2013年1月29日 星期二

You And Your Parrot Can Have Fun With Parrot Tricks - Family - Pets

Copyright (c) 2010 Kaye Dennan

Parrots are very intelligent birds and if they know lots of tricks they can keep themselves occupied when the owner is not around to play games with them. This is why they are so popular as a pet. It is so much fun seeing the result of all your parrot training as the parrot shows off his new tricks.

Parrot tricks are great for your pet parrot because if the owner is not around they can become quite lonely and bored which is not good for their health. They are flock birds and if they do not have a companion in the cage with them then they need to be taught tricks so that they do not become upset and unwell. A happy parrot is a good companion.

Here is something that can be taught to a pet parrot.

One of the first tricks to teach a parrot is to "step up". This is simply getting the parrot to step onto your finger (or arm if it is a larger bird). Extend your finger in front of the parrot's feet and ask it to "step up". Repeat this command several times in a calm, soothing voice so as not to frighten the bird. If necessary, hold some food in front of the bird, out of reach so that it will move forward. Once the bird has done what is expected of it, give it a treat.

Getting the parrot to "turn around" is another trick that can be learnt quite quickly. The idea is to get the parrot to do a full turn on the perch. To start this trick, hold a piece of food to the side of the parrot so that it has to turn its head. Ask it to "turn around" and as it reaches for the food move it behind the bird so that it turns completely around on the perch. Once it has turned around, give it a treat.

Over time your parrot will gain more confidence and he will do all sorts of tricks of his own. The tricks that they get up to will depend on the type of toys that you give them. They have really inquisitive minds and like small children, they will find things to do with new toys.

Teaching a parrot to talk.

One of the very important steps when teaching a parrot to talk is to talk loudly clearly. Each syllable needs clear pronunciation so that the parrot can hear and be able to mimic the sounds.

It is best to teach the parrot only a few words at a time otherwise they will get confused, and also it is best if there is only one teacher. This way the parrot gets used to the vocal sounds and is not confused by the different accents and voice tone.

Regardless whether you are teaching your parrot tricks or to talk, the parrot will absolutely love the interaction and all the attention. You can bet that all that praise you give him will not be lost and he will just love it.

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