2014年6月18日 星期三

The Amazing African Grey Parrot - Family

The African Grey Parrot is one of the most highly intelligent and delightful breeds of bird to own as a pet. Because of their unique and amazing ability to learn hundreds of words and mimic their owners, purchasing African Grey Parrots as pets are growing in popularity. With the proper understanding, care, and love, pet owners can find companionship and lifelong friendship in this brilliant breed.

Two Main Sub-Species

There are two main sub-species of the African Grey Parrot breed. Both sub-species make excellent pets, are considered a medium sized parrot (ranging 10-14 inches long), and live 60-80 years. When choosing a sub-species of the African Grey Parrot, it really just comes down to personal preference. The first sub-species is the Timneh ("Tim-ney") African Grey Parrot. Timneh Greys are dark charcoal grey in color, have dark maroon tails, and have light or bone colored beaks. They are also considerably smaller than the Congo Grey African Parrot.

The Congo Greys are the second sub-species and are lighter grey in color, usually have a white masked face, an all black beak, and have a lighter red or sometimes even coral or salmon colored tail feathers. Either sub-species make endearing pets and can easily be trained to mimic, speak, and do various tricks, specifically when hand fed.

When considering the purchase of an African Grey Parrot as a pet, it is important to be aware of its background. Knowing whether it comes from the wild or comes from a breeder is essential. The African Grey Parrot will be easier to train and handle if purchased from a reputable breeder that has integrated hand feeding or hand rearing. Hand rearing is the feeding the baby African Grey Parrot from birth to 10-12 weeks of age while handling them. This will ensure that the African Grey bonds with their human owners and are completely tame. This will give the parrot an easy start to mimic and speech training.

Keeping Your Parrot on a Routine

It's also important to note the necessity of keeping the African Grey Parrot in a cage when not training or handling them. Routine is necessary for the health, well-being, and safety of your African Grey Parrot. Because of their high intelligence, African Grey Parrots are a curious and sensitive bird. They will easily pick up bad habits if not kept to a stimulating and regimented routine. Handling, cuddling, and training them on a regular basis and then putting them their cage when not being handled, ensures that your African Grey companion will be happy and safe. Watch closely for signs of unhappiness, such as feather picking, biting, or chewing. Noting these changes in this sensitive parrot's behavior will create awareness to the needs of adjusting their routine.

Above all, the African Grey Parrot requires a loving, dedicated and patient owner that has done the proper research to understanding the many facets of this unique bird's personality. Love them, play with them, keep them safe, and the African Grey Parrot can easily become your best friend for life.

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