2013年3月13日 星期三

Learn More About Your Parrot's Health - Hobbies

Your parrots health depends on many factors and it is important for one to understand what are the factors that may affect a parrots health because a parrot can live a very long time.

First and foremost, it is essential to maintain the general cleanliness where the cages and aviaries must be cleaned thoroughly at least once a week. Loose seeds, floor litter, birds droppings should be removed daily and all feeder pots well cleaned. Dont forget to wash your hands after handling a bird and all the cleaning activities.

Once in a while, look out for parasites such as lice and mites which are the result of unhygienic housing. These red mites live in crevices and nest boxes and they usually appear at night to feed on the blood of birds. Treat with an aerosol (available from your pet store) to eradicate the pests and kill off the unhatched eggs.One symptom to watch out for is the way how the bird is resting. Birds normally rest on one leg, with their heads tucked back and feathers fluffed. If you notice they are resting on both legs, it could mean that they are not feeling so well.

Next, your parrots health can be indicated by its droppings. The feces should be quite viscous if they are given the correct amount of fruits and vegetables (fiber) and this is a good sign. However, wet feces may indicate a problem or signs of diarrhea. In this case, you need to reduce the amount of greenfood but maintain the supply of water. However, if this symptom persists, isolate the bird and take a sample of the feces to your vet for examination.

Another important sign of your parrots health is its color. If there is any change or off color, it should be immediately isolated from other stock and relocated to another cage with a higher temperature about 30 deg.C (or 85 deg.F). In most cases, providing extra heat may resolve many minor disorders. An infrared lamp can be placed at one end of the cage so that the bird can adjust itself to move closer or away from it to suit itself. This will make the bird gets thirsty and drinks more water.

Remember to continue feeding your parrot in its normal food quantity. This is important because small birds may die overnight of starvation and large ones may not last more than two to three days. Give additional supplements, fruits and minerals in the diet which contain vitamin content if the bird refuses to eat its normal rations. Avoid giving fouled food at all times.

Watch for any cuts and wounds which usually arise from a flight getting caught on a wire or sharp objects. Quickly apply a styptic pencil or alum solution. Unless it is of a serious cut or wound, most should heal quickly. Take it to the vet if the cuts or wounds do not heal after a few days or if they are of a serious nature.

Check to see if there is any fungus mold growing inside the parrots mouth which is called moniliases indicating a lack of vitamin A. In this case, grab one of those multivitamins from your pet shop.If an adult bird is seen plucking the feather of young chicks frequently or consistently, this is usually the sign of boredom or a diet deficiency. In the case of a bored bird, the best solution is to give the bird larger accommodation space in which to exercise itself. Sometimes, a change in aviary itself and surroundings may cure the problem or generally improve your parrots health.

And remember a bird that is not eating is sick but a bird that is not drinking is even sicker. And just like all of us, birds need daily care too!

I hope you find these simple tips about your parrots health useful.

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