2012年6月28日 星期四

Looking After Your Pet Parrot - Hobbies

Parrots are endearing and colorful pets, but they do require much attention from you; if you think of them as perpetual five-year-old children, that will give you some idea of the complexity of their needs.

The decision to introduce a parrot into a home is a major one. You must provide the food, care and attention that the bird needs, not regard it as an occasional amusement.

If your reason for keeping a parrot is to have a talking bird, an African Grey or an Amazon parrot is a good choice. Other parrots could be regarded as better companions such as Macaws and Cockatoos. On the other hand, a budgerigar is smaller, easier to amuse and a lot less messy. What is more, a pet budgerigar in a smaller cage may easily be handed over to a bird-sitter when you go away!

Whichever species you choose, you will need to feed your Parrot the correct diet. While budgies eat smaller seed, softer fruit such as apple or pear and soft salad items in preference to harder items, Macaws will eat pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds,hazelnut, brazil, almond and walnut kernels, cereals and dried fruit too.

Cages for sedentary birds should be adequate for changes of position and height; no cage is large enough for the Macaw! All Parrots need time out of their cages to fly and walk around; if this is permitted at frequent intervals they will be happier when caged.

Parrots need company; they like to investigate and interact with people. They need toys to play with too; try to provide safe items such as cardboard tubes, hemp ropes, plastic tubs and fabric pockets to explore, unravel or investigate for small food rewards, just as they would forage in the wild. If you must leave your Parrot on his own for a while, a radio playing music in the background is better than being alone in silence.

For the complete guide to the care, feeding, training and welfare of your pet parrot, visit Ultimate Parrot Care Guide

The Ultimate Parrot Care Guide covers parrot behavior, with information which includes selecting, feeding, and taming a parrot. Provide your Parrot with the right care for a rewarding lifetime experience!

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