2012年6月1日 星期五

Some Interesting Parrot Facts - Family - Pets

If you plan to have a parrot as your pet, then it is important that you are aware of some interesting parrot facts. These beautiful looking birds, which are found in the tropical and sub-tropical countries, are very interesting. Here are some of these interesting facts about parrots.

To start with, it has to be mentioned that there are as many as 350 species of parrots around the world. These parrots vary in size, color and looks. So, you will find small cockatoos to big macaws. These birds come in various colors, the green colored parrot being the most prominent one. The red colored macaw which is quite rare looks extremely gorgeous.

The next thing that is very interesting to note is that the parrots have the ability to talk. There are several different species that show different levels of competence when it comes to talking. The African Grey parrot can easily pick up a word or a phrase without any formal training. These parrots can quickly learn up to 100 words and phrases and use them in right context. Then there are the Quaker parrots which are great mimickers. They can produce almost exact sounds of a cat, an alarm beep or even like a pressure cooker's whistle.

Parrots are perhaps the easiest of creatures to train. In fact, they are born entertainers. They enjoy dancing, singing or perhaps anything that gives them the lime light. Parrots want your attention and many times get offended when they feel ignored.

It is not just the humans that have mood swings. Our favorite birds, parrots too have mood swings and temperaments. As a matter of fact, parrots are known for their erratic behavior. Some of them are highly social and get along very well with even your friends. However, there are also those parrots who may be extremely introverts.

Parrots live for long with 80 years being their average life span. Hence, when you want to give away your pet parrot when you grow old, it is important that your pet parrot is properly introduced to its new owner. Parrots usually bond only with a single person and there have been cases when parrots go in to depression on the death of their owners.

A parrot of any specie can be easily recognized due to its bright colors. Parrot is also the only bird which has a curved beak that enables it to crack nuts. Parrots have four toes on each foot. They help them in climbing trees or branches. Apart from those mentioned here, there are many other parrot facts that you have to be aware of if you plan to own a parrot.

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