2013年1月6日 星期日

Teaching a Parrot to Talk - Family - Pets

What fascinates humans about parrots is their ability to communicate with them. Parrots can sometimes become annoying with their screaming but this only happens when they are agitated. Parrots are very intelligent creatures with the ability to perfect the mimicking art. Teaching a parrot to talk is a process that requires patience as it may take longer than expected. It is even advisable to buy them without the notion of a talking genius in mind. This way, people will keep frustrations at bay as well as the risk of abandoning the poor bird.The environment in which a parrot may learn to talk is where it spends much time with humans only. This way, it will get used to routine and end up picking the sounds and words that people utter. Other talking parrots are a positive influence on the parrot and it may soon learn to talk through imitating its mates. A parrot will also learn to talk faster if it belongs to a species that is known to talk. Talking parrots include burgies, th e African parrot, and parakeets.For a parrot to pick voices fast, it is advisable to keep him in the kitchen where family members are known to congregate and talk over meals. Parrots love airy places full of light, food, and color and the kitchen makes a conducive school for it. The more familiar a parrot is with its surrounding the faster it will be for it to learn how to talk. Helping the parrot overcome its shyness is a great step and this involves keeping off until it is confident enough. Bold parrots are supposed to be given lots of attention, as they are receptive from the start.The ideal age to start giving the parrot talking lessons is between 4 and 6 months. It is advisable to star with simple words such as 'good morning'. This must happen repeatedly for it to stick in the parrot's memory. Patience is epitome since some are slow and may take a long time before they can utter a sound. It is important to have the parrot close to the mouth during these lessons to ensur e its attentiveness. Other favorable words include names of family members as well as expressions such as 'thank you', 'goodbye,' and 'good day' among others.Parrots love excitement and if they pick it in your voice, they will definitely be happy to repeat words after you. For the parrot to associate an action with a word, it is important to utter the word while performing the action. In instances where the parrot mimics you successfully, rewards are in order, as they require motivation. Teaching a parrot to talk may also involve playing recorded phrases for them repeatedly. They hate monotony and the longest these phrases should run is 15 minutes. The diet also counts when it comes to teaching a parrot how to talk. Parrots that feed on pellets are better performers overall. To wean them out of the usual seed diet, it is advisable to mix the pellets with the seeds.

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