2012年6月30日 星期六

Caique Parrots As Pets-5 Reasons Caiques Make Excellent Companion Parrots - Family - Pets

Caiques (pronounced khy-eeks) are brightly colored, energetic, and entertaining birds that are small when making comparisons in the parrot world, but have big personalities and a lot of love to give to their humans. Here are 5 reasons you can't go wrong when considering a Caique Parrot as a pet.Colorful--The division of color on these birds is so striking it almost looks as if an artist used a paint brush to execute it so perfectly. Black Headed Caiques (BHC) have black beaks and gray feet, shiny black heads, a festive and well defined ban of orange around the neck area; their backs and tails are a velvety forest green, their legs and feathers under the tail are orange, and their bellies are snowy white.The White Bellied Caique (WBC) differs slightly in coloration with a light-colored beak, yellow head, green back, thighs, and wings with yellow coloring under the tail. It is slightly smaller, and is not as common. There are no noticeable personality differences between spe cies, and any differences are probably more attributable to the individuals.Affordable--Prices for Caiques range between $500 and $1,000 USD with pet stores tending to be on the higher end of the scale. Check with an avian veterinarian or do a looking digging on the internet if you prefer to purchase from a breeder or adopt a slightly older bird. Learn as much as you can about the bird's history, spend time with it, and have it checked by a veterinarian before finalizing the adoption.

Great Personality--These are happy birds that, when healthy, are in constant motion. They love playing with their toys (and you should have a large variety) and with their humans. They are affectionate and tend to respond well to anyone who gives frequent attention.

They need human interaction, and if you do not have the time to devote to them perhaps another pet would make a better choice. If you are thinking about having 2 to provide social interaction for each other, make sure they are compatible before bringing them home.Whistle Happy Tunes-Even though they speech capability is not that of the African Grey, most are still able to speak with their high pitched voice and be understood. They also able to whistle and can learn songs that they hear. They tend to learn songs better if their human whistles the songs for them first.Standard Diet-They love to eat and their food requirements are simple and uncomplicated. Daily offerings should include fresh fruits and vegetables, pasta, and table foods supplemented with a high quality pellet mix; and fresh water should always be available.

Avoid avocado, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine as they are toxic to any bird. With proper care, these delightful little birds can live up to 30 years.

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2012年6月29日 星期五

Parrot Perils-5 Dangers to Help Your Pet Parrot Avoid - Family - Pets

Parrots are beautiful birds. Regardless of whether you have a pet Quaker, Macaw, African Grey, Lorikeet, Cockatoo, or a Red Throated Conure (there wasn't space to name them all); they are wonderful, loving, and colorful additions to our world. In order to keep them healthy, owners must be ever vigilant about perils that could, in the blink of an eye, take them from us. Here are 5 of the most common perils that face pet parrots and suggestions for how to avoid them.1. Food Toxicity-When deciding on the best diet for your parrot, you have certainly seen warnings about various people foods that can have devastating consequences if ingested by your bird. These include but are not limited to avocados, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and peanuts. There are several other things to be careful about. When putting fresh food out (and you should do this daily if possible), make sure you allow the food to stay in the cage for only an hour or so. As you become more aware of your p et's eating habits, even 30 minutes may be long enough.

But the important thing to remember is to remove fresh food before your bird has any chance of ingesting food that is moldy. This can have grave consequences. Change water as often as it takes to keep it fresh. Feeding your parrot small portions will round out his nutritional requirements by allowing you to feed it a little bit of all the types of food he needs rather than too large a portion of any one food.2. Injury Outside the Cage-One of the most frequent demises of parrots happens when they are outside the cage. Be sure to go over rooms that you intend to let your bird explore before you release it from the cage.

Hide wires, and protect those that are visible from being chewed by encasing them in heavy duty plastic hoses. Turn off ceiling fans, cover mirrors, and close draperies to prevent your parrot from flying into them. Put covers on pots on the stove, and put the top down on the toilet. Limit access of other pets while your parrot is on the loose, particularly if there is any chance that there might be aggression for any reason.

Avoid opening doors to the outside especially if your bird is a strong flier. Always supervise your parrot closely when it is out of the cage.3. Injury Inside the Cage-Often injury inside the cage results because the cage is too small or the bars on the cage are big enough for a head or some other extremity to get caught in. Double check the cage you select to make sure it does not have harmful metals or paints that are toxic.

Parrots have incredibly strong beaks, so be certain the cage is strong enough to stand up to those powerful jaws. Stainless steel cages take the worry out of this problem because of strength, longevity, and lack of toxins.Dangerous Toys-Because parrots are such strong chewers, a toy that was safe one day may become chewed until it is not. Monitor toys closely and rotate unsafe toys out immediately replacing them with new or other toys that are still safe.Disease and Infection--Birds are programmed to hide illness because in the wild illness would make them subject to attack. So unfortunately disease and infections in parrots are often irreversible by the time they exhibit any symptoms. However, cleanliness plays a large part in keeping your bird healthy.

Clear away droppings daily or more often if necessary. This keeps minuscule pieces of dried feces from becoming airborne and spreading disease. Wash food and water dishes daily. Keep floors and walls in the bird's room clean, and completely sanitize the cage monthly.You should also keep the air clear of dander, dust, feather and other airborne pollutants that are present in your home's air even without a parrot.

Normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, other pet's dander can all combine to clog your bird's air passages which makes your parrot more susceptible to illnesses.

Using a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier will eliminate these airborne carriers of disease and lessen the number of parrot perils you and your parrot encounter.

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2012年6月28日 星期四

Looking After Your Pet Parrot - Hobbies

Parrots are endearing and colorful pets, but they do require much attention from you; if you think of them as perpetual five-year-old children, that will give you some idea of the complexity of their needs.

The decision to introduce a parrot into a home is a major one. You must provide the food, care and attention that the bird needs, not regard it as an occasional amusement.

If your reason for keeping a parrot is to have a talking bird, an African Grey or an Amazon parrot is a good choice. Other parrots could be regarded as better companions such as Macaws and Cockatoos. On the other hand, a budgerigar is smaller, easier to amuse and a lot less messy. What is more, a pet budgerigar in a smaller cage may easily be handed over to a bird-sitter when you go away!

Whichever species you choose, you will need to feed your Parrot the correct diet. While budgies eat smaller seed, softer fruit such as apple or pear and soft salad items in preference to harder items, Macaws will eat pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds,hazelnut, brazil, almond and walnut kernels, cereals and dried fruit too.

Cages for sedentary birds should be adequate for changes of position and height; no cage is large enough for the Macaw! All Parrots need time out of their cages to fly and walk around; if this is permitted at frequent intervals they will be happier when caged.

Parrots need company; they like to investigate and interact with people. They need toys to play with too; try to provide safe items such as cardboard tubes, hemp ropes, plastic tubs and fabric pockets to explore, unravel or investigate for small food rewards, just as they would forage in the wild. If you must leave your Parrot on his own for a while, a radio playing music in the background is better than being alone in silence.

For the complete guide to the care, feeding, training and welfare of your pet parrot, visit Ultimate Parrot Care Guide

The Ultimate Parrot Care Guide covers parrot behavior, with information which includes selecting, feeding, and taming a parrot. Provide your Parrot with the right care for a rewarding lifetime experience!

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2012年6月27日 星期三

Parrot Birds Tips - Choosing a Cage for the Parrot - Home

If you have a desire to keep a parrot at your home, then the foremost contemplation should be an enclosure where it is to be kept. Keep in mind that the habitat of the parrot directly influences its health. It should be obvious that every parrot possessor will like to keep the parrot in an enclosure. But remember that the cage should be spacious as it requires good space to live in. This will help in the growth of the parrot.

When you are going to buy a cage then always look for a good and right dimension. This should be understood that all types of parrot cannot be kept in the similar cage. The specie of the parrot also determines which type of an enclosure you should have. So, before you buy a parrot it should be well understood that which type of cage should be selected so that the parrot can be kept in their satisfactorily.

There are many varieties of cages with so many different sizes which you can wonder. But, the specie of the parrot very much affects the type and the size of the cage. For instance, the specie of a parrot like an African Grey or the Blue Crown Conjure requires a cage with a size of 18x18x18 inch. Also for an Eclectic Parrot and the Senegal Parrot, the same dimensions mentioned above would be perfect. In this way different parrots have varying cage dimensions.

The dimensions of an enclosure may vary with the specie of many parrots. For instance, for the parrots like the Amazon Parrot, the Quaker Parrot or the Macaws the cage dimensions of about 30x30x30 inch would work. Also, for the Umbrella Cockatoos, some dimension of about 36x30x72 inch would be ok. For a Conjure a cage with size measurement of around 20x20x24 inch would be fine in order to keep your parrot cheerful, relaxed and healthy.

There are many kinds of parrots seen and they too have distinct sizes of an enclosure. If you keep the Coffin Cockatoo as a pet then the cage should have a preferable size of around 48x36x48 inch. The same dimensions would also be good for the Moluccas Cockatoo. Now for the Rose Breasted Cockatoo then you should go for the cage dimensions of around 36x36x36 inch. The parrots which are small in nature can stay in an enclosure of around 18x22x24 inches. For instance the parrot Quaker Parakeet is of this type. For different other tiny species like Cockatiels and Budgies the cage dimensions of around 18x18x24 inches and 20x12x18 inches respectively would be fine. Remember that the entrance of the cage should be good and big so that the parrot can enter and exit from the cage easily.

The devices that you use while serving food and water to the parrots also play an important role other than the cage dimensions. You must keep things such as cups to serve water to the parrots and also toys so that the parrot can catch these things from inside of the cage very easily.

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2012年6月26日 星期二

Love Your Parrot? Learn the Benefits Of Organic Parrot Food - Food

Your parrot's diet is an essential factor in their life. What they eat affects all aspects of their health and development. Their health is obviously affected by what they eat because food contains nutrients to help them grow and thrive. But did you know your parrot's mental and emotional health is also affected by their diet? It's the same for humans. When we eat bad food, we feel bad. It affects our mood, our decisions, and our behavior, not to mention our health. And like you, your parrot will benefit from eating organic parrot food.

Organic Parrot Food Is Free Of Carcinogens

Many top level parrot foods have some serious chemicals in them - chemicals that have absolutely nothing to do with food or improving your parrot's health. In fact, these chemicals can and do cause cancer. Here are a few of the items found in most non-organic parrot foods.

* Ethoxyquin - this is used as a food stabilizer and a pesticide.* BHA - Butylated hydroxyanisole is a food preservative that has been shown to be a carcinogen (cancer cause).* BHT - Butylated hydroxytoluene is another food preservative and carcinogen. Both BHA and BHT are difficult for humans to metabolize and next to impossible for a parrot's sensitive system to manage.* Menadione - A vitamin K supplement is extremely toxic. It has been reported to cause anemia, brain or liver damage, or neonatal death humans and is toxic for birds and yet many parrot foods contain this toxic element.

Organic Parrot Foods Don't Contain Added Sugar

Would you feed your parrot sugar cubes? No, of course not, right? Sugar isn't something your bird needs nor does it improve their health, behavior or happiness. Yet most parrot foods contain sugar. They, for some reason, feel the need to sweeten the food. (Probably to cover up the taste of all those pesticides and preservatives.)

Your parrot doesn't need added sugar and good organic parrot foods don't contain any added sugar, flavorings, or food colorings.

Organic Parrot Food Lengthens Your Parrot's Lifespan

A seed based diet is too fatty for most birds to handle and it's short on nutrients. A seed based diet can cause:

* Fatty Liver Disease, * Kidney Failure, * Feather Plucking Issues * Overgrown Beaks * Blindness * Epileptic Seizures (Mostly Common In African Greys, And Cockatoos) * Inability to Fly* Chronic sickness

An organic pelletparrot food can lengthen the life of your parrot by several years. Actually, it can triple your parrot's lifespan. Why? Because it offers 100% nutrition without the unnecessary extras like fat, sugar and chemicals.

Organic Parrot Food Is Easier to Get Than Ever Before

A few years ago, organic parrot food was next to impossible to find. It was also incredibly expensive, not to mention the shipping cost was exorbitant. That's not the case anymore. More people are aware of the benefits making it easier to find.

If you want to offer your parrot the best you can possibly offer, organic parrot food is the way to go. It's 100% good for your bird and helps you give them the life, love and health they deserve.

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2012年6月25日 星期一

Parrot Cages - DON'T Even Consider Buying Parrot Cages Before You Read This - Family - Pets

Parrot Cages are 1 of the most important thing to take into consideration when you purchase your parrot. There are 2 reasons this is very very important, so this article will explain in Persis detail why it is important and the size you need for the type of parrot you have,or about to purchase.

Parrot cages need to be the correct size for these reasons

Firstly a parrot that has space is a happy parrot that is why size is important, they tend to get depressed and cranky in a small cage.Other reasons are!!!

Parrots to be able to spread their wings and move around.

Parrots have different size feet, so you need to be able to put different size perches in the 1 cage, we recommend 4 different types to exercise their feet.

Important things to remember are when purchasing parrot cages!!! The bigger you go the better it will be, as long as spacing in between each bars is small enough to prevent injury in the event your parrot tries to escape.So make sure the birds head can not fit in between the bars.

The door must have enough space to fit your hand in comfortably to not only catch him, but to put him back in his cage.

Parrot cages latch/lock need to be as safe as possible, parrots are extremely smart and they will figure out how to open it.Majority of the time if your parrot has been purchased from a pet shop they will recommend the minimum size so please read the chart below for the correct dimensions to insure your little mate stays happy and healthy.

Below is a chart that will give you an idea of what you need

Parrot cages recommended for Small parrots

FinchesCanariesParroletsParakeetsLovebirdsBudgiesCockatielsSmall Conuressimilar sized birds need at least dimensions such as 1/2" to 5/8

Parrot cages recommended for a medium parrot

ConuresLoriesSenegalsRing NecksCaiquesMini MacawsPionusQuakersSmall Cockatoos

similar sized birds need at least dimensions such as 1/2" to 3/4"

Parrot cages recommended for a large parrot

African Grey'sAmazonsMacawsCockatoosToucansHyacinthAlexandrine ParakeetsConEclectus

Do you want your parrots to be happy and healthy so he lives longer?

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2012年6月24日 星期日

Eclectus Parrot - News - Business News

DescriptionMale Eclectus Parrot, Melbourne Zoo, AustraliaFemale E. r. vosmaeri at North Carolina Zoo. No other subspecies combines a purple abdomen and clear yellow undertail covertsA pet juvenile male. The upper mandible has a brown base and yellow tip, and the irises are dark brown/blackThe Eclectus Parrot is unusual in the parrot family for its marked sexual dimorphism in the colours of the plumage. The male is mostly bright green with blue primaries, and red flanks and underwing coverts, while the female is mostly red with a blue abdomen and nape in most subspecies, purple abdomen and nape in the subspecies from the north and central Maluku Islands (roratus and vosmaeri), and red abdomen and nape in the subspecies from Sumba and Tanimbar Islands (cornelia and riedeli). Females of several subspecies have a yellow-tipped tail; taken to the extreme in riedeli and vosmaeri which also have yellow undertail coverts. The upper mandible of the adult male is orange at the base fading to a yellow towards the tip, and the lower mandible is black. The beak of the adult female is all black. Adults have yellow to orange irises and juveniles have dark brown to black irises. The upper mandible of both male and female juveniles are brown at the base fading to yellow towards the biting edges and the tip. TaxonomyOrnithologists usually classify the Eclectus Parrot as a member of tribe Psittaculini in the Psittacidae family of order Psittaciformes. However, some recent thought indicates that there is a great deal of commonality between the Eclectus Parrot and the Loriinae tribe. The Eclectus Parrot is the most sexually dimorphic of all the parrot species. The contrast between the brilliant emerald green plumage of the male and the deep red/purple plumage of the female is so marked that the two birds were, until the early 20th century, considered to be different species.It is thought that there are nine (possibly ten) subspecies of Eclectus Parrots, with diff erences in size and colouring. In captivity, some of the most common subspecies are the Solomon Island, the Vosmaeri, and the New Guinea Red-sided.Grand Eclectus (Eclectus roratus roratus)Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus solomonensis)New Guinea Red-sided Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus polychloros)Australian Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi)Vosmaer's Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus vosmaeri)Aru Island Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus aruensis)Westerman's Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus westermani) doubtfully valid.Sumba Island Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus cornelia)Tanimbar Islands Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus riedeli)Biak Island Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus biaki)Although the Eclectus Parrot is the only extant species in the genus Eclectus, fossil remains of another species, Oceanic Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus infectus), have been found in archaeological sites in the islands of Tonga and Vanuatu (Steadman 2006). The species presumably existed in Fiji as well. E. infectus had proportionally smaller wings than the Eclectus Parrot. The species went extinct after the arrival of man 3000 years ago, presumably due to human-caused factors (habitat loss, introduced species). DietThe diet of the eclectus in the wild consists of mainly fruits, wild figs, unripe nuts, flower and leaf buds, and some seeds. Two favorite fruits are the pomegranate and the papaya (pawpaw) with seeds. In captivity, they will eat most fruits including mangos, figs, guavas, bananas, any melons, stone fruits (peaches etc), grapes, citrus fruits, pears and apples. The eclectus has an unusually long digestive tract and this is why it requires such a high fiber diet. In captivity the eclectus parrot does benefit from a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, leafy greens such as endive and dandelion, as well as a variety of seeds, including spray millet, and a few nuts such as shelled almonds and shelled walnuts. AvicultureFemale at Rosamond Gifford Zoo, USEclectus parrots are one of the more popular birds kept in captivity, as either parent or hand reared. Unlike many other species of parrot they are relatively easy to breed yet difficult to hand feed. Eclectus in captivity require vegetables high in beta-carotene, such as lightly cooked sweet potato, fresh broccoli clumps, and fresh corn on the cob. Fresh greens such as endive or commercial dandelion are a very important in providing calcium and other nutrients. As with all pet birds, they should not be fed avocado, chocolate, or high fat junk foods such as French fries or commercially processed human foods such as pizza. Parrots are unable to digest the lactose in milk. Spray millet is one of the seed items they enjoy, though the Eclectus diet should typically contain much less seed than other birds. A variety of soaked and cooked beans and legumes, along with brown rice, provided in limited amounts help provide protein. Nuts and seeds provide vitam in E, but should be limited in order to avoid too much fat in the diet, as Eclectus parrots can become obese.A seven-week old male chick that has been hand reared for the pet trade.The captive Eclectus can be susceptible to muscle spasms known as toe-tapping and wing flipping, while all the causes are not clear, a major cause is a chemical imbalance in vitamins and minerals. These movements have not been observed in the wild. Potential causes include calcium deficiency, consumption of pellets or other foods that are overly fortified with man made vitamins or artificially colored, or even simple dehydration. Fortified or artificial foods may also cause allergic reactions in some individuals, including severe itchiness leading to feather and skin damage.Captive Eclectus parrots are prone to feather destruction (picking, pulling, cutting and or barbing) in captivity. Causes can be difficult to pin down, but diet / health, boredom and hormonal changes are thought to be the cause . Once this behavior begins it is nearly impossible to stop. Often only a mechanical barrier (e-collar) is successful in keeping the afflicted parrot from completely stripping all but its head of feathers. Other captive species that are prone to this behavior are; Cockatoo, African Grey, and to some extent the Macaw. ReferencesBirdLife International (2004). Eclectus roratus. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on 11 May 2006. Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concernGarnett, S. (1993) Threatened and Extinct Birds Of Australia. RAOU. National Library, Canberra. ISSN 0812-8014Steadman D. (2006) "A New Species of Extinct Parrot (Psittacidae: Eclectus) from Tonga and Vanuatu, South Pacific." Pacific Science 60(1): 137145 abstract External linksWikimedia Commons has media related to: Eclectus roratusWikispecies has information related to: Eclectus roratusWorld Parrot Trust Parrot Encyclopedia - Species ProfilesBird Life Species FactsheetHonolulu Zoo Article on Eclectus ParrotsInformation and photographs of Ecletus Parrots. Land of Vos.Information and photographs of Ecletus Parrots. Eclectus-parrots.comvdeTribus: PsittaculiniGenusSpecies (taxonomy note: * Runion Parakeet and Mauritius Parakeet may united as subspecies or split as separate species)(extinctions: indicates a species confirmed to be extinct, indicates evidence only from sub-fossils)PsittinusBlue-rumped ParrotPsittacellaBrehm's Tiger Parrot Painted Tiger Parrot Modest Tiger Parrot Madarasz's Tiger ParrotGeoffroyusRed-cheeked Parrot (or Singing Parrot) Blue-collared Parrot Song ParrotPrioniturusMontane Racket-tail Mindanao Racket-tail Blue-headed Racket-tail Green Racket-tail Blue-crowned Racket-tail Blue-winged Racket-tail (or Sulu Racket-tail) Yellow-breasted Racket-tail Golden-mantled Racket-tail Buru Racket-tailTanygnathusGreat-billed Parrot Blue-naped Parrot Blue-backed Parrot Black-lored ParrotEclectusEclectus Parrot Oc eanic Eclectus Parrot (extinct or prehistoric)AlisterusAustralian King Parrot Moluccan King Parrot Papuan King ParrotAprosmictusJonquil Parrot (or Olive-shouldered Parrot) Red-winged ParrotPolytelisSuperb Parrot Regent Parrot Princess ParrotPsittaculaAlexandrine Parakeet (or Alexandrine Parrot) Seychelles Parakeet Rose-ringed Parakeet (or Ringnecked Parakeet) Runion Parakeet* Mauritius Parakeet* Newton's Parakeet Slaty-headed Parakeet Grey-headed Parakeet Plum-headed Parakeet Blossom-headed Parakeet Lord Derby's Parakeet Red-breasted Parakeet Nicobar Parakeet Long-tailed ParakeetLoriculusVernal Hanging Parrot Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot Philippine Hanging Parrot (supporting pages: Cebu Hanging Parrot and Camiguin Hanging Parrot) Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot Great Hanging Parrot (or Sulawesi Hanging Parrot) Sula Hanging Parrot Moluccan Hanging Parrot Sangihe Hanging Parrot Orange-fronted Hanging Parrot (or Papuan Hanging Parrot) Bismarck Hanging Parrot (or Green-fronted Hanging Parrot Pygmy Hanging Parrot (or Red-billed Hanging Parrot) Yellow-throated Hanging Parrot Wallace's Hanging Parrot Camiguin Hanging ParrotAgapornisRosy-faced Lovebird (supporting page: Peach-faced Lovebird colour genetics) Yellow-collared Lovebird (or Masked Lovebird ) Fischer's Lovebird Lilian's Lovebird Black-cheeked Lovebird Grey-headed Lovebird (or Madagascar Lovebird) Black-winged Lovebird (or Abyssinian Lovebird) Red-headed Lovebird (or Red-faced Lovebird) Black-collared LovebirdIncertae sedis(probably Psittaculini)Mascarene Parrot (genus: Mascarinus) Broad-billed Parrot (genus: Lophopsittacus) Rodrigues Parrot (genus: Necropsittacus) Categories: IUCN Red List least concern species | Psittaculini | Parrots | Genera of birds | Birds kept as pets | Birds of Australia | Birds of Southeast Asia | Birds of Indonesia | Birds of Papua New Guinea | Birds of the Solomon IslandsHidden categories: Articles lacking in-text citations from April 2009 | All articles lacking in-text c itations

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2012年6月23日 星期六

Parrot Diets Importance - Home

One of the most important parts of being a bird owner is the parrot diets. For more than 12 years Ive been a parrot owner and because of that Ive tried feeding my parrots with various foods. Some diets went good and some went not quite so well. Anyways, Ive leanred quite some things during my time as a parrot owners and thus I want to share my experiences with you in this article.

Premix all food that you feed your parrots. They are very picky eaters and therefore they will not eat everything unless you premix the food. Also, whether they like it or not bean and seeds are one of the most important parts of parrot diets. They must be feuded with this every day. Either cooked or sprouted. Some food such as navy and fava must be cooked before you feed your parrot with it.Remember to clean your parrots feed tray regularly, especially for old sprouted beans since they have a tendency to develop bacteria if they lie there for too long.

Whole grains are an important part of any parrot diet too. Feed your parrot with whole grains such as brown rich around 5 days every week.Fruit is a treat all parrots enjoy but only feed them with fruit a few times every week. Its important that they get more heavy food too such as brown rice. When getting fruit for your parrot, try to find exotic fruit that they would eat where they come from anyways. For instance, I feed my African Grey with dragon fruit. This is because my parrot originally comes from the African rain forests and therefore the food seems natural to it. Parrots prefer food from where they originates from.

During my parrot owner years Ive made lots of mistakes too of course. But I rarely do it anymore. I hope you learned something by reading this article. Have a good day!

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2012年6月22日 星期五

Parrot Cages Customers Manual and Other Issues to Think about - Other

Now it's time to make your house a cozy and safe spot for your new family member - let's pick a cage!By the way, this article is sponsored by oven fresh bites parrot food. Dimension and Bar Spacing, Shape, Model, Upkeep and Building Factors, Cage Supplies, Equipment and Cage Place require to be given unique consideration. For little birds bar spacing ought to be much less then in, for medium birds - in to in, for greater birds - in to one inch. Tiny Parrots - Badgies/Parakeets, Lovebirds, Meyers, Parrotlets Bar spacing - Up to " Bar gauge - > 2.3mmMedium Parrots - Caiques, Cockatiels, Conures, Lorikeets, Pionuses, Quakers, Cape/Un-Cape Parrots, Red-Bellied Parrots, Senegals Bar spacing - " to " Bar gauge - two.5mm to 4mmBig Parrots - African Greys, Amazons, Cockatoos (little to big - Goffin - Umbrella), Mini Macaws (Hahn's, Noble, Illeger's, Significant, Yellow-Collared) Bar spacing - " to 1" Bar gauge - 4mm to 5mmX-Big Parrots - Cockatoos (Lg - Glossy Cockatoos, Molu ccans, Palm Cockatoos, Red tailed, Carnaby's White-Tailed Black Cockatoos, Sulphur Crested), Macaws (Lg) - Blue & Gold, Catalina, Green-Winged, Harlequin, Hyacinth, Scarlet Bar spacing - 1" to 1 " Bar gauge - >=5mmOne particular and a fifty percent of your feathered friend wings span is a minimal measurement for the width of the cage (or diameter if the cage is round) - it will fundamentally permit bird to stretch. Advised Cage Width Minimal inside secure Bar Spacing:X-Huge Parrots - Cockatoos (Lg - Glossy Cockatoos, Moluccans, Palm Cockatoos, Red tailed, Carnaby's White-Tailed Black Cockatoos)>= 40 in, Macaws (Lg) - Blue & Gold, Catalina, Green-Winged, Harlequin, Hyacinth, Scarlet >=48 in.Even if your bird was born in a cage its feathered ancestors had been wild once - and they had all the freedom to fly, forage and play in their native atmosphere. In its new cage the bird will spend plenty of the time - eating, stretching, playing, so make it straightforward on your friend , for its health and sanity - invest as a lot as you can to make its house spacious and cozy.But if you nevertheless tend toward round - great alternatives are octagon cages or of circle corner cages (a space saver as well).TypeIf you have play leading type cage it will eliminate the necessity to purchase a parrot's play-stand and headache where to set it if you have a room constriction, but on the other aspect of equation are play-stand maneuverability (you can transfer your beloved parrot and appreciate its firm anyplace in your property), higher expense of play top parrot cages and some inconveniences on utilizing cage cover over the play tops.Upkeep and helpful building factorsYour existence would be significantly less difficult and you will take pleasure in your parrot organization more if its' cage wouldn't need a whole lot of time and work to preserve it clean and safe.Yet another large NO for antique cages - as they extremely properly might include poisonous metals or may possibly be built from resources that can be easily chewed.Wire cages may possibly be sturdy sufficient for the modest birds, but bigger parrots want wrought iron or stainless steel cages to sustain their avian curiosity - appear for certain bar gauge guidance for your distinct species. Virtually all wire cages have some sort of covering (plastic or steel plating - normally with nickel, chromium, zinc, copper or brass) - to protect bird from bare metal and to guard steel from oxidation and corrosion. If you have an escape artist on your hands it's much better also to have a spare grate to put in spot of eliminated for cleansing. It ought to be substantial plenty of not to let your bird to choose its droppings from the bottom tray.Feeding doorways - swing sound doorways for feeding cups are extremely easy alternatives too. Entry doorways - Search for complete swing total dimension (from best to grate) entry doors for simple managing your bird and preventing toes pinchi ng - some parrots adore hanging on open doorways. Look for rounded corners for your personal safety.Cage ProductsIt grew to become obvious that there are quite a few wellness problems for birds with resources utilized in cages and many other common home objects. Please check our in depth article about major metals and other poisonous substances that your parrot could get accidentally uncovered to. Here we give only quick summary of supplies that you bird can entry in its cage. Frequently agreed poisonous metals (alloys) Substance: Lead - Hugely poisonous to birds. Can be identified: Cage paint, Household paint, paint primers, in soldering steel - soldered joints in cage (distinguished from welded joints), foil on wine bottles, champagne wire Publicity: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakSubstance: Zinc - Very toxic to birds Can be found: Cage paint, Family paint, paint primers, galvanized cage wires and mesh of outside aviaries (galvanization - phrase employed only for zinc plating) Exposure: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakSubstance: Copper (specifically Oxidized) Can be identified: Copper plating, copper food containers, copper plumbing Exposure: Chewing on its cage decorative copper plated aspects, ingesting acidic foods saved in copper meals containers, consuming h2o from your house h2o provide if you have copper plumbing and your water is slightly acidic.Substance: Brass (alloy of copper and zinc)Can be discovered: Generally utilized in padlocks, in soldering metal - soldered joints in cage (distinguished from welded joints), and some cage hardware as effectivelyPublicity: It's probably Okay for modest bird who is unlikely to chew a padlock, but need to be avoided about bigger parrotsSubstance: "Galvanized tin"(misused term for sheet steel -galvanized steel; and modest galvanized containers) Can be identified: Might be used in aviaries (especially self created - to withstan d the elements and self produced cages - trays), tiny galvanized containers Exposure: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbingSubstance: Iron, Oxidized iron (rust) Can be discovered: Cage wires, frame, hardware Publicity: Following coating wears off (paint, powder coat or plating) - it exposes underlying iron to oxidation and can be ingested by your parrot in the course of his normal beak activitySubstance: Chromium (III and VI) Can be discovered: Plating, colored leather (Chromium salts) Publicity: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakSubstance: Cobalt Can be discovered: Electroplating, floor coats for porcelain enamel, batteries Exposure: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakProbably toxic metals (alloys) - some specialists listed them as safe, but there are publications documenting wild birds toxicity in polluted habitats and poultry toxicity as nicely with elevated degree in foods intake (please look into t o your very own satisfaction and make your very own selection)Substance: Nickel Can be found: In plating - cage wire and hardware (screws, padlocks, hinges) Exposure: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakSubstance: Tin Can be identified: In soldering steel - soldering joints in cage (distinguished from welded joints), in pewter, in cans Publicity: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakSubstance: Aluminum and its salts Can be discovered: Aluminum foil, soda cans and parts in birds toys, meals containers Publicity: Beak activity - scratching, chewing, climbing on its cage with beakMost of parrot aluminum toxicity instances that had been documented related to heated aluminum foil - which is primarily attributed to fumes from its non-stick polymer additives Nontoxic metals (alloys) Substance: Stainless Steel Can be identified: Cage wire, frame, hardware Publicity: Really difficult steel alloy almost unattainable for your parrot to scratch, chew or detach with typical beak activityThere are no criteria for secure ranges of poisonous metals and other toxins established for birds. Birds' digestive program with gizzard (pH two., and 42C) enables some non-meals products sit there for prolong time releasing toxins or causing obstruction, impaction, bleeding and death (like corn cobs that soak up moisture and swell and could keep in gizzard for years!). If you seen that your parrot is employing its cage as a chewing toy - strongly contemplate acquiring a stainless steel cage - there is absolutely nothing to detach and to ingest.Lead and Zinc - hugely toxic for birds and the most widespread supply of poisoning in parrots connected with cage supplies. If your cage paint, content or hardware incorporate these metals it a lot more probable will lead to heavy metal poisoning in your parrot. The greater the parrot the greater the hazard - the larger bird can effortlessly scratch, shave or detach by chew ing up some pieces of softer metals or paint.Paint - constantly test with producer relating to Lead and Zinc content. Plating - approach employed to coat one metal (alloy) with other steel (alloy) to stop underlying steel from oxidation and to make it search far better - employed on cage wires, wires or mesh in outside aviaries, hardware and some steel elements of bird's toys. The danger of any plating - it could chip or peel (bird could ingest the particles) exposing underlying steel to oxidation and rust which is not great possibly.Play it secure - examine all metals in your bird cage and on your birds toys routinely for chipping, peeling, rust & oxidation.You require to contemplate how significantly space the toys will take from the cage interior when selecting the cage. Search for toys produced by reputable manufacturer instead than artisans. Even though it's not a assure but significantly probable that toys from manufacturer will have regular protected structural factor s as effectively as protected resources you can inquire about.Feeding & consuming bowls - for your bird's wellness invest in stainless steel bowls - they are straightforward to clear also.Location cage in opposition to the wall or in a corner making it possible for your bird interact with loved ones and feel safe - not in the center of the area where it will be usually in people's way and bird can effortlessly be startled with sudden movement or agitated with extreme activity all around it.Site should enable enough organic light and view if feasible (birds adore seem outdoors of the window) but in no way towards the window. Stay away from place in immediate draft region or under the conditioner as properly as heating outlet.Bird shouldn't have entry to energy outlets and energy wires - parrots may possibly use outlets holes to climb and chew on wires.

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2012年6月21日 星期四

Macaw Parrots - What You Need To Know - Family

The majority of macaw parrots are now endangered in the wild with six species that are already extinct. The greatest problems threatening the macaw population has been the rapid rate of deforestation and the illegal capture of these exotic birds to be sold as pets.

A parakeet is a term for any one of a large number of unrelated small to medium sized parrot species that generally have long-tail feathers.

The ones most commonly seen in the pet trade are the large colorful macaws such as scarlet macaws, blue and gold macaws, military macaws, and hyacinth macaws. Mini macaws are harder to find but include species such as Hahn's, noble, and yellow collared macaws.

The macaw parrots are know to have a life span that ranges from 30-50 years but it has been said that some have reached 100 years. The mini macaws have a life span at the lower end of this range, while a healthy large macaw can be expected to live 50 years or more with good nutrition and care.

Some of the macaw species are popularly known for their impressive size. The largest parrot in length and wingspan is the Hyacinth Macaw. Generally the larger species range from about 20 inches (military macaws) up to 42 inches (hyacinth macaws), including the long tail. Mini macaws are more manageable at 10-20 inches in length.

They tend to be loud since in the wild their voices need to carry over long distances. This makes macaws very demanding birds to keep as a household pet. They do have a fairly good capability to mimic speech,(ie your talking parrot), although probably not as clearly as Amazons and African Grey.

Macaws eat nuts, seeds, fruit, and sometimes insects. As pets they should be started on pellet food as the basis for the diet and supplemented with a wide range of healthy fresh foods such as grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. Pellets can make up 25-50 percent of the diet but seeds should be no more than 10 percent of the diet as they are too high in fat. Nuts are a good treat, in moderation. If your local pet store is unable to provide you with all your bird supplies then the internet will be a good source.

Macaws need a large, strong cage so be prepared to make a significant investment. Mini macaws can be kept in bird cages sized for Amazons (24"x36"x48"). However, the larger macaws need a bird cage at least 36"x48"x60" and the cage must be strong enough to withstand their significant beak strength of macaws.

All species of macaws have very powerful, large beaks and large macaws are capable of destroying household furnishings and can potentially cause considerable harm to both children and adults. A stainless steel cage is therefore a good investment.

Pet macaws thrive on frequent interaction and attention from their owners, and a lack of this can lead to their mental and physical suffering. A wide variety of wooden toys or plain untreated chunks of wood to chew on should be provided. Toys meant to be taken apart to get at a treat are also a good choice, as are hanging toys and toys to climb on as long as they are safe.

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2012年6月20日 星期三

How to Choose a Parrot - Family - Pets

I am often asked which type of parrots make the best pets.

Unfortunately, there's no easy answer to this question. It's a bit like asking what movie you should see of what type of car you would like.

You really need to start out by asking what sort of parrot owner would you make? Some species of parrot can live 70 years or more. That's a lifetime commitment unless you buy an older bird. Birds of the parrot family are social animals. They need company to thrive. Can you spend some time with a parrot two or three times a day?

The choice often made with children in mind is the budgerigar. These have many of the characteristics of the larger parrots, such as an engaging personality and training but it's very hard to find a budgie will or able to talk.

Cockatiels are another good choice for those on a budget. Although some cockatiels will talk they are less likely to do so than some other species.

Amazon parrots parrots can also make good pets often living about 20 years or more. The diet for an Amazon needs to be more varied and should include plenty of vegetables. Not quite as talkative as the African Grey, these parrots can still develop a good vocabulary.

Blue and Gold Macaws, or most other Macaws are also worth considering. They have beautiful plumage and, usually, a mellow personality.

The African Greys are intelligent and will quickly pick up a large vocabulary. These are long-lived birds, often reaching 60 years or more. These are very popular parrots because of their remarkable mimicry skills and intelligence. Although each individual can vary, it is common for them to have vocabularies of several hundred words. They will often sound exactly like their owner when speaking which is an unnerving experience.

Take plenty of time to make the decision and talk to several other parrot owners about their experiences with a particular species. You may also want to see if there is a local parrot rescue society close to you. They will give you advice orn the needs of a particular species and you even have a suitable parrot for you to adopt at much lower cost than buying a young bird.

For more advice on choosing, taming and training parrots visit

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2012年6月19日 星期二

Choosing The Right Parrot - Family - Pets

Before you buy yourself a parrot, you have to consider several factors. This will save you from heartaches later on. Do consider the size of your home (whether a landed property or an apartment), other pets you currently share your life with, the amount of time you are willing to devote to your bird, the size of your wallet, your family members' tolerance for parrots, and whether there are children in the house.

Birds usually don't mix with other household pets like cats and dogs. I am sure you have watched Tweetie and Sylvester. Its in their natural instincts to stay away from four legged animals with claws. And its in the cats' and dogs' natural instincts to pounce on a yummy bird. Unless of course your four legged friends are well domesticated that they know their gourmet meal is going to come out of a tin can. And unless your cat or dog lives in the barn and doesn't come into your house, then it would be safe to own a parrot.

Room size does matter for a parrot. You will need a large floor space if you intend to raise African Greys, Macaws, Cockatoos and Amazons, with their standing cages. A large room will not stress your parrot and this is important if you want to train it to do tricks later on. Smaller parrot species like Conures, Lorakeets, Cockatiels and Quakers would be ideal if you are living in small spaces and apartments.

How much money are you willing to spend to buy a parrot? The popular talking birds like African Greys, Cockatoos and Amazons retail in the $2000 to $5000 range. The smaller birds like Conures, Lorakeets and Quakers retail in the $500 to $700 range. Hand fed birds will cost you more but you will have the advantage of them already being accustomed to being fed by humans.

Do you have 30 minutes of your time to devote to your pet parrot a day? You need to because that is the minimum amount of time you will require to build a relationship with your parrot. Parrots are sociable birds in the wild and they flock together. In the absence of other parrots in a domestic home, you become the bird's companion. The 30 minutes that you spend has to be quality time. Feeding time is the ideal time and talk to your bird while you are doing it.

Can other members of your family tolerate the presence of your pet parrot in the house and the potential noise that the bird will generate, not to mention the words it will pick up and speak over and over again once it learns how to talk? You need to discuss this with your family because a parrot is a lifelong pet and can live as long as humans.

Do you have children in the house? Consider the safety of children because parrots bite and can injure a child. Set up rules in the house and make sure that children don't come near the parrot cage unsupervised.

When you have considered all factors and made an informed decision, you will find that owning a pet parrot is one of the best decisions you have ever made.

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2012年6月18日 星期一

Foraging Suggestions and Methods For Parrot Entrepreneurs - Other

However, by now you have attained the second stage in taming your new parrot.Right here Are Some Fundamentals For Taming A New Parrot&bull Your new parrot ought to have its wings clipped. If you do not locate by yourself adept at doing the work, get some help. Contrary to typical perception, wing clipping is not distressing for the bird, and it does not cause any physical hurt as nicely. According to avian professionals, this practice can make the bird more dependable to its owner/companion, thus aiding the man or woman to tame/teach the bird much better.&bull Your new parrot really should have a cage with a door that is huge enough for easy removal of the parrot - it can measure anything up to a foot from the beak to the tail finish.&bull Keep your parrot at a tranquil corner of the residence exactly where there is no severe light.&bull Parrots are highly sociable and requirements firm. Provide this your self whilst chatting in soft undertone.&bull Do not indulge in speed y entire body movements while you are in the proximity of your recently acquired parrot as this may possibly unduly alarm the bird.As you have by now learnt how to tame a new parrot, take the bird with you perched on your shoulder. Nonetheless do remember that the parrot may possibly even now attempt to escape, and in the approach may fall to the ground - stop this by keeping your palms ready. The very poor bird may possibly get injured by falling headlong on to the tough ground. Also, you may well contact your parrot by providing the bird a appropriate title. There was a caustic fellow who named his pecking parrot "Gregory Peck". This may audio humorous - but stay away from such names of program.Excellent luck with you beloved bird!Foraging for foods in the wild is a significant activity for birds, and is a process that can consume up to 8 hours of their normal day. Not only does foraging provide them with life sustaining diet, but provides activity that keeps them active a nd entertained throughout the day. Many of the greater birds organize their complete day close to foraging for meals. Wild parrots will virtually dig, tear, rip, and root their way close to for meals.Contrasting to the lifestyle of a wild parrot, parrots in captivity have meals offered to them at all occasions. Most of the time, it's a quantity of food they wouldn't end in two days, let by yourself one. What employed to be a day long journey (foraging) has now been changed with the straightforward act of navigating to the bottomless meals dish. No wonder so several parrots have behavioral difficulties- we've stripped them of what they have been hard wired to do! As bird entrepreneurs, we can vastly enrich the lives of our parrots by basically implementing some low cost simple foraging components that would replicate their normal activities.Be creative. Combine and match commercially accessible foraging programs with homemade toys that encourage foraging exercise. The adherin g to are some suggestions to get you began, and are geared towards the start forager.I wish you find these suggestions valuable and that they will give way to your creative aspect to come out and perform.

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2012年6月17日 星期日

Selecting the Right Parrot - Family - Pets

There are hundreds of different types of parrot. Parrot care and habits will vary depending on the species and their particular quirks. Before you bring home any bird you are going to need to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to care for and house your new friend. Remember, that there are parrots that can live for over sixty years, and if you want to offer the best care to your bird you have to know what you are getting into.

Parrots have special needs, and you must consider these needs in relation to your lifestyle. Listed below are a few of the essential things that you have to consider if you want to buy the right bird for your home.

How many people are in the family and what other pets are in the household? There are a number of species of birds that tend to bond with one person. You may want to avoid these birds if you have children. Although, as a general rule, birds are not aggressive unless threatened they may prefer certain people in the home. Parrots can get along with other animals provided you know how to conduct careful introductions. Additionally, you will have to learn about feeding and housing requirements to ensure that harmony in the home is maintained.

Birds fly. Are you prepared for this? Do you want to have a bird that is allowed to fly around your home freely? If you want the bird to stay in his cage and be grounded, how are you going to clip the bird? Do you know how to trim a bird's wings? Aside from keeping the bird grounded are you aware of the other reasons why you may have to trim bird's feathers? If you are not prepared to do this procedure, is there a place where you can take the bird and have it done professionally?

Does the local vet treat birds? Parrots are wonderful creatures but they do have a number of health problems, and you have to be prepared for this. Talk to a local vet and find out if they treat birds. Not all veterinarians are capable of handing the illnesses that may affect a parrot. Parrot feather plucking is a condition that affects many birds. Salmonella is another concern you may be faced with. Although, not common, birds can and do get this bacterium. However, it seems to manifest more often in homes that have reptiles in close proximity to the bird.

Parrots have very specific dietary needs. You are going to have to ensure that you know exactly what kind of food your bird needs to stay healthy. It is not just a matter of buying a large bag of bird seed and giving the animal a handful every now and then.

Parrots can be noisy. One of the things that attracts individuals to parrots is their ability to talk. This can be a fun thing for you to teach your bird, but it can be extremely annoying and disruptive if you are watching TV or trying to sleep. You should be aware that birds can be loud. If you live in an apartment, you do not want to have a bird that is going to screech all day while you are at work.

Proper parrot care is going to require that you understand and perform a number of grooming rituals. Birds in captivity may need to have their nails clipped. This can be done at home, but you are going to have to learn the best technique to ensure that you do it correctly. You are also going to need to know how and when to bath a bird. Regular bathing for parrots is essential. Birds that do not get the chance to bath regularly will develop skin problems, which can lead to feather plucking and other serious conditions. Misting a bird is recommended for parrots to help them stay as clean as possible.

Pet stores often have a wide variety of birds and parrots for you to choose from. To ensure that you and the parrot will lead and long and happy life together, you need to know proper parrot care and which of the many types of parrots will be best for you and your family. If you do not know the difference between a Black Headed Parrot and a Cockatoo, you had best get studying.

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2012年6月16日 星期六

Gourmet Parrot Food - Other

The prepared availability of these berries would make them a favorite among culinary enthusiasts who like to experiment with unique recipes. The very best facet of fruits, like blueberries or other berries, is that they can be applied in all courses of a meal proper from meat dishes to dessert.There is a good deal you can do with a contemporary batch of natural blueberries. An excellent way to have these fruits is to pour some clean cream, yoghurt for the health aware, and try to eat it. These fruits are most usually utilised in desserts, as they have a naturally sweet style and certainly improve a dessert dish. Next to nothing beats a pie created with new strawberries or blackberries. Creating your meals much healthier can be accomplished easily by just like berries!While paying for berries from your community market, or from any other supply, it is critical to place superior emphasis on superior. Except if you eat great superior fruits, like strawberries, you eliminate o ut on both equally nutrition as nicely as taste price. There are various on the net community forums focused to info about the very best spots to purchase your berries from and will aid you make the selection pertaining to the ideal attainable resource. Go organic with your berries and make certain a healthier and wholesome way of living.Ahead of you obtain yourself a parrot, you have to take into account various things. This will help save you from heartaches later on on. Do take into consideration the dimension of your residence (irrespective of whether a landed property or an apartment), other pets you presently share your everyday life with, the amount of time you are ready to devote to your bird, the dimension of your wallet, your family members' tolerance for parrots, and no matter whether there are little ones in the property.Birds usually don't blend with other household pets like cats and canines. I am sure you have watched Tweetie and Sylvester. Its in their organi c instincts to stay away from four legged animals with claws. And its in the cats' and dogs' normal instincts to pounce on a yummy bird. Until of course your four legged pals are very well domesticated that they know their connoisseur meal is going to come out of a tin can. And until your cat or dog lives in the barn and doesn't come into your residence, then it would be secure to private a parrot.Place dimensions does make a difference for a parrot. You will have to have a significant floor room if you intend to elevate African Greys, Macaws, Cockatoos and Amazons, with their standing cages. A big area will not pressure your parrot and this is important if you want to train it to do tricks later on on. More compact parrot species like Conures, Lorikeets, Cockatiels and Quakers would be great if you are living in smaller spaces and apartments.How significantly cash are you ready to expend to buy a parrot? The favorite chatting birds like African Greys, Cockatoos and Amazons retail in the $2000 to $5000 range. The smaller birds like Conures, Lorikeets and Quakers retail in the $500 to $700 selection. Hand fed birds will price tag you far more but you will have the benefit of them already becoming accustomed to getting fed by humans.Do you have thirty minutes of your time to devote to your pet parrot a day? You need to have to for the reason that that is the minimum total of time you will involve to assemble a relationship with your parrot.

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2012年6月15日 星期五

Parrot Feeding Ideas - Other

Your parrot isn't going to require added sugar and excellent organic parrot food items never comprise any additional sugar, flavorings, or food colorings.Organic Lengthens Your Parrot's LifespanA seed centered diet plan is too fatty for most birds to take care of and it is short on nutrients. A seed dependent eating habits can lead to:&bull Fatty Liver Disorder, &bull Kidney Failure, &bull Feather Plucking Difficulties &bull Overgrown Beaks &bull Blindness &bull Epileptic Seizures (Largely Prevalent In African Greys, And Cockatoos) &bull Inability to Fly&bull Chronic sicknessAn organic and natural pellet parrot food can lengthen the everyday living of your parrot by several a long time. Really, it can triple your parrot's lifespan. Why? Due to the fact it provides a hundred% nutrition devoid of the pointless extras like extra fat, sugar and chemical compounds.Organic Is Less difficult to Get Than Actually Ahead ofA very few many years ago, organic and natural parrot foods was following to difficult to obtain. It was also incredibly highly-priced, not to mention the shipping expense was exorbitant. That's not the situation anymore. Much more folks are informed of the advantages generating it less complicated to locate.If you want to supply your parrot the greatest you can potentially provide, organic and natural parrot foods is the way to go. It is 100% superior for your bird and aids you give them the existence, really like and overall health they should have.There are tons of various methods that you can feed your parrot. Now some of these may well necessitate more do the job than others wherever as some of them are as easy and grabbing a bag of bird seed and pouring it into their feeder. All of them can be excellent for your bird, while feeding a assortment of parrot meals as opposed to a singular food supply (these as seeds) can make achieving a additional balanced eating habits a little a lot easier to accomplish.The easiest way to feed y our parrot a balanced diet regime is to invest in some superior parrot food from your regional pet supplies retail store. These come in quite a few distinctive types that will contain extra nutritional vitamins and minerals, this suggests that you will not have to it any supplemental nutritional vitamins to their eating plan. In truth, you may possibly not know this but including additional nutritional vitamins and minerals can in reality hurt your parrot, as it could lead to lousy poisonous degree of the vitamins and minerals in their technique .You ought to look at and opt for a seed combine for your parrot that doesn't make it possible for it to decide on just one seed or food product, in desire to one more as this will offer him with a additional balanced diet plan. Be mindful that some foods items will declare to be fortified seed mixes, which in concept really should be just right for your parrot but this declare is not automatically genuine. This assumes that the bird will take in all the seed that is available rather of deciding upon just a couple of of its favourite food goods.A single will need to usually attempt to get parrot meals which employs a formulated diet regime without any addition, fragrances or colours.

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2012年6月14日 星期四

Parrot Feeding Suggestions - Other

Right here are a number of of the products located in most non-natural and organic parrot food items.&bull Ethoxyquin - this is employed as a meals stabilizer and a pesticide.&bull BHA - Butylated hydroxyanisole is a foods preservative that has been demonstrated to be a carcinogen (cancer result in).&bull BHT - Butylated hydroxytoluene is yet another foods preservative and carcinogen. The two BHA and BHT are difficult for humans to metabolize and up coming to unattainable for a parrot's delicate technique to control.&bull Menadione - A vitamin K complement is highly poisonous. It has been documented to lead to anemia, brain or liver hurt, or neonatal death humans and is poisonous for birds and but quite a few parrot foods incorporate this poisonous aspect.Natural and organic Meals Never Consist of Added SugarWould you feed your parrot sugar cubes? No, of study course not, right? Sugar isn't something your bird wants nor does it increase their overall health, behavior or ha ppiness. But most parrot food items have sugar. They, for some rationale, really feel the have to have to sweeten the food. (Possibly to cover up the flavor of all these pesticides and preservatives.)Your parrot isn't going to have to have extra sugar and beneficial organic and natural parrot meals really don't incorporate any added sugar, flavorings, or foods colorings.Natural Lengthens Your Parrot's LifespanA seed centered eating habits is also fatty for most birds to cope with and it's small on nutrients. A seed based eating habits can bring about:&bull Fatty Liver Disease, &bull Kidney Failure, &bull Feather Plucking Matters &bull Overgrown Beaks &bull Blindness &bull Epileptic Seizures (Typically Common In African Greys, And Cockatoos) &bull Inability to Fly&bull Chronic sicknessAn organic and natural pellet parrot foods can lengthen the everyday living of your parrot by numerous ages. Truly, it can triple your parrot's lifespan. Why? Due to the fact it gives you one hu ndred% diet devoid of the needless extras like fat, sugar and substances.Organic and natural Is Much easier to Get Than Ever BeforeA number of ages in the past, natural and organic parrot meals was up coming to extremely hard to find. It was also incredibly expensive, not to mention the shipping expense was exorbitant. That is not the case any longer. Extra individuals are conscious of the benefits generating it less difficult to locate.If you want to supply your parrot the greatest you can probably offer, natural parrot foods is the way to go. It really is a hundred% good for your bird and helps you give them the life, like and well being they are worthy of.TBS Error: 1Eclectus Parrots have an unusually prolonged digestive track that provides them the power to efficiently extract nutrients from their foods.  As a result, they should have a quite balanced and unique diet to guide them remain nicely. In standard natural and organic foods are tastier, and much healthier be cause they keep away from the use of pesticides and substances. Here are 6 parts necessary to keep your Eclectus effectively fed and wholesome.Fiber-Mainly because their digestive tracks are unusually lengthy, fiber is required to preserve the track distinct and meals thoroughly moving by way of it. This can be fed to them in the type of legumes this sort of as slightly softened garbanzo, fava, lentils, and soy beans as well as total grains.Fruits-They also delight in and benefit enormously from fresh new organic and natural fruits these kinds of as apples, bananas, mangos, grapes, pomegranate seeds, watermelon, papaya, and oranges. Rotate new fruits as they come in period, and use thawed frozen fruits when clean are not offered. Darkish Leafy Green Vegetables-The darker the leaf, the much more nutrients it incorporates. So kale, mustard and dandelion greens, Swiss chard, spinach, beet and carrot tops are excellent sources of nutrients and really should be ch opped into modest pieces to make them a lot easier to eat.Other vegetables must contain corn on the cob, broccoli, green beans and peas, and okra. Susceptible to have a Vitamin A deficiency, food items higher in Beta Carotene need to also be fed on a regular basis as they are great organic resources of Vitamin A.  Cooked carrots, yams, and sweet potatoes should be staples in their diet.Seeds and Nuts-Sprouted seeds are greatest since they are residing plants, lower in body fat, and present distinctive nutrients day by day as they carry on to grow. Sprouts are one particular of the healthiest foods you can feed your bird. There are kits obtainable that allow you to do it your self, or you can acquire seeds that are previously sprouted. Be confident to deliver them every day.  As for nuts, young birds nonetheless need to have some weight to establish effectively,  but nuts need to be fed sparingly to mature birds as they contain big quantities of extra fat that can result in wellness problems stemming from obesity.  However, an occasional nut (one) for a mature bird can serve as a delicious handle.

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2012年6月13日 星期三

How to Select a Nutritional Healthful Diet program For Your Parrots - Other

Speak about a strangulation hazard. Ribbon or string may possibly result in intestinal obstructions if they eat it.Food and DrinkAlcoholic drinks, sizzling chocolate, coffee, and the actually-current eggnog are well-liked drinks at Xmas time. If your area is something like mine, there are yummy fattening human goodies almost everywhere like cookies, candy, cakes and deserts. Watch that your birdie doesn't get into the holiday spirit this way! I like to set some water in a darkish espresso mug (a duplicate of mine) and give the fids sips out of that. I don't know what they believe it is, but it is in a coffee mug like mine and they are pleased to drink it. Preserve some wonderful refreshing treats on hand for your birdies to munch on. I like pea pods, birdie bread, almonds and a minor fruit. That way they won't feel left out and I have to maintain Zeke (African Grey) from saying "Mmmm, want some?" all evening long.Non-Stick Coated SurfacesBe additional cautious not to overh eat any non-stick cookware or something with a non-stick surface area! People toxic fumes can destroy birds in no time flat. I know this warning has been about for a extended time, but with extra cooking likely on, I assumed I would remind you all once again.PeopleGetting friends about? I know you would in no way feed your bird anything it's not supposed to have or subject it to extra pressure, but watch your guests. Make positive they don't give your bird anything to consume or drink that could cause a problem. Of training course, for us bird lovers, it almost goes without having stating to make certain they are not causing the bird any undue tension like poking their fingers in the cage or just usually annoying your bird. Display them in which the acceptable bird treats and give them a rule run down about currently being wonderful to parrots.FireWant a good warm fire in the hearth? Is your hearth in great form or is this the initial time you will be employing it this year? What kind of wood are you burning? Is the damper open? Check these "immediate fire logs" and make confident they do not include lead or arsenic. DO NOT Burn off WRAPPING PAPER OR Stress Taken care of Wooden At any time! It's great to have a fire as extended as your hearth is operating like a need to, has some sort of guard throughout the front, and is becoming vented effectively.Wrapping PaperWrapping "paper" is a stretch. A lot of these innocent looking colourful papers have toxic substances. Do not permit your bird to consume it and DO NOT burn off it in your fireplace. If you are going to wrap a present for your bird, remember to use basic paper. If worst comes to worst, use a sheet of a black and white area of a newspaper.TreesMight scare the daylights of your feathered buddy. Consider it gradual and by no means area the tree in which your parrot can chew on it.Synthetic Snow or FlockingI couldn't discover wherever that mentioned these had been undoubtedly a hazard, but they are not meant to be ingested and I am rather darn positive they are not excellent for your bird if they inhale the fumes of that stuff either. When if doubt, just skip it. It is just not value it.Open Doors / WindowsWith all the extra commotion heading on around the holidays a minor added precaution about open doors looks to be in purchase. People heading in and out, offers and food being carried in and out, stage is that your door will most likely get a work out. Not only that, but new things like trees or big boxes, may startle your bird and they might panic and fly.

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2012年6月12日 星期二

Keep Your Parrots Protected this Holiday getaway Year - Other

They are a lot more expensive, but burn off five to 7 moments longer, are not scented and burn up cleaner. One other term of caution - uses up and wax spills have been identified to take place when a wayward bird collides with a candle so Often view your candles and your bird, don't leave possibly one particular of them without supervision. I have a rule, IF I mild a candle it is one hundred% beeswax and the parrot gang has to be in their cages.Potpourri, air fresheners, and a host of other smelly spraying issues irritate the daylights out of your bird in so a lot of techniques. (They also irritate me, so it is not a problem for my birds due to the fact I do not use them in my residence.) Consider and go for one thing a lot more normal if you feel the want to "scent" your residence. Heat up some water in a pan on the stove and throw in a handful of natural cinnamon sticks, that smells yummy. Oh certainly, can't overlook this one NO Using tobacco Around THE BIRDS - Period o f time!Lights and Electrical CordsMake certain these are concealed as nicely as possible so small birdie brains don't get any sensible suggestions and want to perform with them. They could get shocked (as in almost certainly killed) or burned by chewing on them. If they are unfastened, they could get tangled in them.PlantsI think most individuals with parrots know by now that Poinsettias and Holly are risky if eaten, but did you know that Philodendron, Ivy and Mistletoe are also. In circumstance you didn't there's is no excuse now. These plants have the potential to result in daily life threatening issues for your parrot if eaten!Dressing up BirdieNot that you would do it, but observe those minor types. They appear to feel it is a excellent thought to stick bows on (ouch) or drape ribbon more than and around birds. Speak about a strangulation hazard. Ribbon or string could cause intestinal obstructions if they eat it.Meals and ConsumeAlcoholic drinks, very hot chocolate, cof fee, and the ever before-present eggnog are popular drinks at Xmas time. If your location is something like mine, there are yummy fattening human goodies almost everywhere like cookies, candy, cakes and deserts. View that your birdie doesn't get into the getaway spirit this way! I like to set some h2o in a darkish coffee mug (a duplicate of mine) and give the fids sips out of that. I don't know what they feel it is, but it's in a coffee mug like mine and they are content to drink it. Preserve some good refreshing treats on hand for your birdies to munch on. I like pea pods, birdie bread, almonds and a minor fruit. That way they won't come to feel left out and I have to maintain Zeke (African Grey) from declaring "Mmmm, want some?" all night time long.Non-Stick Coated SurfacesBe added careful not to overheat any non-stick cookware or nearly anything with a non-stick surface area! Those toxic fumes can eliminate birds in no time flat. I know this warning has been around for a prolonged time, but with extra cooking going on, I thought I would remind you all once again.FolksGetting company about? I know you would never feed your bird nearly anything it's not intended to have or matter it to added anxiety, but watch your visitors. Make positive they don't give your bird anything at all to try to eat or consume that could cause a problem. Of study course, for us bird lovers, it nearly goes without having stating to make sure they are not triggering the bird any undue pressure like poking their fingers in the cage or just usually bothersome your bird.

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2012年6月11日 星期一

Parrot Food Blunders to Prevent! - Other

Your parrot does not need to have additional sugar and good natural and organic parrot meals do not have any added sugar, flavorings, or food colorings.Organic and natural Lengthens Your Parrot's LifespanA seed based mostly diet plan is also fatty for most birds to deal with and it is brief on nutrients. A seed primarily based diet program can trigger:&bull Fatty Liver Disease, &bull Kidney Failure, &bull Feather Plucking Problems &bull Overgrown Beaks &bull Blindness &bull Epileptic Seizures (Mainly Widespread In African Greys, And Cockatoos) &bull Inability to Fly&bull Chronic sicknessAn organic and natural pellet parrot meals can lengthen the life of your parrot by many a long time. Really, it can triple your parrot's lifespan. Why? Due to the fact it delivers one hundred% diet with no the pointless extras like excess fat, sugar and chemical substances.Organic Is Less difficult to Get Than Ever before BeforeA handful of years in the past, organic parrot food was up comi ng to unattainable to locate. It was also extremely high-priced, not to point out the shipping expense was exorbitant. That's not the case anymore. Much more individuals are mindful of the benefits making it simpler to locate.If you want to provide your parrot the best you can probably supply, organic parrot meals is the way to go. It's 100% very good for your bird and allows you give them the daily life, enjoy and health they should have.When youngsters listen to about parrots, the initial issue that arrives to head is that this bird is normally on the shoulder of a pirate and it can chat.However this creature has a habit of seeking and consuming a cracker, studies have revealed that this spectacular and colorful animal needs far more than that in buy to maintain a wholesome diet regime.By adhering to these straightforward suggestions, the person can discover other issues, which are also vital to the parrot's diet regime.one. Parrots really should have also have some greens , cooked meats and grains just like humans. This is since these creatures need to have the very same nutrients that people get from consuming this sort of create.2. A healthy diet plan also signifies giving the parrot the correct portions in every meal. If the proprietor presents far too a lot, this ought to be reduced. This will consider some time to get it proper so the specific ought to just monitor the volume every time this is given to the animal.3. Parrots get ill quite easily. If there is extra foods in the plate, this need to be removed because this gets to be the breeding ground for bacteria and molds.4. Apart from foods, the parrot ought to also be offered a fresh supply of h2o daily. This will avoid generating the bird dehydrated, which can also trigger it to get sick.5. A lot of men and women see pet owners providing seeds and nuts regularly to the parrot. Research have shown this really should be done sparingly simply because it does not present that a lot vitam ins, which are necessary for the bird's diet program.six. However parrots may possibly take in practically nearly anything that humans consume, these adhering to need to never ever be given.

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2012年6月10日 星期日

Does my parrot need a companion? - Other

This is a question I have seen asked many, many times.In this day and age where we are all so busy, many people have no option but to leave their parrot at home for extended periods of time in order to go to work.It is easy to feel guilty about not spending enough time with your companion, but please consider the following points before you reach a decision on whether or not to get another bird as company for your own.Hook bills and flat bills must never be put together. A budgie for example, has no way of defending himself against the hook bill of a cockatiel. !!!!Quarantine!!!!This is an absolute necessity for bringing any bird into a home where another bird lives. In some areas, bird diseases are rife and many have no obvious symptoms. Most are airborne and the new parrot can also carry a disease dormantly which can show itself when the parrot is stressed and settling into its new home.Even purchasing a bird from the same breeder/shop does not guarantee a healthy bird.Q uarantine as a general rule, is best to be 30-90 days. During this time your new bird should be as far away as possible from your own bird. Quarantining in a small apartment with air conditioning is practically pointless, for example.Wash your hands and change your clothes between visiting each bird.Obviously, your new bird will need its own cage and set up for this. Your bird cannot share anything at all with your new bird.You must never simply put two birds together in the same cage - even after quarantine. It can and has been, fatal.Watch the new bird very carefully for any odd behaviours, abnormal droppings or obvious signs of ill health. It goes without saying that a new bird should go straight to an avian vet before you bring him home!So quarantine is over and your new bird has a clean bill of health - what now?Start introductions very slowly. Cages may be in the same room but never force any interaction between your birds. Choosing a friend or mate is a choice for a b ird, not a given and as a result there have been many an odd pairing! Sun conure and african grey anyone?!By watching your birds body language it will soon become apparent when the time is right for outside cage introductions. Again, do not force the issue.Bear in mind that your birds may not like each other and think about how you would cope. If your ultimate goal is to house them together, then this is an idea you have to dismiss and see it as a happy bonus should they decide to move in together!Double the bird is double the cost. There is of course the initial outlay for an appropriate cage, food, toys, bowls etc. Also vet bills and most of all - time. Double the play time (separate out of cage times for as long as it takes - maybe forever??), double cleaning, double the attention needed....Even birds of the same species can have totally different requirements....could you cope?It is most unfair to purchase another bird purely as company for another - even in separate cag es. The new bird will have emotional and physical needs also and you will have to take the time to bond with him just as you have your first. You are potentially adding another family member into your home and he must be treated as such. If you feel you don't have enough time for one bird, then you definitely don't have time for two!

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2012年6月9日 星期六

Feather Plucking In Parrots - Family

Feather plucking, unfortunately is a common problem among captive pet parrots. Various types, like the African Grey, Cockatoos, Macaws, and Quaker (Monk) parrots are more likely to pull at their feathers. The severity of feather plucking can range from feather picking, where the bird just breaks the feathers off resulting in a rather unkempt looking parrot; feather pulling, where the parrot pulls the feathers right out, leaving bald bits of skin exposed; and self mutilation, where the bird rips at its own flesh, resulting in bleeding sores that can quickly become infected if not looked at swiftly. Often feather picking, may develop to feather pulling and finally self mutilation, so it is advisable to check this habit as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse.


There are several factors that may cause a parrot to begin plucking at its feathers, and these can include both physical and mental stress. Physical stress can be related to an unbalanced diet, external or internal parasites, or allergic reactions to an environmental stimulus or toxin. Due to their high level of intelligence, parrots are very prone to mental stress and anxiety, and often start pulling at their feathers when they are bored, lonely, or have experienced a sudden change in surroundings or environment. Should your parrot begin plucking at his feathers, it is advisable to take him for a veterinarian examination as soon as possible to determine the underlying cause of feather plucking in case it is related to a health issue, such as internal or external parasites, or an infection.


It is very common for birds that are fed a diet high in sunflower seeds to suffer from a protein and vitamin A deficiency, both of which are necessary for maintaining healthy plumage and skin. As a result, the birds experience problems moulting, and consequently suffer irritation at the feather follicle, which stimulates feather pulling behaviour. A high quality, commercial pelleted diet, such as Vitakraft Parrot Premium Menu, that contains all the essential proteins, minerals, and vitamins is recommended to prevent, and cure feather plucking behaviour stemming from malnutrition.


Skin parasites are generally uncommon in pet parrots that are housed indoors, but convenient preparations, such as anti-parasite spot-on treatment, are commercially available for small, medium and large parrots to prevent external parasites such as skin mites or lice, and also combat internal parasites such as round worms.


There are many common substances that we use daily in our homes that could cause an allergic reaction, or high levels of discomfort to your parrot that would induce stress related feather plucking. Cigarette smoke, air fresheners, and cooking sprays are all toxic to parrots and may cause high levels of distress.

Boredom & Loneliness

Parrots are very intelligent, sociable by nature, and highly active birds. If they lack stimulation or companionship, they may become bored and lonely, resulting in feather plucking behaviour. Provide your parrot with a variety of toys, ranging from toys that are mentally stimulating, such as shakers, food balls, and puzzles; to those that provide physical exercise, such as swings, ropes and ladders. Spend quality time with your parrot, providing interaction and companionship. If your parrot has to spend the day alone whilst you are at work, it would be kinder to consider getting an avian companion for him to communicate with in your absence to prevent loneliness and depression setting in.

Prevention & Cure

Feather plucking can be prevented, and usually cured, by providing your parrot with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, a healthy diet, a healthy environment, and lots of love and attention. Those are the ingredients for a happy, healthy parrot.

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2012年6月8日 星期五

The Yellow Amazon Parrot - Family - Pets

When people refer to the Yellow parrot they are actually talking about any one of three varieties, the Yellow-headed Amazon, the Double Yellow-headed Amazon and the Yellow-naped Amazon. To complicate things a little further there are also a variety of subspecies that should be included in this group, such as the Magna (or Magnum) Yellow-headed Amazon which can be differentiated by the fact the it is more predominantly yellow in color than it's close cousins and as such attracts a premium in cost as a pet.

The plumage of the Yellow Amazon parrot is strikingly beautiful although slightly different for each different variety. They share a vibrant green body and tail feathers but the differences occur in the placement and location of the yellow colorations. The Yellow-headed Amazon has a yellow head, the Yellow-naped Amazon has a yellow chest and neck rather than the head and the Double Yellow-headed Amazon has both a yellow nape, neck and head.

The Yellow Amazon grows to between 14-17 inches in length which is 35-43cm and so is the largest of the Amazon parrots and this fact shouldn't be overlooked if you are considering one as a pet, as with most larger species of parrot they can be quite destructive, often needing replacement toys and perches which can quickly add up to quite an expense. They are at their happiest when they have room to fly and move around a lot, so if you consider owning one as a pet you should purchase a large birdcage for them as well as let them out of their cage daily.

These birds originate from the coastal regions of Mexico as well as the northerly parts of Honduras and Guatemala as well as the majority of Belize. Unfortunately due to black market demand in the pet trade as well as a significant reduction in their natural habitat size, these birds are now considered an endangered species. The import, export and trade of the Yellow Amazon is now illegal, although captive birds can owned and sold legally subject regulatory adherence. All of this means that they are quite expensive to buy as a pet and will cost anywhere upwards of $800 to $1500+ depending on sub species, remember I mentioned that the Magna Yellow-headed Amazon fetched a premium due to its rarer colorations so you would expect to pay circa $1200+.

As pets these birds are very entertaining and they are considered one of the most accomplished talkers amongst parrots, using a large vocabulary and pronouncing extremely well, in fact they are probably only bested by the African Grey parrot when it comes to talking accomplishment.

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2012年6月7日 星期四

All the Secrets of the Eclectus Parrot - Family - Pets

The Eclectus parrot is rivaled as one of the most brilliant parrots. Both male and female are full of beautiful colors from red contrasted by and almost electric blue to green contrasted by bright yellow. These colors make them among the most sexually dimorphistic birds. The female of the species boasts a fire engine red head with electric blue chest and a black beak where as the male is covered with a bright jade green and bright yellow beaks.

Eclectus parrots are native to Solomon Islands, New Guinea, northeastern Australia and the Maluki Islands. In New Guinea many of the people consider Eclectus parrots to be pests because there numbers are so great which leaves the people and birds competing for the same fruits and berries. Often times the people of New Guinea will shoot the parrots with sling shots and the use there feathers as decoration.

Eclectus parrots are very strong fliers, flying high above the canopies in small groups as they search for food. Just before roosting at night Eclectus parrots will perform in display flights, almost like dancing in the air.

Eclectus parrots have two distinctive calls they use. One is used during flight and is a more screech like call that is repeated several times. The other is used during feeding and is more of a cry mellow call. They also have a very well established ability of speech imitation. They are able to learn a vast vocabulary that rivals the African Grey parrot, on top of that they can learn songs and love to sing.

Interesting facts about Eclectus Parrots

Feeding the Eclectus parrots fortified foods such as pellets, and breads can lead to the phenomena known as toe-tapping and wing flapping. This is because they have a longer than normal digestive tract that is very sensitive to food additives. This may become a problem in Eclectus parrots kept as pets.

The eclectus parrot, like all parrots, eats fruits, seeds, and nuts but there favorite fruit is the pomegranate. The pomegranate is an almost peach looking fruit that is filled with seeds held together by a fleshy white meat. The pomegranate is a seasonal fruit and is only available for a very limited amount of time making it difficult for Eclectus parrot owners to acquire, however Eclectus parrots are very partial to corn which is almost always readily available. It is thought that they enjoy corn so much because of its bright yellow color and that corn can be an interesting food to peel.

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2012年6月6日 星期三

How Long Does it Take to Train a Parrot to Talk? Train Your Parrot to Talk - Hobbies

Every parrot owner who wishes to see their bird talking the next morning asks the same question: how long does it take to train a parrot to talk? This inquiry can be answered easily if you know the factors that affect the ability of a bird to mimic sounds or talk.

To get a parrot talking, it's highly preferable to buy young and hand-raised feathered specie ranging from three to six months. It's essential to keep in mind that older birds do not learn as effortless and as fast that the young ones since they have already predetermined sounds in their minds. If the bird you are planning to train is an adult already, you need to have a lot of staying power, patience, and persistence to get it talking.Although parrots are known as talking birds, the aptitude of your bird to imitate the spoken words of human hugely depends on the parrot species that you have, the attitude of your pet, the strategies and techniques you're going to utilize and how you particularly tame your pet. The training should start by taming your parrot and building its trust in you as his trainer before you can be successful in asking it to talk. You will notice if your pet is ready to be taught how to utter words if it's relaxed and confident in your presence.

One of the most efficient talking birds is known as the African Grey parrots. They are easy to teach and very proficient in their actions. The different types of parrots and their various tonal pronunciation and qualities are some of the factors to recognize how long does it take to train a parrot to talk.

As you broaden the vocabulary of your pet parrot as well as its tonal quality, it will grant you the companionship and joy you will never experience with non-talking birds. Note that parrots can retain information of more words and phrases because of their strong memory than other flying species.Begin the training session each morning prior to taking its cage cover off. It's vital that you reiterate a phrase or words several times like making it a ritual. Birds will contemplate more sounds in the dark and will attempt to act in response to what you say by repeating what it hears. Perform this process several times in a day, particularly right after you feed it or when you grant it a tidbit.

When your parrot gets accustomed to the sound that you use to make it responds, it will speak the same phrase to call your attention if you are not anywhere near it or when it needs attention or it is very hungry. Once you hear it, you should answer back with similar sound as an affirmation, but don't go near the cage. Knowing how long does it take to train a parrot to talk is highly influenced by your perseverance in teaching your pet. If you work during weekdays, you can use a recording to train your pet to mimic sounds and talk.

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2012年6月5日 星期二

Yellow Headed Amazon Parrots - Home

Originally from the coastal regions of Mexico the Yellow headed Amazon parrots have turn out to be well-liked pets partly because of their appealing markings. These birds are predominantly green with a striking yellow head and a red patch on every wing. They may also be found south of Mexico in Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. Even though they prefer habitats like tropical or subtropical forests, savannahs, mangrove swamps, or cultivated land where trees are available for nesting, Yellow headed Amazon parrots are now regarded as rare and on the endangered list because of poaching and illegal trade and due to deforestation resulting in the loss of their nesting habitat.

Captive bred Yellow headed Amazons are widely obtainable as pets but can be somewhat costly. They are an extremely common parrot species to own because of their vocal abilities. They are a close second to the African Grey parrot which is considered the very best talker within the parrot world. Although all Amazons are capable of talking not all do. Their talking capability varies with each and every bird. Some birds are excellent talkers although other may never talk. Yellow headed Amazon parrots are very intelligent, funny, and active birds. They like to obtain attention and do so by at times being loud and playful. They are said to be the loudest of all of the Amazon parrots. But, it is feasible to replace screeching with human speech having a little bit of training. Because Yellow headed Amazon parrots are active they thrive in an environment that enables them to fly and move around. An aviary is a superb enclosure but they may also adjust to indoor cages so long as suf ficient every day physical exercise is offered by their owner. These parrots are also effortlessly tamed and trained. But, like most big parrot species, Yellow headed Amazons can be destructive. Owners need to provide their birds with a lot of chewing toys and braches.

These parrots can grow to the average length of fifteen inches though females are slightly smaller then males. Yellow headed Amazon parrots have a stout, hooked beak which is not just used for cracking the tough shells of seeds and nuts but also for grasping, exploring, and climbing. They also use their feet to climb and it is virtually like an additional hand for them. Amazons have two toes pointing forwards and two toes pointing backwards which make them ideal for grasping. They are going to use their feet to hold food whilst consuming.

Inside the wild Yellow headed Amazons eat a variety of fruits, berries, nuts, blossoms, and leaf buds. They have also been identified to raid agricultural crops like maize. When living in a home environment with an owner these birds appreciate vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, berries, and pellet food. Like all parrots nutrition is very crucial to their health and their lives.

When considering having one of these gorgeous birds as a pet, owners should think about the longevity of their commitment. Yellow headed Amazon parrots can live to be sixty to eighty years old. Though no pet is ideal, these parrots are certain to give their owners hours of entertainment and pleasure.

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2012年6月4日 星期一

All About Senegal Parrots - Family - Pets

According to parrot experts, the Senegal parrot one of the best-known members of the entire Poicephalus family for having compact and cuddly physical traits and a very playful attitude. Frequently seen in pet shops around the United States and Europe, Senegal parrots originated from the north central part of Africa.

Unlike other parrot species, parrots posses an entirely different nature which are extremely playful, gentle and sweet in temperament that is perfect for its charming personality, cleverness, clear speech, and manageable behavior. They are also quieter but are good talkers if taught and trained properly. Since they possess much tamer nature, are known to be less demanding especially if they are given daily attention and interaction.


Senegal parrots are the most commonly kept Poicephalus birds there are. Identified for being a green bird with a gray head, Senegal parrots are famous for sporting different colored under parts, either its belly or vest with a bright yellow iris.

Senegal parrots can be divided into three sub-species that can easily be characterized by the color of their bellies as well as by their following names that include Poicephalus senegalus senegalus hailing from Southern Mauritania, southern Mali to Guinea and from the Island of Los, these are known as the nominate race and has a yellow belly; Poicephalus senegalus versteri originates from the Ivory Coast and Ghana east to western Nigeria and has red belly; and Poicephalus senegalus mesotypus coming from Eastern and North- eastern Nigeria, northern Cameroon into south-western Chad and has an orange belly.

These parrots live in moist woodlands and on the edges of the grasslands. They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and grains particularly the seed of locust beans and newly formed buds of a various trees.

A Senegal parrot's diet should consist of a good quality seed mixture of nuts, seeds, lean meat, biscuits, fruits, and vegetables--either raw or cooked. Vitamin and mineral supplements are also given to meet the nutritional need of the parrot.

Hand reared Senegal parrots are the most suitable pets because they are small enough to handle and can be placed in a medium sized parrot cage. These should be kept in cages or aviaries where they can eat and sleep. Preferably, Senegal parrots should be housed in relatively small cages manufactured for "small birds" and should be provided with lots of toys, T-stands and swings.

Senegal parrots are not as great talkers like the African Grey parrots but have the ability to learn a vocabulary depending on the owner's patience to teach. Senegals can be bought from $149 to $500.

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