2014年1月28日 星期二

Word of God for Today - Faith and Works & Watch Your Mouth! - Spirituality - Religion

-Faith and Works-

In the word of God in James 2:17 "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone". When you have Faith having no Works or Works having no Faith then you are just like rowing a boat with one oar and you will only end up in circles. When rowing a boat you require both oars working together in order to get anywhere. The same is true with the Christian life, Faith on its own is dead it requires work in order to set it into motion. James 2:26 says - "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also". So having Faith without action is the same as having a body without a spirit. So put action behind your Faith and make it produce. When we place action to our Faith we will then begin to see results. Any parrot can talk Faith but real Faith is always backed up by actions.

-Watch Your Mouth!-

In the Word of God in Gal 6:7 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows that he also will reap". The problem with most Christians nowadays is they want to reap what they have not sown. God gives us the responsibility to plant, how much to plant and the tilling of the soil. For many of us we want to reap health when we have sown sickness, we want to reap prosperity when we have sown poverty.

Our mouth is our main key to determine what we harvest in this life, what we fail to understand is that EVERYTIME we utter evil, gossip or curse another person; that is the seed that we are sowing in our field and we will reap what we have sown. Now you know why Jesus said do not curse, do not do evil against one another, forgive etc, because if you don't, all that negative seed will develop and bring forth fruit after its own kind in your field not the other person.

Prov 6:2 makes it very clear that we are snared and taken by our own words, so remember your words will put you over or under. They will heal you or make you sick. They will defeat you or make you a success, its our big mouth that keeps us from our inheritance in the Lord. So put a guard over your mouth and next time you're about to speak ask your self, " do I want this harvest in my field?"

Have in mind the Word of God for today...:)

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