropicbirdSynonyms: redbilled tropic bird, red billed tropic bird

-Phalacrocorax auritusDouble-crested cormorant

-Phalacrocorax penicillatusBrandt's cormorant

-Phalcoboenus australisStraited caracara

-Phoebastria irrorataWaved albatross

-Picoides arizonaeArizona woodpecker

-Podilymbus podicepsPied-billed grebe

-Pygoscelis antarcticusChinstrap penguin

-Pygoscelis papuaGentoo penguin

-Pygoscelis adeliaeAdelie penguin

-Pipilo fuscusCanyon towhee

-Phoenicopterus ruberGreater flamingo

-Pheucticus melanocephalusBlack-headed grosbeak

-Phalacrocorax sp.

-Phalacrocorax harrisiFlightless cormorant

-Phalacrocorax atricepsImperial shagSynonyms: Blue-eyed shag

-Pelecanus occidentalis californicusCalifornia brown pelican

-Pelecanus erythrorhynchosWhite pelican

-Passer domesticusHouse sparrow

-Recurvirostra americanaAmerican avocet

-Rynchops nigerBlack skimmer

-Sitta carolinensisWhite-breasted nuthatch

-Spheniscus mendiculusGalapagos penguinRange: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands)

-Sterna forsteriForster's tern

-Sterna maximaRoyal tern

-Sula grantiNazca boobySynonyms: Nazca boobie

-Sula nebouxii

-Sula sulaRed-footed boobySynonyms: red footed booby, red-footed boobie

-Sula leucogaster

-Sula dactylatraMasked boobySynonyms: masked boobie

-Sterna fuscataSooty tern

-Sterna elegansElegant tern

-Spheniscus magellanicusMagellanic penguin

-Tachyeres Brachypterus

-Thalassarche chrysostomaGray-headed albatross

-Toxostoma curvirostreCurve-billed thrasher

-Turdus migratoriusAmerican robin

-Thalassarche melanophrysBlack-browed albatross

-Tachyeres brachypterusFlightless steamer duck

-Zonotrichia leucophrysWhite-crowned sparrow

-Zenaida asiaticaWhite-winged dove

There has been numerous controversies inside the study with the origins regarding birds. Early disagreements included whether birds evolved out of dinosaurs or over primitive archosaurs. Inside the dinosaur camp, there are disagreements as to whether ornithischian or theropod dinosaurs were greater most likely ancestors. Even though ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaurs write about the particular stylish system connected with modern birds, birds are usually to have based upon the particular saurischian (lizard-hipped) dinosaurs, and so advanced their particular hip composition alone. The truth is, the bird-like hip framework evolved a third period among any peculiar number of theropods called the Therizinosauridae. A few researchers propose this birds aren't dinosaurs, however developed from early archosaurs for instance Longisquama.

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