2012年6月17日 星期日

Selecting the Right Parrot - Family - Pets

There are hundreds of different types of parrot. Parrot care and habits will vary depending on the species and their particular quirks. Before you bring home any bird you are going to need to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to care for and house your new friend. Remember, that there are parrots that can live for over sixty years, and if you want to offer the best care to your bird you have to know what you are getting into.

Parrots have special needs, and you must consider these needs in relation to your lifestyle. Listed below are a few of the essential things that you have to consider if you want to buy the right bird for your home.

How many people are in the family and what other pets are in the household? There are a number of species of birds that tend to bond with one person. You may want to avoid these birds if you have children. Although, as a general rule, birds are not aggressive unless threatened they may prefer certain people in the home. Parrots can get along with other animals provided you know how to conduct careful introductions. Additionally, you will have to learn about feeding and housing requirements to ensure that harmony in the home is maintained.

Birds fly. Are you prepared for this? Do you want to have a bird that is allowed to fly around your home freely? If you want the bird to stay in his cage and be grounded, how are you going to clip the bird? Do you know how to trim a bird's wings? Aside from keeping the bird grounded are you aware of the other reasons why you may have to trim bird's feathers? If you are not prepared to do this procedure, is there a place where you can take the bird and have it done professionally?

Does the local vet treat birds? Parrots are wonderful creatures but they do have a number of health problems, and you have to be prepared for this. Talk to a local vet and find out if they treat birds. Not all veterinarians are capable of handing the illnesses that may affect a parrot. Parrot feather plucking is a condition that affects many birds. Salmonella is another concern you may be faced with. Although, not common, birds can and do get this bacterium. However, it seems to manifest more often in homes that have reptiles in close proximity to the bird.

Parrots have very specific dietary needs. You are going to have to ensure that you know exactly what kind of food your bird needs to stay healthy. It is not just a matter of buying a large bag of bird seed and giving the animal a handful every now and then.

Parrots can be noisy. One of the things that attracts individuals to parrots is their ability to talk. This can be a fun thing for you to teach your bird, but it can be extremely annoying and disruptive if you are watching TV or trying to sleep. You should be aware that birds can be loud. If you live in an apartment, you do not want to have a bird that is going to screech all day while you are at work.

Proper parrot care is going to require that you understand and perform a number of grooming rituals. Birds in captivity may need to have their nails clipped. This can be done at home, but you are going to have to learn the best technique to ensure that you do it correctly. You are also going to need to know how and when to bath a bird. Regular bathing for parrots is essential. Birds that do not get the chance to bath regularly will develop skin problems, which can lead to feather plucking and other serious conditions. Misting a bird is recommended for parrots to help them stay as clean as possible.

Pet stores often have a wide variety of birds and parrots for you to choose from. To ensure that you and the parrot will lead and long and happy life together, you need to know proper parrot care and which of the many types of parrots will be best for you and your family. If you do not know the difference between a Black Headed Parrot and a Cockatoo, you had best get studying.

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